{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Database.Relational.Query.SQL
-- Copyright   : 2013 Kei Hibino
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : ex8k.hibino@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- This module defines functions to generate simple SQL strings.
module Database.Relational.Query.SQL (
  -- * Query suffix
  QuerySuffix, showsQuerySuffix,

  -- * Update SQL
  updateOtherThanKeySQL', updateOtherThanKeySQL,

  -- * Insert SQL
  insertPrefixSQL, insertSQL, insertSizedChunkSQL,

  -- * Delete SQL
  deletePrefixSQL', deletePrefixSQL
  ) where

import Data.Array (listArray, (!))
import Data.Monoid (mconcat, (<>))

import Language.SQL.Keyword (Keyword(..), (.=.), (|*|))
import qualified Language.SQL.Keyword as SQL

import Database.Record.ToSql (untypedUpdateValuesIndex)

import Database.Relational.Query.Internal.SQL (StringSQL, stringSQL, showStringSQL, rowConsStringSQL)
import Database.Relational.Query.Pi (Pi)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Pi.Unsafe as UnsafePi
import Database.Relational.Query.Component (ColumnSQL, showsColumnSQL, showsColumnSQL)
import Database.Relational.Query.Table (Table, name, columns)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection

-- | Type for query suffix words
type QuerySuffix = [Keyword]

-- | Expand query suffix words
showsQuerySuffix :: QuerySuffix -> StringSQL
showsQuerySuffix =  mconcat

-- | Generate prefix string of update SQL.
updatePrefixSQL :: Table r -> StringSQL
updatePrefixSQL table = UPDATE <> stringSQL (name table)

-- | Generate update SQL by specified key and table.
--   Columns name list of table are also required.
updateSQL' :: String      -- ^ Table name
           -> [ColumnSQL] -- ^ Column name list to update
           -> [ColumnSQL] -- ^ Key column name list
           -> String      -- ^ Result SQL
updateSQL' table cols key =
  showStringSQL $ mconcat
  [UPDATE, stringSQL table, SET, SQL.fold (|*|) updAssigns,
   WHERE, SQL.fold SQL.and keyAssigns]
    assigns cs = [ showsColumnSQL c .=. "?" | c <- cs ]
    updAssigns = assigns cols
    keyAssigns = assigns key

-- | Generate update SQL by specified key and table.
--   Columns name list of table are also required.
updateOtherThanKeySQL' :: String      -- ^ Table name
                       -> [ColumnSQL] -- ^ Column name list
                       -> [Int]       -- ^ Key column indexes
                       -> String      -- ^ Result SQL
updateOtherThanKeySQL' table cols ixs =
  updateSQL' table updColumns keyColumns
    width' = length cols
    cols' = listArray (0, width' -1) cols
    otherThanKey = untypedUpdateValuesIndex ixs width'
    columns' is = [ cols' ! i | i <- is ]
    updColumns = columns' otherThanKey
    keyColumns = columns' ixs

-- | Generate update SQL specified by single key.
updateOtherThanKeySQL :: Table r -- ^ Table metadata
          -> Pi r p  -- ^ Key columns
          -> String  -- ^ Result SQL
updateOtherThanKeySQL tbl key =
  updateOtherThanKeySQL' (name tbl) (columns tbl) (UnsafePi.unsafeExpandIndexes key)

-- | Generate prefix string of insert SQL.
insertPrefixSQL :: Pi r r' -> Table r -> StringSQL
insertPrefixSQL pi' table =
  INSERT <> INTO <> stringSQL (name table) <> rowConsStringSQL [showsColumnSQL c | c <- cols]  where
    cols = Projection.columns . Projection.pi (Projection.unsafeFromTable table) $ pi'

-- | Generate records chunk insert SQL.
insertChunkSQL :: Int     -- ^ Records count to insert
               -> Pi r r' -- ^ Columns selector to insert
               -> Table r -- ^ Table metadata
               -> String  -- ^ Result SQL
insertChunkSQL n0 pi' tbl = showStringSQL $ insertPrefixSQL pi' tbl <> VALUES <> vs  where
  n | n0 >= 1    =  n0
    | otherwise  =  error $ "Invalid chunk count value: " ++ show n0
  w = UnsafePi.width pi'
  vs = SQL.fold (|*|) . replicate n $ rowConsStringSQL (replicate w "?")

-- | Generate size measured records chunk insert SQL.
insertSizedChunkSQL :: Pi r r'       -- ^ Columns selector to insert
                    -> Table r       -- ^ Table metadata
                    -> Int           -- ^ Chunk size threshold (column count)
                    -> (String, Int) -- ^ Result SQL and records count of chunk
insertSizedChunkSQL pi' tbl th = (insertChunkSQL n pi' tbl, n)  where
  w = UnsafePi.width pi'
  n = th `quot` w + 1

-- | Generate insert SQL.
insertSQL :: Pi r r' -- ^ Columns selector to insert
          -> Table r -- ^ Table metadata
          -> String  -- ^ Result SQL
insertSQL =  insertChunkSQL 1

-- | Generate all column delete SQL by specified table. Untyped table version.
deletePrefixSQL' :: String -> StringSQL
deletePrefixSQL' table = DELETE <> FROM <> stringSQL table

-- | Generate all column delete SQL by specified table.
deletePrefixSQL :: Table r   -- ^ Table metadata
                -> StringSQL -- ^ Result SQL
deletePrefixSQL = deletePrefixSQL' . name