module Data.Repa.Chain.Scan
        ( StepUnfold  (..)
        , unfoldsC
        , scanMaybeC
        , groupsByC)
import Data.Repa.Chain.Base
import Data.Repa.Scalar.Option
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Size  as S
#include "repa-stream.h"

-- | Segmented unfold.
--   The worker function takes the current element from the input stream 
--   and current state. 
--   If the worker returns Just x then that output element will be placed
--   in the output stream, and it will be called again with the same
--   input elemenent and next state. 
--   If the worker returns Nothing then we advance to the next element
--   of the input stream.
        :: Monad m
        => (a -> k -> m (StepUnfold k b))       -- ^ Worker function.
        -> k                                    -- ^ Initial state for the unfold.
        -> Chain m s             a              -- ^ Input elements.
        -> Chain m (s, k, Option a) b           -- ^ Output elements.

unfoldsC f k0 (Chain _ s0 istep)
 = Chain S.Unknown (s0, k0, None) ostep
        ostep  (s1, k1, None)
         =  istep s1 >>= \rs
         -> case rs of
                Yield xa s2             -> return $ Skip     (s2, k1, Some xa)
                Skip     s2             -> return $ Skip     (s2, k1, None)
                Done     s2             -> return $ Done     (s2, k1, None)

        ostep  (s1, k1, Some xa)
         = f xa k1   >>= \kmb
         -> case kmb of
                StepUnfoldGive xb k2    -> return $ Yield xb (s1, k2, Some xa)
                StepUnfoldNext xb k2    -> return $ Yield xb (s1, k2, None)  
                StepUnfoldBump    k2    -> return $ Skip     (s1, k2, Some xa)
                StepUnfoldFinish  k2    -> return $ Skip     (s1, k2, None)
        {-# INLINE_INNER ostep #-}
{-# INLINE_STREAM unfoldsC #-}

data StepUnfold s a
        = StepUnfoldGive    a s
        | StepUnfoldNext    a s
        | StepUnfoldBump      s
        | StepUnfoldFinish    s
        deriving Show

-- | Perform a left-to-right scan through an input vector, maintaining a state
--   value between each element. For each element of input we may or may not
--   produce an element of output.
        :: Monad m
        => (k -> a -> m (k, Maybe b))   -- ^ Worker function.
        ->  k                           -- ^ Initial state for scan.
        -> Chain m s      a             -- ^ Input elements.
        -> Chain m (s, k) b             -- ^ Output elements and final state.

scanMaybeC f k0 (Chain sz s0 istep)
 = Chain (S.toMax sz) (s0, k0) ostep
        ostep  (s1, k1)
         =  istep s1 >>= \rs
         -> case rs of
                Yield x s2      
                 -> f k1 x >>= \rk
                 -> case rk of
                        (k2, Nothing) -> return $ Skip    (s2, k2)
                        (k2, Just y)  -> return $ Yield y (s2, k2)

                Skip s2               -> return $ Skip    (s2, k1)
                Done s2               -> return $ Done    (s2, k1)
        {-# INLINE_INNER ostep #-}
{-# INLINE_STREAM scanMaybeC #-}

-- | From a stream of values which has consecutive runs of idential values,
--   produce a stream of the lengths of these runs.
        :: Monad m
        => (a -> a -> m Bool)           -- ^ Comparison function.
        -> Maybe (a, Int)               -- ^ Starting element and count.
        -> Chain m  s a                 -- ^ Input elements.
        -> Chain m (s, Maybe (a, Int)) (a, Int) 
groupsByC f !s !vec
 = scanMaybeC work_groupsByC s vec
        work_groupsByC !acc !y
         = case acc of
                 -> return $ (Just (y, 1),     Nothing)

                Just (x, n)
                 -> f x y >>= \rk
                 -> if rk 
                        then return (Just (x, n + 1), Nothing)
                        else return (Just (y, 1),     Just (x, n))
        {-# INLINE_INNER work_groupsByC #-}
{-# INLINE_STREAM groupsByC #-}