module Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Vector
        ( V, Array (..)
        , computeVectorS,  computeVectorP
        , fromListVector
        , fromVector
        , toVector)
import Data.Array.Repa.Shape
import Data.Array.Repa.Base
import Data.Array.Repa.Eval
import qualified Data.Vector            as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable    as VM
import Control.Monad

-- | Arrays represented as boxed vectors.
--   This representation should only be used when your element type doesn't
--   have an `Unbox` instsance. If it does, then use the Unboxed `U`
--   representation will be faster.
data V
-- | Read elements from a boxed vector array.
instance Source V a where
 data Array V sh a
        = AVector !sh !(V.Vector a)

 linearIndex (AVector _ vec) ix
        = vec V.! ix
 {-# INLINE linearIndex #-}

 unsafeLinearIndex (AVector _ vec) ix
        = vec `V.unsafeIndex` ix
 {-# INLINE unsafeLinearIndex #-}

 extent (AVector sh _)
        = sh
 {-# INLINE extent #-}

 deepSeqArray (AVector sh vec) x 
  = sh `deepSeq` vec `seq` x
 {-# INLINE deepSeqArray #-}

deriving instance (Show sh, Show e)
        => Show (Array V sh e)

deriving instance (Read sh, Read e)
        => Read (Array V sh e)

-- Fill -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Filling of boxed vector arrays.
instance Target V e where
 data MVec V e 
  = MVector (VM.IOVector e)

 newMVec n
  = liftM MVector ( n)
 {-# INLINE newMVec #-}

 unsafeWriteMVec (MVector v) ix
  = VM.unsafeWrite v ix
 {-# INLINE unsafeWriteMVec #-}

 unsafeFreezeMVec sh (MVector mvec)     
  = do  vec     <- V.unsafeFreeze mvec
        return  $  AVector sh vec
 {-# INLINE unsafeFreezeMVec #-}

 deepSeqMVec !_vec x
  = x
 {-# INLINE deepSeqMVec #-}

 touchMVec _ 
  = return ()
 {-# INLINE touchMVec #-}

-- Conversions ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Sequential computation of array elements.
--   * This is an alias for `compute` with a more specific type.
        :: Load r1 sh e
        => Array r1 sh e -> Array V sh e
computeVectorS   = computeS
{-# INLINE computeVectorS #-}

-- | Parallel computation of array elements.
        :: (Load r1 sh e, Monad m)
        => Array r1 sh e -> m (Array V sh e)
computeVectorP   = computeP
{-# INLINE computeVectorP #-}

-- | O(n). Convert a list to a boxed vector array.
--   * This is an alias for `fromList` with a more specific type.
fromListVector :: Shape sh => sh -> [a] -> Array V sh a
fromListVector  = fromList
{-# INLINE fromListVector #-}

-- | O(1). Wrap a boxed vector as an array.
fromVector :: sh -> V.Vector e -> Array V sh e
fromVector sh vec
        = AVector sh vec
{-# INLINE fromVector #-}

-- | O(1). Unpack a boxed vector from an array.
toVector   :: Array V sh e -> V.Vector e
toVector (AVector _ vec)
        = vec
{-# INLINE toVector #-}