{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Database.Relational.Query.Component
-- Copyright   : 2013-2017 Kei Hibino
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : ex8k.hibino@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- This module provides untyped components for query.
module Database.Relational.Query.Component
       ( -- * Type for column SQL string

         -- deprecated interfaces
         ColumnSQL, columnSQL, columnSQL', showsColumnSQL,

         -- * Configuration type for query
         module Database.Relational.Query.Internal.Config,

         -- * Duplication attribute
         -- deprecated interfaces - import Duplication from internal module
         Duplication (..), showsDuplication,

         -- * Types for aggregation

         -- deprecated interfaces
         AggregateBitKey, AggregateSet, AggregateElem,
         aggregateColumnRef, aggregateEmpty,
         aggregatePowerKey, aggregateGroupingSet,
         aggregateRollup, aggregateCube, aggregateSets,
         composeGroupBy, composePartitionBy,
         aggregateKeyProjection, aggregateKeyElement, unsafeAggregateKey,

         -- * Types for ordering
         Order (..),

         -- deprecated interfaces
         OrderColumn, OrderingTerm, composeOrderBy,

         -- deprecated interfaces

         -- * Types for assignments
         -- deprecated interfaces
         AssignColumn, AssignTerm, Assignment, composeSets, composeValues,

         -- deprecated interfaces

         -- * Compose window clause
       ) where

import Data.Monoid ((<>))

import Language.SQL.Keyword (Keyword(..))
import qualified Language.SQL.Keyword as SQL

import Database.Relational.Query.Internal.Config
  (NameConfig (..),
   ProductUnitSupport (..), SchemaNameMode (..), IdentifierQuotation (..),
   Config (..), defaultConfig,)
import Database.Relational.Query.Internal.SQL (StringSQL)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Internal.SQL as Internal
import Database.Relational.Query.Internal.BaseSQL
  (Duplication (..), Order (..),)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Internal.BaseSQL as BaseSQL
import Database.Relational.Query.Internal.GroupingSQL (AggregateKey)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Internal.GroupingSQL as GroupingSQL

  columnSQL, columnSQL', showsColumnSQL
  "prepare to drop public interface. internally use Database.Relational.Query.Internal.SQL.*" #-}
-- | Column SQL string type
type ColumnSQL = Internal.ColumnSQL

-- | 'ColumnSQL' from string
columnSQL :: String -> ColumnSQL
columnSQL = Internal.columnSQL

-- | 'ColumnSQL' from 'StringSQL'
columnSQL' :: StringSQL -> ColumnSQL
columnSQL' = Internal.columnSQL'

-- | StringSQL from ColumnSQL
showsColumnSQL :: ColumnSQL -> StringSQL
showsColumnSQL = Internal.showsColumnSQL

    "prepare to drop public interface. internally use Database.Relational.Query.Internal.BaseSQL.showsDuplication" #-}
-- | Compose duplication attribute string.
showsDuplication :: Duplication -> StringSQL
showsDuplication = BaseSQL.showsDuplication

  AggregateBitKey, AggregateSet, AggregateElem,

  aggregateColumnRef, aggregateEmpty,
  aggregatePowerKey, aggregateGroupingSet,
  aggregateRollup, aggregateCube, aggregateSets,

  composeGroupBy, composePartitionBy,

  aggregateKeyProjection, aggregateKeyElement, unsafeAggregateKey

  "prepare to drop public interface. internally use Database.Relational.Query.Internal.GroupingSQL.*" #-}
-- | Type for group-by term
type AggregateColumnRef = GroupingSQL.AggregateColumnRef

-- | Type for group key.
type AggregateBitKey = GroupingSQL.AggregateBitKey

-- | Type for grouping set
type AggregateSet = GroupingSQL.AggregateSet

-- | Type for group-by tree
type AggregateElem = GroupingSQL.AggregateElem

-- | Single term aggregation element.
aggregateColumnRef :: AggregateColumnRef -> AggregateElem
aggregateColumnRef = GroupingSQL.aggregateColumnRef

