{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports, FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | Read and write matrices as ASCII text files.
--   The file format is like:
--   @
--      MATRIX                  -- header
--      100 100                 -- width and height
--      1.23 1.56 1.23 ...      -- data, separated by whitespace
--      ....
--   @
module Data.Array.Repa.IO.Matrix
        ( readMatrixFromTextFile
        , writeMatrixToTextFile)
import Data.Array.Repa.IO.Internals.Text
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import Data.List                                as L
import Data.Array.Repa                          as A
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Unboxed             as A
import Prelude                                  as P

-- | Read a matrix from a text file.
--   * WARNING: This is implemented fairly naively, just using `Strings` 
--     under the covers. It will be slow for large data files.
--   * It also doesn't do graceful error handling.
--     If the file has the wrong format you'll get a confusing `error`.
        :: (Num e, Read e, Unbox e)
        => FilePath
        -> IO (Array U DIM2 e)  

readMatrixFromTextFile fileName
 = do   handle          <- openFile fileName ReadMode
        "MATRIX"        <- hGetLine handle
        [width, height] <- liftM (P.map read . words) $ hGetLine handle
        str             <- hGetContents handle
        let vals        = readValues str

        let dims        = Z :. width :. height
        return $ fromListUnboxed dims vals

-- | Write a matrix as a text file.
        :: (Show e, Source r e)
        => FilePath
        -> Array r DIM2 e
        -> IO ()

writeMatrixToTextFile fileName arr
 = do   file    <- openFile fileName WriteMode  

        hPutStrLn file "MATRIX"

        let Z :. width :. height        
                = extent arr

        hPutStrLn file $ show width P.++ " " P.++ show height
        hWriteValues file $ toList arr
        hClose file