{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Generics.Regular.Views
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2010 Chris Eidhof
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  chris@eidhof.nl
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Generic generation of 'JSON' values. Note that the generic
-- functions are only defined for record datatypes that contain
-- a single constructor.
-- The code that is generated by 'gto' should be parseable by 'gfrom'.
module Generics.Regular.JSON (gfrom, gto, GJSON) where

import Text.JSON
import Generics.Regular
import Generics.Regular.Extras
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List (unionBy)

-- | The function 'gfrom' tries to parse a 'JSValue'. The 'Result' datatype is used for error-messages if parsing fails.
gfrom :: (Regular a, GJSON (PF a)) => JSValue -> Result a
gfrom = fmap to . gfrom'

-- | The function 'gto' generates a 'JSValue' for all types that are an instance of 'GJSON'.
gto :: (Regular a, GJSON (PF a)) => a -> JSValue
gto = gto' . from

-- | This class is used for both generation and parsing of 'JSON'.
class GJSON f where
  gto'   :: f a -> JSValue
  gfrom' :: JSValue -> Result (f a)

instance GJSON U where
  gto'   U = JSNull
  gfrom' JSNull = Ok U
  gfrom' _      = Error "could not parse U"

instance JSON a => GJSON (K a) where
  gto' (K x) = showJSON x
  gfrom' x = K <$> readJSON x

instance (GJSON (S s f), GJSON g) => GJSON ((S s f) :*: g) where
  gto' (a :*: b) = merge (gto' a) (gto' b)
  gfrom' x       = do (:*:) <$> gfrom' x <*> gfrom' x

instance (Selector s, GJSON f) => GJSON (S s f) where
  gto' s@(S x) = JSObject $ toJSObject [(humanReadable $ selName s, gto' x)]
  gfrom' (JSObject obj) = let s = humanReadable $ selName (undefined :: S s f x) 
                         in case valFromObj s obj of
                                 Ok x    -> S <$> gfrom' x
                                 Error e -> Error e
  gfrom' x              = Error $ "Expected json object, got " ++ show x

instance GJSON f => GJSON (C c f) where
  gto' (C x) = gto' x
  gfrom' x   = C <$> gfrom' x

merge :: JSValue -> JSValue -> JSValue
merge (JSObject l) (JSObject r) = JSObject (toJSObject $ mergeList (fromJSObject l) (fromJSObject r))
merge _            _            = error "Cannot merge objects."

mergeList :: [(String, JSValue)] -> [(String, JSValue)] -> [(String, JSValue)]
mergeList = unionBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y)