module Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Operator.Partition
        ( partition
        , partitionBy
        , partitionByIx)
import Data.Repa.Array.Tuple                    as A
import Data.Repa.Array.Linear                   as A
import Data.Repa.Array.Delayed                  as A
import Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Bulk           as A
import Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Target         as A
import Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Layout         as A
import Data.Repa.Array.Material.Nested          as A
import Data.Repa.Eval.Elt                       as A
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed            as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable    as UM
import System.IO.Unsafe
#include "repa-array.h"

-- | Take a desired number of segments, and array of key value pairs where
--   the key is the segment number. Partition the values into the stated
--   number of segments, discarding values where the key falls outside
--   the given range.
--   * This function operates by first allocating a buffer of size
--     (segs * len src) and filling it with a default value. Both the
--     worst case runtime and memory use will be poor for a large
--     number of destination segments.
--   TODO: we need the pre-init because otherwise unused values in the elems
--   array are undefined. We could avoid this by copying out the used elements
--   after the partition loop finishes. Use a segmented extract function.
--   This would also remove the dependency on the `Elt` class.

        :: (BulkI lSrc (Int, a), Target lDst a, Index lDst ~ Int, Elt a)
        => Name  lDst                   -- ^ Name of destination layout.
        -> Int                          -- ^ Total number of segments.
        -> Array lSrc (Int, a)          -- ^ Segment numbers and values.
        -> Array N (Array lDst a)       -- ^ Result array

partition nDst iSegs aSrc
 | iSegs <= 0
 = A.fromLists nDst []

 | otherwise
 = unsafePerformIO
 $ do
        -- Length of source array.
        let !len     =  A.length aSrc

        -- Segment start positions and lengths.
        let !vStarts =  U.prescanl (+) 0 $ U.replicate iSegs len 
        !mLens       <- UM.replicate iSegs 0

        -- Elements of result array.
        let !lenDst  =  iSegs * len
        !buf         <- unsafeNewBuffer  (A.create nDst lenDst)

        let loop_partition_init !iDst
             | iDst >= lenDst  = return ()
             | otherwise
             = do unsafeWriteBuffer buf iDst zero
                  loop_partition_init (iDst + 1)
            {-# INLINE_INNER loop_partition_init #-}

        loop_partition_init 0

        let loop_partition !iSrc
             | iSrc >= len     = return ()
             | otherwise
             = do  let !(k, v) = aSrc `A.index` iSrc

                   if k >= iSegs
                    then loop_partition (iSrc + 1)
                    else do
                        -- Current start length of this segment.
                        let !s  =  U.unsafeIndex vStarts k
                        !o      <- UM.unsafeRead mLens   k

                        -- Write element into the result.
                        unsafeWriteBuffer buf  (s + o) v

                        -- Update segment length.
                        UM.unsafeWrite mLens k (o + 1)

                        loop_partition (iSrc + 1)
            {-# INLINE_INNER loop_partition #-}

        loop_partition 0

        vLens   <- U.unsafeFreeze mLens
        aElems  <- unsafeFreezeBuffer buf

        return  $ NArray vStarts vLens aElems
{-# INLINE_ARRAY partition #-}

-- | Like `partition` but use the provided function to compute the segment
--   number for each element. 
        :: (BulkI lSrc a, Target lDst a, Index lDst ~ Int, Elt a)
        => Name lDst            -- ^ Name of destination layout.
        -> Int                  -- ^ Total number of Segments.
        -> (a -> Int)    -- ^ Get the segment number for this element.
        -> Array lSrc a         -- ^ Source values.
        -> Array N (Array lDst a)

partitionBy nDst iSeg fSeg aSrc
 = partition nDst iSeg 
 $ tup2 ( fSeg aSrc) aSrc
{-# INLINE partitionBy #-}

-- | Like `partition` but use the provided function to compute the segment
--   number for each element. The function is given the index of the each 
--   element, along with the element itself.
        :: (BulkI lSrc a, Target lDst a, Index lDst ~ Int, Elt a)
        => Name lDst            -- ^ Name of destination layout.
        -> Int                  -- ^ Total number of Segments.
        -> (Int -> a -> Int)    -- ^ Get the segment number for this element.
        -> Array lSrc a         -- ^ Source values.
        -> Array N (Array lDst a)

partitionByIx  nDst iSeg fSeg aSrc
 = partition nDst iSeg 
 $ tup2 aSegVals aSrc
        fSeg' (ix, x) = fSeg ix x
        {-# INLINE fSeg' #-}

        aIxSrc        = tup2 (linear $ A.length aSrc) aSrc
        aSegVals      = fSeg' aIxSrc
{-# INLINE partitionByIx #-}