{-# LANGUAGE CPP, UnicodeSyntax, NoImplicitPrelude, OverloadedStrings #-}

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Prelude.Repr
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2009–2011 Bas van Dijk
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas@gmail.com>
-- The numeric functions from the 'Prelude' lifted into @'Repr's@. 

module Prelude.Repr where

-- Imports

-- from base:
import qualified Prelude ( subtract
                         , even
                         , odd
                         , gcd
                         , lcm
                         , (^)
                         , (^^) 
                         , fromIntegral
                         , realToFrac

import Prelude   ( Num, Integral, Fractional, Real )
import Data.Bool ( Bool )

-- from repr:
import Text.Repr ( Repr, Fixity(R), to, app, app2, infx )

-- Numeric functions

-- | Lifts @Prelude.'Prelude.subtract'@ into @'Repr's@
subtract  Num α  Repr α  Repr α  Repr α
subtract = app2 Prelude.subtract "subtract"

-- | Lifts @Prelude.'Prelude.even'@ into a 'Repr'
even  Integral α  Repr α  Bool
even = to Prelude.even

-- | Lifts @Prelude.'Prelude.odd'@ into a 'Repr'
odd  Integral α  Repr α  Bool
odd = to Prelude.odd

-- | Lifts @Prelude.'Prelude.gcd'@ into @'Repr's@
gcd  Integral α  Repr α  Repr α  Repr α
gcd = app2 Prelude.gcd "gcd"

-- | Lifts @Prelude.'Prelude.lcm'@ into @'Repr's@
lcm  Integral α  Repr α  Repr α  Repr α
lcm = app2 Prelude.lcm "lcm"

-- | Lifts @Prelude.'Prelude.^'@ into @'Repr's@
(^)  (Num α, Integral β)  Repr α  Repr β  Repr α
(^) = infx R 8 (Prelude.^) "^"

-- | Lifts @Prelude.'Prelude.^^'@ into @'Repr's@
(^^)  (Fractional α, Integral β)  Repr α  Repr β  Repr α
(^^) = infx R 8 (Prelude.^^) "^^"

-- | Lifts @Prelude.'Prelude.fromIntegral'@ into @'Repr's@
fromIntegral  (Integral α, Num β)  Repr α  Repr β
fromIntegral = app Prelude.fromIntegral "fromIntegral"

-- | Lifts @Prelude.'Prelude.realToFrac'@ into @'Repr's@
realToFrac  (Real α, Fractional β)  Repr α  Repr β
realToFrac = app Prelude.realToFrac "realToFrac"