module Remotion.Server.Connection where import Remotion.Util.Prelude hiding (State, listen, interact) import qualified Remotion.Protocol as P import qualified Remotion.Session as S runConnection :: (MonadIO m, Applicative m, Serializable IO i, Serializable IO o) => S.Socket -> ServerIsAvailable -> Authenticate -> P.Timeout -> P.UserProtocolSignature -> ProcessUserRequest i o s -> m (Either ConnectionFailure ()) runConnection socket available authenticate timeout userVersion processRequest = runEitherT $ do do r <- lift $ (handshake available authenticate timeout userVersion) (socket, 10^6*3) hoistEither $ join . liftM (fmapL HandshakeFailure) $ fmapL SessionFailure r do r <- lift $ (interact processRequest) (socket, timeout) hoistEither $ fmapL SessionFailure r data ConnectionFailure = HandshakeFailure P.HandshakeFailure | SessionFailure S.Failure deriving (Show) -- Handshake ----------------------------- -- | -- A function, which checks the authentication data. -- If you want to provide access to anybody, use @(const $ return True)@. type Authenticate = P.Credentials -> IO Bool -- | -- type ServerIsAvailable = Bool handshake :: (MonadIO m, Applicative m) => ServerIsAvailable -> Authenticate -> P.Timeout -> P.UserProtocolSignature -> S.Session m (Either P.HandshakeFailure ()) handshake available authenticate timeout userVersion = runEitherT $ do do check (not available) $ P.ServerIsBusy do cv <- receive check (cv /= P.version) $ P.ProtocolVersionMismatch cv P.version do cv <- receive check (cv /= userVersion) $ P.UserProtocolSignatureMismatch cv userVersion do credentials <- receive ok <- liftIO $ authenticate $ credentials check (not ok) $ P.Unauthenticated do 0::Int <- receive -- A workaround for otherwise unpredictable behaviour, -- happening in case of multiple sends. send $ timeout where receive = lift $ S.receive send = lift . S.send check condition failure = do let failureM = if condition then Just $ failure else Nothing send failureM maybe (return ()) left failureM -- Interaction ----------------------------- -- | -- A function which processes requests of type @i@ from client and -- produces a response of type @o@, -- while maintaining a user-defined session state of type @s@ per each client. -- -- This function essentially is what defines what the server actually does. type ProcessUserRequest i o s = State s -> i -> IO o -- | -- A mutable state associated with particular client's connection. -- Since we're in `IO` anyway, we use a mutable state with `IORef` wrapper. -- You're free to extend it with whatever the data structure you want. type State s = IORef (Maybe s) interact :: forall i o s m. (MonadIO m, Serializable IO i, Serializable IO o, Applicative m) => ProcessUserRequest i o s -> S.Session m () interact processRequest = do state <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing let loop = do i <- catchError receive $ \e -> do case e of S.ReceiveTimeoutReached t -> send $ Left $ P.TimeoutReached t S.SendTimeoutReached t -> send $ Left $ P.TimeoutReached t S.CorruptData t -> send $ Left $ P.CorruptRequest t _ -> return () throwError e case i of P.CloseSession -> do send $ Right $ Nothing P.Keepalive -> do send $ Right $ Nothing loop P.UserRequest a -> do o <- liftIO $ processRequest state a send $ Right $ Just o loop loop where receive = S.receive :: S.Session m (P.Request i) send = S.send :: P.Response o -> S.Session m ()