{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Api.User (resource) where

import Prelude.Compat

import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, modifyTVar, readTVar)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, asks)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Set      as Set
import qualified Data.Text     as T

import Rest
import qualified Rest.Resource as R

import ApiTypes (BlogApi, ServerData (..))
import Type.User (User)
import Type.UserInfo (UserInfo (..))
import Type.UserSignupError (UserSignupError (..))
import qualified Type.User     as User
import qualified Type.UserInfo as UserInfo

-- | User extends the root of the API with a reader containing the ways to identify a user in our URLs.
-- Currently only by the user name.
type WithUser = ReaderT User.Name BlogApi

-- | Defines the /user api end-point.
resource :: Resource BlogApi WithUser User.Name () Void
resource = mkResourceReader
  { R.name   = "user" -- Name of the HTTP path segment.
  , R.schema = withListing () $ named [("name", singleBy T.pack)]
  , R.list   = const list -- requested by GET /user, gives a paginated listing of users.
  , R.create = Just create -- PUT /user creates a new user

list :: ListHandler BlogApi
list = mkListing xmlJsonO handler
    handler :: Range -> ExceptT Reason_ BlogApi [UserInfo]
    handler r = do
      usrs <- liftIO . atomically . readTVar =<< asks users
      return . map toUserInfo . take (count r) . drop (offset r) . Set.toList $ usrs

-- | Convert a User into a representation that is safe to show to the public.
toUserInfo :: User -> UserInfo
toUserInfo u = UserInfo { UserInfo.name = User.name u }

create :: Handler BlogApi
create = mkInputHandler (xmlJsonE . xmlJsonO . xmlJsonI) handler
    handler :: User -> ExceptT (Reason UserSignupError) BlogApi UserInfo
    handler usr = do
      usrs <- asks users
      merr <- liftIO . atomically $ do
        vu <- validUserName usr <$> readTVar usrs
        if not (validPassword usr)
          then return . Just $ domainReason InvalidPassword
          else if not vu
            then return . Just $ domainReason InvalidUserName
            else modifyTVar usrs (Set.insert usr) >> return Nothing
      maybe (return $ toUserInfo usr) throwError merr

validPassword :: User.User -> Bool
validPassword = (> 1) . T.length . User.password

validUserName :: User -> Set User -> Bool
validUserName u usrs =
  let un        = User.name u
      available = F.all ((un /=). User.name) usrs
      nonEmpty  = (> 1) . T.length $ un
  in available && nonEmpty