{-# OPTIONS -O2 -Wall #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, FlexibleContexts, RecordWildCards #-} module Main (main) where import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad (when, unless, filterM) import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, state, evalStateT) import Control.Monad.Writer (runWriter, tell) import Data.Algorithm.Diff (Diff, getDiff) import Data.Foldable (asum, traverse_) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid import PPDiff (ppDiff, ColorEnable(..)) import System.Directory (renameFile, removeFile, getCurrentDirectory) import System.Environment (getProgName, getArgs, getEnv) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import System.FilePath ((<.>), makeRelative, joinPath, splitPath) import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath import qualified System.Posix.Files as PosixFiles import System.Posix.IO (stdOutput) import System.Posix.Terminal (queryTerminal) import System.Process (callProcess, readProcess, readProcessWithExitCode) import Prelude.Compat data Side = A | B deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) type LineNo = Int data Conflict = Conflict { cMarkerA :: (LineNo, String) -- <<<<<<<.... , cMarkerBase :: (LineNo, String) -- |||||||.... , cMarkerB :: (LineNo, String) -- =======.... , cMarkerEnd :: (LineNo, String) -- >>>>>>>.... , cLinesA :: [String] , cLinesBase :: [String] , cLinesB :: [String] } deriving (Show) prettyConflict :: Conflict -> String prettyConflict Conflict {..} = unlines $ concat [ snd cMarkerA : cLinesA , snd cMarkerBase : cLinesBase , snd cMarkerB : cLinesB , [snd cMarkerEnd] ] resolveConflict :: Conflict -> Maybe String resolveConflict Conflict{..} | cLinesA == cLinesBase = Just $ unlines cLinesB | cLinesB == cLinesBase = Just $ unlines cLinesA | cLinesA == cLinesB = Just $ unlines cLinesA | otherwise = Nothing -- '>' -> ">>>>>>> " markerPrefix :: Char -> String markerPrefix c = replicate 7 c markerLine :: Char -> String -> String markerLine c str = markerPrefix c ++ " " ++ str ++ "\n" breakUpToMarker :: MonadState [(LineNo, String)] m => Char -> m [(LineNo, String)] breakUpToMarker c = state (break ((markerPrefix c `isPrefixOf`) . snd)) readHead :: MonadState [a] m => m (Maybe a) readHead = state f where f [] = (Nothing, []) f (l:ls) = (Just l, ls) readUpToMarker :: MonadState [(LineNo, String)] m => Char -> m ([(LineNo, String)], Maybe (LineNo, String)) readUpToMarker c = do ls <- breakUpToMarker c mHead <- readHead return (ls, mHead) parseConflict :: MonadState [(LineNo, String)] m => (LineNo, String) -> m Conflict parseConflict markerA = do (linesA , Just markerBase) <- readUpToMarker '|' (linesBase, Just markerB) <- readUpToMarker '=' (linesB , Just markerEnd) <- readUpToMarker '>' return Conflict { cMarkerA = markerA , cMarkerBase = markerBase , cMarkerB = markerB , cMarkerEnd = markerEnd , cLinesA = map snd linesA , cLinesB = map snd linesB , cLinesBase = map snd linesBase } parseConflicts :: String -> [Either String Conflict] parseConflicts input = snd $ runWriter $ evalStateT loop (zip [1..] (lines input)) where loop = do (ls, mMarkerA) <- readUpToMarker '<' tell $ map (Left . snd) ls case mMarkerA of Nothing -> return () Just markerA -> do tell . return . Right =<< parseConflict markerA loop type SideDiff = (Side, (LineNo, String), [Diff String]) data NewContent = NewContent { _resolvedSuccessfully :: Int , _failedToResolve :: Int , _newContent :: String } getConflictDiffs :: Conflict -> [SideDiff] getConflictDiffs Conflict{..} = [ (A, cMarkerA, getDiff cLinesBase cLinesA) | not (null cLinesA) ] ++ [ (B, (fst cMarkerB, snd cMarkerEnd), getDiff cLinesBase cLinesB) | not (null cLinesB) ] resolveContent :: [Either String Conflict] -> NewContent resolveContent = asResult . mconcat . map go where asResult (Monoid.Sum successes, Monoid.Sum failures, newContent) = NewContent { _resolvedSuccessfully = successes , _failedToResolve = failures , _newContent = newContent } go (Left line) = (Monoid.Sum 0, Monoid.Sum 0, unlines [line]) go (Right conflict) = case resolveConflict conflict of Nothing -> (Monoid.Sum 0, Monoid.Sum 1, prettyConflict conflict) Just trivialLines -> (Monoid.Sum 1, Monoid.Sum 0, trivialLines) gitAdd :: FilePath -> IO () gitAdd fileName = callProcess "git" ["add", "--", fileName] data Options = Options { shouldUseEditor :: Bool , shouldDumpDiffs :: Bool , shouldUseColor :: Maybe ColorEnable , shouldSetConflictStyle :: Bool } instance Monoid Options where mempty = Options False False Nothing False Options oe0 od0 oc0 os0 `mappend` Options oe1 od1 oc1 os1 = Options (combineBool oe0 oe1 "-e") (combineBool od0 od1 "-d") (combineMaybe oc0 oc1 "-c or -C") (os0 || os1) where err flag = error $ "Multiple " ++ flag ++ " flags used" combineMaybe (Just _) (Just _) flag = err flag combineMaybe Nothing Nothing _ = Nothing combineMaybe (Just x) Nothing _ = Just x combineMaybe Nothing (Just y) _ = Just y combineBool True True flag = err flag combineBool x y _ = x || y getOpts :: [String] -> IO Options getOpts = fmap mconcat . mapM parseArg where parseArg "-e" = return mempty { shouldUseEditor = True } parseArg "-d" = return mempty { shouldDumpDiffs = True } parseArg "-c" = return mempty { shouldUseColor = Just EnableColor } parseArg "-C" = return mempty { shouldUseColor = Just DisableColor } parseArg "-s" = return mempty { shouldSetConflictStyle = True } parseArg arg = do prog <- getProgName putStr $ unlines [ "Usage: " ++ prog ++ " [-e] [-d] [-c] [-C] [-s]" , "" , "-e Execute $EDITOR for each conflicted file that remains conflicted" , "-d Dump the left/right diffs from base in each conflict remaining" , "-c Enable color" , "-C Disable color" , "-s Configure git's global merge.conflictstyle to diff3 if needed" ] fail $ "Unknown argument: " ++ show arg openEditor :: Options -> FilePath -> IO () openEditor opts path | shouldUseEditor opts = do editor <- getEnv "EDITOR" callProcess editor [path] | otherwise = return () dumpDiffs :: ColorEnable -> Options -> FilePath -> [SideDiff] -> IO () dumpDiffs colorEnable opts filePath diffs | shouldDumpDiffs opts = mapM_ dumpDiff diffs | otherwise = return () where dumpDiff (side, (lineNo, marker), diff) = do putStrLn $ concat [filePath, ":", show lineNo, ":Diff", show side, ": ", marker] putStr $ unlines $ map (ppDiff colorEnable) diff dumpAndOpenEditor :: ColorEnable -> Options -> FilePath -> [SideDiff] -> IO () dumpAndOpenEditor colorEnable opts path diffs = do dumpDiffs colorEnable opts path diffs openEditor opts path overwrite :: FilePath -> String -> IO () overwrite fileName newContent = do renameFile fileName bkup writeFile fileName newContent removeFile bkup where bkup = fileName <.> "bk" resolve :: ColorEnable -> Options -> FilePath -> IO () resolve colorEnable opts fileName = do content <- parseConflicts <$> readFile fileName case resolveContent content of NewContent successes failures newContent | successes == 0 && failures == 0 -> do putStrLn $ fileName ++ ": No conflicts, git-adding" gitAdd fileName | successes == 0 -> do putStrLn $ concat [ fileName, ": Failed to resolve any of the " , show failures, " conflicts" ] doDump | otherwise -> do putStrLn $ concat [ fileName, ": Successfully resolved ", show successes , " conflicts (failed to resolve " ++ show failures ++ " conflicts)" , if failures == 0 then ", git adding" else "" ] overwrite fileName newContent if failures == 0 then gitAdd fileName else doDump where doDump = dumpAndOpenEditor colorEnable opts fileName [ cDiff | Right conflict <- parseConflicts newContent , cDiff <- getConflictDiffs conflict ] stripNewline :: String -> String stripNewline x | "\n" `isSuffixOf` x = init x | otherwise = x shouldUseColorByTerminal :: IO ColorEnable shouldUseColorByTerminal = do istty <- queryTerminal stdOutput return $ if istty then EnableColor else DisableColor unprefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a] unprefix prefix str | prefix `isPrefixOf` str = Just (drop (length prefix) str) | otherwise = Nothing getConflictStyle :: IO String getConflictStyle = do (exitCode, stdout, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "git" ["config", "merge.conflictstyle"] stdin case exitCode of ExitSuccess -> return $ stripNewline stdout ExitFailure 1 -> return "unset" ExitFailure _ -> E.throwIO exitCode where stdin = "" setConflictStyle :: IO () setConflictStyle = callProcess "git" ["config", "--global", "merge.conflictstyle", "diff3"] checkConflictStyle :: Options -> IO () checkConflictStyle opts = do conflictStyle <- getConflictStyle when (conflictStyle /= "diff3") $ do unless (shouldSetConflictStyle opts) $ fail $ concat [ "merge.conflictstyle must be diff3 but is " , show conflictStyle , ". Use -s to automatically set it globally" ] setConflictStyle newConflictStyle <- getConflictStyle when (newConflictStyle /= "diff3") $ fail $ concat [ "Attempt to set conflict style failed. Perhaps you have" , " an incorrect merge.conflictstyle configuration " , "specified in your per-project .git/config?" ] relativePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath relativePath base path | rel /= path = rel | revRel /= base = joinPath $ replicate (length (splitPath revRel)) ".." | otherwise = path where rel = makeRelative base path revRel = makeRelative path base () :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath "." p = p d p = d FilePath. p isDirectory :: FilePath -> IO Bool isDirectory x = PosixFiles.isDirectory <$> PosixFiles.getFileStatus x ensureNewline :: String -> String ensureNewline "" = "" ensureNewline str = str ++ suffix where suffix | "\n" `isSuffixOf` str = "" | otherwise = "\n" withAllStageFiles :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO b) -> IO b withAllStageFiles path action = do let stdin = "" [baseTmp, localTmp, remoteTmp] <- take 3 . words <$> readProcess "git" ["checkout-index", "--stage=all", "--", path] stdin let maybePath "." = Nothing maybePath p = Just p let mLocalTmp = maybePath localTmp mRemoteTmp = maybePath remoteTmp action baseTmp mLocalTmp mRemoteTmp `E.finally` do removeFile baseTmp traverse_ removeFile mLocalTmp traverse_ removeFile mRemoteTmp deleteModifyConflictAddMarkers :: FilePath -> IO () deleteModifyConflictAddMarkers path = withAllStageFiles path $ \baseTmp mLocalTmp mRemoteTmp -> do baseContent <- readFile baseTmp localContent <- maybe (return "") readFile mLocalTmp remoteContent <- maybe (return "") readFile mRemoteTmp overwrite path $ concat [ markerLine '<' "LOCAL" , ensureNewline localContent , markerLine '|' "BASE" , ensureNewline baseContent , markerLine '=' "" , ensureNewline remoteContent , markerLine '>' "REMOTE" ] deleteModifyConflictHandle :: FilePath -> IO () deleteModifyConflictHandle path = do notMarked <- null . filter (markerPrefix '<' `isPrefixOf`) . lines <$> readFile path when notMarked $ do putStrLn $ show path ++ " has a delete/modify conflict. Adding conflict markers" deleteModifyConflictAddMarkers path removeFileIfEmpty :: FilePath -> IO () removeFileIfEmpty path = do isEmpty <- null <$> readFile path when isEmpty $ do removeFile path callProcess "git" ["add", "-u", "--", path] main :: IO () main = do opts <- getOpts =<< getArgs colorEnable <- case shouldUseColor opts of Nothing -> shouldUseColorByTerminal Just colorEnable -> return colorEnable checkConflictStyle opts let stdin = "" statusPorcelain <- readProcess "git" ["status", "--porcelain"] stdin cwd <- getCurrentDirectory rootDir <- relativePath cwd . stripNewline <$> readProcess "git" ["rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"] stdin let rootRelativeFiles = filterM (fmap not . isDirectory) . map (rootDir ) let firstMatchingPrefix :: [String] -> String -> Maybe String firstMatchingPrefix prefixes = asum . traverse unprefix prefixes let filesMatchingPrefixes :: [String] -> IO [FilePath] filesMatchingPrefixes prefixes = rootRelativeFiles . mapMaybe (firstMatchingPrefix prefixes) $ lines statusPorcelain -- from git-diff manpage: -- Added (A), Copied (C), Deleted (D), Modified (M), Renamed (R), -- have their type (i.e. regular file, symlink, submodule, ...) changed (T), -- are Unmerged (U), are Unknown (X), or have had their pairing Broken (B) deleteModifyConflicts <- filesMatchingPrefixes ["DU ", "UD "] mapM_ deleteModifyConflictHandle deleteModifyConflicts filesMatchingPrefixes ["UU ", "AA ", "DA ", "AD ", "DU ", "UD "] >>= mapM_ (resolve colorEnable opts) -- Heuristically delete files that were remove/modify conflict -- and ended up with empty content mapM_ removeFileIfEmpty deleteModifyConflicts