{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, ExplicitForAll, FlexibleContexts #-}

module Data.Array.Repa.Operators.IndexSpace
	( reshape
	, append, (++)
	, transpose
	, extend
	, slice
	, backpermute
	, backpermuteDft)
import Data.Array.Repa.Index
import Data.Array.Repa.Slice
import Data.Array.Repa.Internals.Elt
import Data.Array.Repa.Internals.Base
import Data.Array.Repa.Operators.Traverse
import Data.Array.Repa.Shape		as S
import Prelude				hiding ((++))
import qualified Prelude		as P

stage	= "Data.Array.Repa.Operators.IndexSpace"

-- Index space transformations --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Impose a new shape on the elements of an array.
--   The new extent must be the same size as the original, else `error`.
--   TODO: This only works for arrays with a single region.
reshape	:: (Shape sh, Shape sh', Elt a)
	=> sh'
	-> Array sh a
	-> Array sh' a

{-# INLINE reshape #-}
reshape sh' arr
	| not $ S.size sh' == S.size (extent arr)
	= error $ stage P.++ ".reshape: reshaped array will not match size of the original"

reshape sh' (Array sh [Region RangeAll gen])
 = Array sh' [Region RangeAll gen']
 where gen' = case gen of
		GenManifest vec
	 	 -> GenManifest vec

		GenCursor makeCursor _ loadElem
	 	 -> GenCursor
			(loadElem . makeCursor . fromIndex sh . toIndex sh')

reshape _ _
	= error $ stage P.++ ".reshape: can't reshape a partitioned array"

-- | Append two arrays.
append, (++)
	:: (Shape sh, Elt a)
	=> Array (sh :. Int) a
	-> Array (sh :. Int) a
	-> Array (sh :. Int) a

{-# INLINE append #-}
append arr1 arr2
 = unsafeTraverse2 arr1 arr2 fnExtent fnElem
 	(_ :. n) 	= extent arr1

	fnExtent (sh :. i) (_  :. j)
		= sh :. (i + j)

	fnElem f1 f2 (sh :. i)
      		| i < n		= f1 (sh :. i)
  		| otherwise	= f2 (sh :. (i - n))

{-# INLINE (++) #-}
(++) arr1 arr2 = append arr1 arr2

-- | Transpose the lowest two dimensions of an array.
--	Transposing an array twice yields the original.
	:: (Shape sh, Elt a)
	=> Array (sh :. Int :. Int) a
	-> Array (sh :. Int :. Int) a

{-# INLINE transpose #-}
transpose arr
 = unsafeTraverse arr
	(\(sh :. m :. n) 	-> (sh :. n :.m))
	(\f -> \(sh :. i :. j) 	-> f (sh :. j :. i))

-- | Extend an array, according to a given slice specification.
--   (used to be called replicate).
	:: ( Slice sl
	   , Shape (FullShape sl)
	   , Shape (SliceShape sl)
	   , Elt e)
	=> sl
	-> Array (SliceShape sl) e
	-> Array (FullShape sl) e

{-# INLINE extend #-}
extend sl arr
	= backpermute
		(fullOfSlice sl (extent arr))
		(sliceOfFull sl)

-- | Take a slice from an array, according to a given specification.
slice	:: ( Slice sl
	   , Shape (FullShape sl)
	   , Shape (SliceShape sl)
	   , Elt e)
	=> Array (FullShape sl) e
	-> sl
	-> Array (SliceShape sl) e

{-# INLINE slice #-}
slice arr sl
	= backpermute
		(sliceOfFull sl (extent arr))
		(fullOfSlice sl)

-- | Backwards permutation of an array's elements.
--	The result array has the same extent as the original.
	:: forall sh sh' a
	.  (Shape sh, Shape sh', Elt a)
	=> sh' 				-- ^ Extent of result array.
	-> (sh' -> sh) 			-- ^ Function mapping each index in the result array
					--	to an index of the source array.
	-> Array sh a 			-- ^ Source array.
	-> Array sh' a

{-# INLINE backpermute #-}
backpermute newExtent perm arr
	= traverse arr (const newExtent) (. perm)

-- | Default backwards permutation of an array's elements.
--	If the function returns `Nothing` then the value at that index is taken
--	from the default array (@arrDft@)
	:: forall sh sh' a
	.  (Shape sh, Shape sh', Elt a)
	=> Array sh' a			-- ^ Default values (@arrDft@)
	-> (sh' -> Maybe sh) 		-- ^ Function mapping each index in the result array
					--	to an index in the source array.
	-> Array sh  a			-- ^ Source array.
	-> Array sh' a

{-# INLINE backpermuteDft #-}
backpermuteDft arrDft fnIndex arrSrc
	= fromFunction (extent arrDft) fnElem
	where	fnElem ix
		 = case fnIndex ix of
			Just ix'	-> arrSrc ! ix'
			Nothing		-> arrDft ! ix