module Data.Repa.Array.Auto.XSV ( getArrayFromXSV, hGetArrayFromXSV , putArrayAsXSV, hPutArrayAsXSV) where import Data.Repa.Array.Auto.IO import Data.Repa.Array.Auto.Base import Data.Repa.Array.Generic.Convert import Data.Char import qualified Data.Repa.Array.Material.Auto as A import qualified Data.Repa.Array.Material.Nested as A import qualified Data.Repa.Array.Meta as A import qualified Data.Repa.Array.Generic as A import qualified System.IO as S import qualified System.FileLock as S --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Read a XSV file as a nested array. -- We get an array of rows:fields:characters. getArrayFromXSV :: Char -- ^ Field separator character, eg '|', ',' or '\t'. -> FilePath -- ^ Source file handle. -> IO (Array (Array (Array Char))) getArrayFromXSV !cSep !path = S.withFileLock path S.Shared $ \_lock -> do h <- S.openFile path S.ReadMode arr <- hGetArrayFromXSV cSep h S.hClose h return arr -- | Read an XSV file as a nested array. -- We get an array of rows:fields:characters. hGetArrayFromXSV :: Char -- ^ Field separator character, eg '|', ',' or '\t'. -> S.Handle -- ^ Source file handle. -> IO (Array (Array (Array Char))) hGetArrayFromXSV !cSep !hIn = do -- Find out how much data there is remaining in the file. start <- S.hTell hIn S.hSeek hIn S.SeekFromEnd 0 end <- S.hTell hIn let !len = end - start S.hSeek hIn S.AbsoluteSeek start -- Read array as Word8s. !arr8 <- hGetArray hIn (fromIntegral len) -- Rows are separated by new lines, -- fields are separated by the given separator character. let !nl = fromIntegral $ ord '\n' let !nc = fromIntegral $ ord cSep -- Split XSV file into rows and fields. -- Convert element data from Word8 to Char. -- Chars take 4 bytes each, but are standard Haskell and pretty -- print properly. We've done the dicing on the smaller Word8 -- version, and now map across the elements vector in the array -- to do the conversion. let !arrChar = A.mapElems (A.mapElems (A.computeS A.F . (chr . fromIntegral))) (A.diceSep nc nl arr8) return $ convert arrChar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Write a nested array as an XSV file. -- -- The array contains rows:fields:characters. putArrayAsXSV :: Char -- ^ Separator character, eg '|', ',' or '\t' -> FilePath -- ^ Source file handle. -> Array (Array (Array Char)) -- ^ Array of row, field, character. -> IO () putArrayAsXSV !cSep !path !arrChar = S.withFileLock path S.Exclusive $ \_lock -> do h <- S.openFile path S.WriteMode hPutArrayAsXSV cSep h arrChar S.hClose h -- | Write a nested array as an XSV file. -- -- The array contains rows:fields:characters. hPutArrayAsXSV :: Char -- ^ Separator character, eg '|', ',' or '\t' -> S.Handle -- ^ Source file handle. -> Array (Array (Array Char)) -- ^ Array of row, field, character. -> IO () hPutArrayAsXSV !cSep !hOut !arrChar = do -- Concat result back into Word8s let !arrC = A.fromList A.U [cSep] let !arrNL = A.fromList A.U ['\n'] let !arrOut = A.mapS A.A (fromIntegral . ord) $ A.concat A.U $ A.mapS A.B (\ arrFields -> A.concat A.U $ A.fromList A.B [ A.intercalate A.U arrC arrFields, arrNL]) $ arrChar hPutArray hOut arrOut {-# INLINE hPutArrayAsXSV #-}