{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax
           , NoImplicitPrelude
           , RankNTypes
           , ScopedTypeVariables
           , CPP

-- |
-- Module      :  Foreign.Marshal.Alloc.Region
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2010 Bas van Dijk
-- License     :  BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas@gmail.com>

module Foreign.Marshal.Alloc.Region
    ( -- * Local allocation
    , allocaBytes

      -- * Dynamic allocation
    , malloc
    , mallocBytes

      -- | /TODO:/ Define and export: @realloc@ and @reallocBytes@.
    ) where

-- Imports

-- from base:
import Prelude                    ( undefined )
import Data.Function              ( ($) )
import Data.Int                   ( Int )
import Foreign.Storable           ( Storable, sizeOf )

#ifdef __HADDOCK__
import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Alloc as FMA ( alloca, allocaBytes
                                              , malloc, mallocBytes

-- from base-unicode-symbols:
import Data.Function.Unicode      ( () )

-- from MonadCatchIO-transformers:
import Control.Monad.CatchIO      ( MonadCatchIO )

-- from regions:
import Control.Monad.Trans.Region ( RegionT, open, with )

-- from ourselves:
import Foreign.Ptr.Region         ( Memory(Memory), RegionalPtr )

-- * Local allocation

{-| Convenience function which allocates sufficient memory to hold values of
type @&#945;@, applies the given continuation function to the resulting regional
pointer and runs the resulting region.

This should provide a safer replacement for:

Note that: @alloca = 'allocaBytes' $ 'sizeOf' (undefined :: &#945;)@
alloca   α pr β. (Storable α, MonadCatchIO pr)
        ( s. RegionalPtr α (RegionT s pr)  RegionT s pr β)
        pr β
alloca = allocaBytes $ sizeOf (undefined  α)

{-| Convenience function which allocates the given number of bytes, applies the
given continuation function to the resulting regional pointer and runs the
resulting region.

This should provide a safer replacement for:

Note that: @allocaBytes = 'with' . 'Memory'@
allocaBytes   α pr β. MonadCatchIO pr
             ( s. RegionalPtr α (RegionT s pr)  RegionT s pr β)
             pr β
allocaBytes = with  Memory

-- * Dynamic allocation

{-| Convenience function which allocates sufficient memory to hold values of
type @&#945;@ and returns a regional pointer to them.

This should provide a safer replacement for:

Note that: @malloc = 'mallocBytes' $ 'sizeOf' (undefined :: &#945;)@
malloc   α pr s. (Storable α, MonadCatchIO pr)
        RegionT s pr (RegionalPtr α (RegionT s pr))
malloc = mallocBytes $ sizeOf (undefined  α)

{-| Convenience function which allocates the given number of bytes and returns a
regional pointer to them.

This should provide a safer replacement for:

Note that: @mallocBytes = 'open' . 'Memory'@
mallocBytes  MonadCatchIO pr
             RegionT s pr (RegionalPtr α (RegionT s pr))
mallocBytes = open  Memory

-- TODO:
-- realloc ∷ (Storable β, pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
--         ⇒ RegionalPtr α pr → cr (RegionalPtr β pr)
-- realloc = ...
-- reallocBytes ∷ (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
--              ⇒ RegionalPtr α pr → Int → cr (RegionalPtr α pr)
-- reallocBytes = ...

-- The End ---------------------------------------------------------------------