-- | Key of aggregation power set.
aggregatePowerKey :: [AggregateColumnRef] -> AggregateBitKey
aggregatePowerKey = GroupingSQL.aggregatePowerKey

-- | Single grouping set.
aggregateGroupingSet :: [AggregateElem] -> AggregateSet
aggregateGroupingSet = GroupingSQL.aggregateGroupingSet

-- | Rollup aggregation element.
aggregateRollup :: [AggregateBitKey] -> AggregateElem
aggregateRollup = GroupingSQL.aggregateRollup

-- | Cube aggregation element.
aggregateCube :: [AggregateBitKey] -> AggregateElem
aggregateCube = GroupingSQL.aggregateCube

-- | Grouping sets aggregation.
aggregateSets :: [AggregateSet] -> AggregateElem
aggregateSets = GroupingSQL.aggregateSets

-- | Empty aggregation.
aggregateEmpty :: [AggregateElem]
aggregateEmpty = GroupingSQL.aggregateEmpty

-- | Compose GROUP BY clause from AggregateElem list.
composeGroupBy :: [AggregateElem] -> StringSQL
composeGroupBy = GroupingSQL.composeGroupBy

-- | Compose PARTITION BY clause from AggregateColumnRef list.
composePartitionBy :: [AggregateColumnRef] -> StringSQL
composePartitionBy = GroupingSQL.composePartitionBy

-- | Extract typed projection from 'AggregateKey'.
aggregateKeyProjection :: AggregateKey a -> a
aggregateKeyProjection = GroupingSQL.aggregateKeyProjection

-- | Extract untyped term from 'AggregateKey'.
aggregateKeyElement :: AggregateKey a -> AggregateElem
aggregateKeyElement = GroupingSQL.aggregateKeyElement

-- | Unsafely bind typed-projection and untyped-term into 'AggregateKey'.
unsafeAggregateKey :: (a, AggregateElem) -> AggregateKey a
unsafeAggregateKey = GroupingSQL.unsafeAggregateKey

{-# DEPRECATED OrderingTerms "use [OrderingTerm]." #-}
-- | Type for order-by terms
type OrderingTerms = [OrderingTerm]

   OrderColumn, OrderingTerm,
   "prepare to drop public interface. internally use Database.Relational.Query.Internal.BaseSQL.*" #-}
-- | Type for order-by column
type OrderColumn = BaseSQL.OrderColumn

-- | Type for order-by term
type OrderingTerm = BaseSQL.OrderingTerm

-- | Compose ORDER BY clause from OrderingTerms
composeOrderBy :: [OrderingTerm] -> StringSQL
composeOrderBy = BaseSQL.composeOrderBy

{-# DEPRECATED Assignments "use [Assignment]." #-}
-- | Assignment pair list.
type Assignments = [Assignment]

   AssignColumn, AssignTerm, Assignment,
   composeSets, composeValues
   "prepare to drop public interface. internally use Database.Relational.Query.Internal.BaseSQL.*" #-}
-- | Column SQL String of assignment
type AssignColumn = BaseSQL.AssignColumn

-- | Value SQL String of assignment
type AssignTerm   = BaseSQL.AssignTerm

-- | Assignment pair
type Assignment = BaseSQL.Assignment

-- | Compose SET clause from ['Assignment'].
composeSets :: [Assignment] -> StringSQL
composeSets = BaseSQL.composeSets

-- | Compose VALUES clause from ['Assignment'].
composeValues :: [Assignment] -> StringSQL
composeValues = BaseSQL.composeValues

{-# DEPRECATED composeOver "prepare to drop public interface." #-}
-- | Compose /OVER (PARTITION BY ... )/ clause.
composeOver :: [AggregateColumnRef] -> OrderingTerms -> StringSQL
composeOver pts ots =
  OVER <> SQL.paren (composePartitionBy pts <> composeOrderBy ots)