regular-xmlpickler-0.1: Generic generation of HXT XmlPickler instances using Regular.Source codeContentsIndex
MaintainertypLAB <>
Generic XmlPickler. Use this module if you don't want the instances from Generics.Regular.XmlPickler.Instances.
gxpickle :: (Regular a, GXmlPickler (PF a)) => PU a
class GXmlPickler f where
gxpicklef :: PU a -> PU (f a)
gxpickle :: (Regular a, GXmlPickler (PF a)) => PU aSource
The generic pickler. Uses a tag for each constructor with the lower case constructor name, and a tag for each record field with the lower case field name. Most values are pickled using their own XmlPickler instance, and Strings are pickled as possibly empty text nodes.
class GXmlPickler f whereSource
The generic XmlPickler class. This gives generic xml picklers for the functors from Generics.Regular. These are usually not used directly.
gxpicklef :: PU a -> PU (f a)Source
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