{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Repa.Array.Tuple
        ( T2     (..)
        , Name   (..)
        , Array  (..)
        , Buffer (..)
        , tup2, untup2)
import Data.Repa.Array.Window
import Data.Repa.Array.Index
import Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Bulk
import Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Target
import Data.Repa.Fusion.Unpack
import Control.Monad
import Prelude                          hiding (zip, unzip)
#include "repa-array.h"

-- | Tupled arrays where the components are unpacked and can have
--   separate representations.
data T2 l1 l2
        = Tup2 !l1 !l2

deriving instance (Eq   l1, Eq   l2) => Eq   (T2 l1 l2)
deriving instance (Show l1, Show l2) => Show (T2 l1 l2)

instance ( Index  l1 ~ Index l2
         , Layout l1, Layout l2)
        => Layout (T2 l1 l2) where

 data Name  (T2 l1 l2)       = T2 !(Name l1) !(Name l2)
 type Index (T2 l1 l2)       = Index l1
 name                        = T2 name name
 create     (T2 n1 n2)    ix = Tup2 (create n1 ix) (create n2 ix)
 extent     (Tup2 l1 l2)     = intersectDim (extent l1) (extent l2)
 toIndex    (Tup2 l1 _l2) ix = toIndex   l1 ix
 fromIndex  (Tup2 l1 _l2) ix = fromIndex l1 ix
        -- TODO: using just l1 will be wrong for load functions if 
        --       the two layouts have different extents.
 {-# INLINE name      #-}
 {-# INLINE create    #-}
 {-# INLINE extent    #-}
 {-# INLINE toIndex   #-}
 {-# INLINE fromIndex #-}

deriving instance
          (Eq   (Name l1), Eq   (Name l2))
        => Eq   (Name (T2 l1 l2))

deriving instance
          (Show (Name l1), Show (Name l2))
        => Show (Name (T2 l1 l2))

-- | Tupled arrays.
instance (Bulk l1 a, Bulk l2 b, Index l1 ~ Index l2)
       => Bulk (T2 l1 l2) (a, b) where

 data Array (T2 l1 l2) (a, b)
        = T2Array !(Array l1 a) !(Array l2 b)

 layout (T2Array arr1 arr2)     = Tup2 (layout arr1)  (layout arr2)
 index  (T2Array arr1 arr2) ix  = (index  arr1 ix, index  arr2 ix)
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY layout #-}
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY index  #-}

deriving instance
    (Show (Array l1 a), Show (Array l2 b))
 =>  Show (Array (T2 l1 l2) (a, b))

-- | Tupled windows.
instance (Windowable l1 a, Windowable l2 b, Index l1 ~ Index l2)
      =>  Windowable (T2 l1 l2) (a, b) where
 window st sz (T2Array arr1 arr2)
        = T2Array (window st sz arr1) (window st sz arr2)
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY window #-}

-- | Tupled buffers.
instance ( Target l1 a, Target l2 b
         , Index l1 ~ Index l2)
      =>   Target (T2 l1 l2) (a, b) where

 data Buffer s (T2 l1 l2) (a, b)
        = T2Buffer !(Buffer s l1 a) !(Buffer s l2 b)

 unsafeNewBuffer (Tup2 l1 l2)
  = liftM2 T2Buffer (unsafeNewBuffer l1) (unsafeNewBuffer l2)
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY unsafeNewBuffer #-}

 unsafeReadBuffer  (T2Buffer buf1 buf2) ix
  = do  a <- unsafeReadBuffer buf1 ix
        b <- unsafeReadBuffer buf2 ix
        return (a,b)
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY unsafeReadBuffer #-}

 unsafeWriteBuffer  (T2Buffer buf1 buf2) ix (x1, x2)
  = do  unsafeWriteBuffer buf1 ix x1
        unsafeWriteBuffer buf2 ix x2
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY unsafeWriteBuffer #-}

 unsafeGrowBuffer   (T2Buffer buf1 buf2) bump
  = do  buf1'   <- unsafeGrowBuffer buf1 bump
        buf2'   <- unsafeGrowBuffer buf2 bump
        return  $  T2Buffer buf1' buf2'
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY unsafeGrowBuffer #-}

 unsafeFreezeBuffer (T2Buffer buf1 buf2)
  = do  arr1    <- unsafeFreezeBuffer buf1
        arr2    <- unsafeFreezeBuffer buf2
        return  $  T2Array arr1 arr2
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY unsafeFreezeBuffer #-}

 unsafeThawBuffer (T2Array arr1 arr2)
  = do  buf1    <- unsafeThawBuffer arr1
        buf2    <- unsafeThawBuffer arr2
        return  $  T2Buffer buf1 buf2
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY unsafeThawBuffer #-}

 unsafeSliceBuffer start len (T2Buffer buf1 buf2)
  = do  buf1'   <- unsafeSliceBuffer start len buf1
        buf2'   <- unsafeSliceBuffer start len buf2
        return  $  T2Buffer buf1' buf2'
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY unsafeSliceBuffer #-}

 touchBuffer (T2Buffer buf1 buf2)
  = do  touchBuffer buf1
        touchBuffer buf2
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY touchBuffer #-}

 bufferLayout (T2Buffer buf1 buf2)
  = Tup2 (bufferLayout buf1) (bufferLayout buf2)

instance (Unpack (Buffer s r1 a) t1, Unpack (Buffer s r2 b) t2)
       => Unpack (Buffer s (T2 r1 r2) (a, b)) (t1, t2) where
 unpack  (T2Buffer buf1 buf2)
   = buf1 `seq` buf2 `seq` (unpack buf1, unpack buf2)
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY unpack #-}

 repack !(T2Buffer x1 x2) (buf1, buf2)
   = buf1 `seq` buf2 `seq` (T2Buffer (repack x1 buf1) (repack x2 buf2))
 {-# INLINE_ARRAY repack #-}

-- | Tuple two arrays into an array of pairs.
--   The two argument arrays must have the same index type, but can have
--   different extents. The extent of the result is the intersection
--   of the extents of the two argument arrays.
tup2    :: (Bulk l1 a, Bulk l2 b, Index l1 ~ Index l2)
        => Array l1 a -> Array l2 b
        -> Array (T2 l1 l2) (a, b)
tup2 arr1 arr2
        = T2Array arr1 arr2
{-# INLINE_ARRAY tup2 #-}

-- | Untuple an array of tuples in to a tuple of arrays.
--   * The two returned components may have different extents, though they are
--     guaranteed to be at least as big as the argument array. This is the
--     key property that makes `untup2` different from `unzip`.
untup2  ::  Array (T2 l1 l2) (a, b)
        -> (Array l1 a, Array l2 b)

untup2  (T2Array arr1 arr2)
        = (arr1, arr2)
{-# INLINE_ARRAY untup2 #-}