repr-tree-syb-0.1.0: Tree representation and pretty-printing of data structures based on SYB

Safe HaskellNone




reprTree :: Data a => a -> Tree StringSource

Get a representation tree of a generic data structure using SYB. Can be used to implement a custom converter to textual representation.

reprTreeString :: Data a => a -> StringSource

A data representation in form of a formatted multiline string, such as the following:

 - A
 | - :
 | | - a
 | | - b
 | | - c
 | - 9
 - C
 | - 3
 - B
 - D
   - :
     - :
     | - asdf
     | - 123
     | - ldskfjkl
     - :
       - f

Which is a result of running the following code:

 import Data.Generics (Data, Typeable)

 data SomeType = 
   A [String] Int | 
   B | 
   C Int | 
   D [[String]]
   deriving (Typeable, Data)
 xxx = A ["a", "b", "c"] 9 
     : C 3 
     : B 
     : D [["asdf", "123", "ldskfjkl"], ["f"]]
     : []
 main = putStrLn $ reprTreeString xxx