{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | Reading and writing Repa arrays as binary files. module Data.Array.Repa.IO.Binary ( readArrayFromStorableFile , writeArrayToStorableFile) where import Foreign.Storable import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import System.IO import Data.Array.Repa as R import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.ForeignPtr as R import Prelude as P import Control.Monad -- | Read an array from a file. -- Data appears in host byte order. -- If the file size does match the provided shape then `error`. readArrayFromStorableFile :: forall a sh . (Shape sh, Storable a) => FilePath -> sh -> IO (Array F sh a) readArrayFromStorableFile filePath sh = do -- Determine number of bytes per element. let (fake :: a) = undefined let (bytes1 :: Integer) = fromIntegral $ sizeOf fake -- Determine how many elements the whole file will give us. h :: Handle <- openBinaryFile filePath ReadMode bytesTotal <- hFileSize h let lenTotal = bytesTotal `div` bytes1 let bytesExpected = bytes1 * lenTotal when (bytesTotal /= bytesExpected) $ error $ unlines ["Data.Array.Repa.IO.Binary.readArrayFromStorableFile: not a whole number of elements in file" , "element length = " P.++ show bytes1 , "file size = " P.++ show bytesTotal , "slack space = " P.++ show (bytesTotal `mod` bytes1) ] let bytesTotal' = fromIntegral bytesTotal buf :: Ptr a <- mallocBytes bytesTotal' bytesRead <- hGetBuf h buf bytesTotal' when (bytesTotal' /= bytesRead) $ error "Data.Array.Repa.IO.Binary.readArrayFromStorableFile: read failed" hClose h fptr <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree buf -- Converting the foreign ptr like this means that the array -- elements are used directly from the buffer, and not copied. let arr = R.fromForeignPtr sh fptr return $ arr -- | Write an array to a file. -- Data appears in host byte order. writeArrayToStorableFile :: forall sh a r . (Shape sh, Source r a, Storable a) => FilePath -> Array r sh a -> IO () writeArrayToStorableFile filePath arr = do let bytes1 = sizeOf (arr R.! R.zeroDim) let bytesTotal = bytes1 * (R.size $ R.extent arr) buf :: Ptr a <- mallocBytes bytesTotal fptr <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree buf R.computeIntoP fptr (delay arr) h <- openBinaryFile filePath WriteMode hPutBuf h buf bytesTotal hClose h