{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, NoImplicitPrelude #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Foreign.Ptr.Region
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2010 Bas van Dijk
-- License     :  BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas@gmail.com>

module Foreign.Ptr.Region
    ( -- * Regional pointers

    , nullPtr

      {-| Note that this module re-exports the @Control.Monad.Trans.Region@
      module from the @regions@ package which allows you to:

      * Run a region using 'runRegionT'.

      * Concurrently run a region inside another region using 'forkIOTopRegion'.

      * Duplicate a 'RegionalPtr' to a parent region using 'dup'.
    , module Control.Monad.Trans.Region

      -- *  Pure functions on regional pointers
    , mapRegionalPtr

    , castPtr
    , plusPtr
    , alignPtr
    , minusPtr
    ) where

-- Imports

-- from base:
import Data.Int ( Int )

import           Foreign.Ptr       ( Ptr )
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as FP ( nullPtr
                                   , castPtr, plusPtr, alignPtr, minusPtr
-- from regions:
import Control.Monad.Trans.Region -- (re-exported entirely)

-- from ourselves:
import Foreign.Ptr.Region.Internal ( RegionalPtr(RegionalPtr) )
import Foreign.Ptr.Region.Unsafe   ( unsafePureRegionalPtr, unsafePtr )

-- * Regional pointers

-- | The constant @nullPtr@ contains a distinguished value of 'RegionalPtr'
-- that is not associated with a valid memory location.
-- Note that @nullPtr@ is a pure value. This means it does not perform the
-- side-effect of registering a finalizer like @free nullPtr@
-- in the 'RegionT' monad.
-- Finally note that the region parameter of the 'RegionalPtr' is set to
-- 'RootRegion' which is the ancestor of any region. This allows 'nullPtr' to be
-- used in any region.
nullPtr  RegionalPtr α RootRegion
nullPtr = unsafePureRegionalPtr FP.nullPtr

-- * Pure functions on regional pointers

-- | Apply a /pure/ function to the inner pointer of a regional pointer.
mapRegionalPtr  (Ptr α  Ptr β)  (RegionalPtr α r  RegionalPtr β r)
mapRegionalPtr f = \(RegionalPtr ptr ch)  RegionalPtr (f ptr) ch

-- | The @castPtr@ function casts a pointer from one type to another.
-- Wraps: @Foreign.Ptr.@'FP.castPtr'
castPtr  RegionalPtr α r  RegionalPtr β r
castPtr = mapRegionalPtr FP.castPtr

-- | Advances the given address by the given offset in bytes.
-- Wraps: @Foreign.Ptr.@'FP.plusPtr'
plusPtr  RegionalPtr α r  Int  RegionalPtr β r
plusPtr rPtr n = mapRegionalPtr (\ptr  FP.plusPtr ptr n) rPtr

-- | Given an arbitrary address and an alignment constraint, @alignPtr@ yields
-- the next higher address that fulfills the alignment constraint. An alignment
-- constraint @x@ is fulfilled by any address divisible by @x@.  This operation
-- is idempotent.
-- Wraps: @Foreign.Ptr.@'FP.alignPtr'
alignPtr  RegionalPtr α r  Int  RegionalPtr α r
alignPtr rPtr n = mapRegionalPtr (\ptr  FP.alignPtr ptr n) rPtr

-- | Computes the offset required to get from the second to the first
-- argument. We have
-- > p2 == p1 `plusPtr` (p2 `minusPtr` p1)
-- Wraps: @Foreign.Ptr.@'FP.minusPtr'
minusPtr  RegionalPtr α r1  RegionalPtr β r2  Int
minusPtr rPtr1 rPtr2 = FP.minusPtr (unsafePtr rPtr1) (unsafePtr rPtr2)

-- The End ---------------------------------------------------------------------