{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances #-}

module Data.Array.Repa.Operators.Mapping
        ( -- * Generic maps
        , zipWith
        , (+^), (-^), (*^), (/^)

          -- * Structured maps
        , Structured(..))
import Data.Array.Repa.Shape
import Data.Array.Repa.Base
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.ByteString
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Cursored
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Delayed
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.ForeignPtr
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.HintSmall
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Partitioned
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Unboxed
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Undefined
import Prelude hiding (map, zipWith)
import Foreign.Storable
import Data.Word

-- | Apply a worker function to each element of an array, 
--   yielding a new array with the same extent.
map     :: (Shape sh, Source r a)
        => (a -> b) -> Array r sh a -> Array D sh b
map f arr
 = case delay arr of
        ADelayed sh g -> ADelayed sh (f . g)
{-# INLINE [3] map #-}

-- ZipWith --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Combine two arrays, element-wise, with a binary operator.
--	If the extent of the two array arguments differ,
--	then the resulting array's extent is their intersection.
zipWith :: (Shape sh, Source r1 a, Source r2 b)
        => (a -> b -> c)
        -> Array r1 sh a -> Array r2 sh b
        -> Array D sh c
zipWith f arr1 arr2
 = let  get ix  = f (arr1 `unsafeIndex` ix) (arr2 `unsafeIndex` ix)
        {-# INLINE get #-}
   in   fromFunction 
                (intersectDim (extent arr1) (extent arr2)) 
{-# INLINE [2] zipWith #-}

(+^)	= zipWith (+)
{-# INLINE (+^) #-}

(-^)	= zipWith (-)
{-# INLINE (-^) #-}

(*^)	= zipWith (*)
{-# INLINE (*^) #-}

(/^)	= zipWith (/)
{-# INLINE (/^) #-}

-- Structured -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Structured versions of @map@ and @zipWith@ that preserve the representation
--   of cursored and partitioned arrays. 
--   For cursored (@C@) arrays, the cursoring of the source array is preserved.
--   For partitioned (@P@) arrays, the worker function is fused with each array
--   partition separately, instead of treating the whole array as a single
--   bulk object. 
--   Preserving the cursored and\/or paritioned representation of an array 
--   is will make follow-on computation more efficient than if the array was
--   converted to a vanilla Delayed (@D@) array as with plain `map` and `zipWith`.
--   If the source array is not cursored or partitioned then `smap` and 
--   `szipWith` are identical to the plain functions.
class Structured r1 a b where
 -- | The target result representation.
 type TR r1

 -- | Structured @map@.
 smap   :: Shape sh 
        => (a -> b) 
        -> Array r1     sh a 
        -> Array (TR r1) sh b

 -- | Structured @zipWith@.
 --   If you have a cursored or partitioned source array then use that as
 --   the third argument (corresponding to @r1@ here)
        :: (Shape sh, Source r c)
        => (c -> a -> b)
        -> Array r      sh c
        -> Array r1     sh a
        -> Array (TR r1) sh b

-- ByteString -------------------------
instance Structured B Word8 b where
 type TR B = D
 smap           = map
 szipWith       = zipWith

-- Cursored ---------------------------
instance Structured C a b where
 type TR C = C

 smap f (ACursored sh makec shiftc loadc)
        = ACursored sh makec shiftc (f . loadc)
 {-# INLINE [3] smap #-}

 szipWith f arr1 (ACursored sh makec shiftc loadc)
  = let makec' ix               = (ix, makec ix)
        {-# INLINE makec' #-}
        shiftc' off (ix, cur)   = (addDim off ix, shiftc off cur)
        {-# INLINE shiftc' #-}

        load' (ix, cur)         = f (arr1 `unsafeIndex` ix) (loadc cur)
        {-# INLINE load' #-}

    in  ACursored 
                (intersectDim (extent arr1) sh)
                makec' shiftc' load'
 {-# INLINE [2] szipWith #-}

-- Delayed ----------------------------
instance Structured D a b where
 type TR D = D
 smap           = map
 szipWith       = zipWith

-- ForeignPtr -------------------------
instance Storable a => Structured F a b where
 type TR F = D
 smap           = map
 szipWith       = zipWith

-- Partitioned ------------------------
instance (Structured r1 a b
        , Structured r2 a b)
       => Structured (P r1 r2) a b where
 type TR (P r1 r2) = P (TR r1) (TR r2)

 smap f (APart sh range arr1 arr2)
        = APart sh range (smap f arr1) (smap f arr2)
 {-# INLINE [3] smap #-}

 szipWith f arr1 (APart sh range arr21 arr22)
        = APart sh range (szipWith f arr1 arr21)
                         (szipWith f arr1 arr22)
 {-# INLINE [2] szipWith #-}

-- Small ------------------------------
instance   Structured r1 a b
        => Structured (S r1) a b where
 type TR (S r1) = S (TR r1)

 smap f (ASmall arr1)
        = ASmall (smap f arr1)
 {-# INLINE [3] smap #-}

 szipWith f arr1 (ASmall arr2)
        = ASmall (szipWith f arr1 arr2)
 {-# INLINE [3] szipWith #-}

-- Unboxed ----------------------------
instance Unbox a => Structured U a b where
 type TR U = D
 smap           = map
 szipWith       = zipWith

-- Undefined --------------------------
instance Structured X a b where
 type TR X = X
 smap     _   (AUndefined sh) = AUndefined sh
 szipWith _ _ (AUndefined sh) = AUndefined sh