{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Repa.Array.Dense
        ( E      (..)
        , Name   (..)
        , Array  (..)
        , Buffer (..)

        -- * Common layouts
        , vector
        , matrix
        , cube)
import Data.Repa.Array.Index
import Data.Repa.Array.RowWise
import Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Bulk
import Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Target
import Data.Repa.Fusion.Unpack
import Control.Monad
import Prelude                                  as P

-- | The Dense layout maps a higher-ranked index space to some underlying
--   linear index space.
--   For example, we can create a dense 2D row-wise array where the elements are
--   stored in a flat unboxed vector:
-- @
-- > import Data.Repa.Array.Material
-- > let Just arr  = fromListInto (matrix U 10 10) [1000..1099 :: Float]
-- > :type arr
-- arr :: Array (E U (RW DIM2) Float
-- > arr ! (Z :. 5 :. 4)
-- > 1054.0
-- @
data E r l
        = Dense r l

deriving instance (Eq   r, Eq   l) => Eq   (E r l)
deriving instance (Show r, Show l) => Show (E r l)

-- | Dense arrays.
instance (Index r ~ Int, Layout r, Layout l)
      =>  Layout (E r l) where

        data Name  (E r l)              = E (Name r) (Name l)
        type Index (E r l)              = Index     l

        name = E name name

        create     (E nR nL) ix
             = Dense (create nR (size ix)) (create nL ix)

        extent     (Dense _ l)          = extent    l
        toIndex    (Dense _ l) ix       = toIndex   l ix
        fromIndex  (Dense _ l) n        = fromIndex l n
        {-# INLINE name      #-}
        {-# INLINE create    #-}
        {-# INLINE extent    #-}
        {-# INLINE toIndex   #-}
        {-# INLINE fromIndex #-}

deriving instance (Eq   (Name r), Eq   (Name l)) => Eq   (Name (E r l))
deriving instance (Show (Name r), Show (Name l)) => Show (Name (E r l))

-- | Dense arrays.
instance (Index r ~ Int, Layout l, Bulk r a)
      =>  Bulk (E r l) a where

        data Array (E r l) a            = Array l (Array r a)
        layout (Array l inner)          = Dense (layout inner) l
        index  (Array l inner) ix       = index inner (toIndex l ix)
        {-# INLINE layout #-}
        {-# INLINE index  #-}

-- | Dense buffers.
instance (Layout l, Index r ~ Int, Target r a)
 => Target (E r l) a where

 data Buffer s (E r l) a
  = EBuffer !l !(Buffer s r a)

 unsafeNewBuffer   (Dense r l)
  = do   buf     <- unsafeNewBuffer r
         return  $ EBuffer l buf

 unsafeReadBuffer  (EBuffer _ buf) ix
  = unsafeReadBuffer buf ix

 unsafeWriteBuffer  (EBuffer _ buf) ix x
  = unsafeWriteBuffer buf ix x

 unsafeGrowBuffer   (EBuffer l buf) ix
  = do   buf'    <- unsafeGrowBuffer  buf ix
         return  $ EBuffer l buf'

 unsafeSliceBuffer  _st _sz _buf
  = error "repa-array: dense sliceBuffer, can't window inner"

 unsafeFreezeBuffer (EBuffer l buf)
  = do   inner   <- unsafeFreezeBuffer buf
         return  $ Array l inner

 unsafeThawBuffer (Array l inner)
  = EBuffer l `liftM` unsafeThawBuffer inner

 touchBuffer (EBuffer _ buf)
  = touchBuffer buf

 bufferLayout (EBuffer l buf)
  = Dense (bufferLayout buf) l

 {-# INLINE unsafeNewBuffer    #-}
 {-# INLINE unsafeWriteBuffer  #-}
 {-# INLINE unsafeGrowBuffer   #-}
 {-# INLINE unsafeSliceBuffer  #-}
 {-# INLINE unsafeFreezeBuffer #-}
 {-# INLINE touchBuffer        #-}
 {-# INLINE bufferLayout       #-}

instance Unpack (Buffer s r a) tBuf
      => Unpack (Buffer s (E r l) a) (l, tBuf) where

 unpack (EBuffer l buf)             = (l, unpack buf)
 repack (EBuffer _ buf) (l, ubuf)   = EBuffer l (repack buf ubuf)
 {-# INLINE unpack #-}
 {-# INLINE repack #-}

-- | Yield a layout for a dense vector of the given length.
--   The first argument is the name of the underlying linear layout
--   which stores the elements.
vector  :: LayoutI l
        => Name l -> Int -> E l DIM1
vector n len
        = create (E n (RC RZ)) (Z :. len)

-- | Yield a layout for a matrix with the given number of
--   rows and columns.
matrix  :: LayoutI l
        => Name l -> Int -> Int -> E l DIM2
matrix n rows cols
        = create (E n (RC (RC RZ))) (Z :. rows :. cols)

-- | Yield a layout for a cube with the given number of
--   planes, rows, and columns.
cube    :: LayoutI l
        => Name l -> Int -> Int -> Int -> E l DIM3
cube n planes rows cols
        = create (E n (RC (RC (RC RZ)))) (Z :. planes :. rows :. cols)