riak- A Haskell client for the Riak decentralized data store

MaintainerBryan O'Sullivan <bos@mailrank.com>



This module allows storage and retrieval of JSON-encoded data.

Functions automatically resolve conflicts using Resolvable instances. For instance, if a get returns three siblings, a winner will be chosen using mconcat. If a put results in a conflict, a winner will be chosen using mconcat, and the winner will be put; this will be repeated until no conflict occurs.



get :: (FromJSON c, ToJSON c, Resolvable c) => Connection -> Bucket -> Key -> R -> IO (Maybe (c, VClock))Source

Retrieve a single value. If conflicting values are returned, the Resolvable is used to choose a winner.

getMany :: (FromJSON c, ToJSON c, Resolvable c) => Connection -> Bucket -> [Key] -> R -> IO [Maybe (c, VClock)]Source

Retrieve multiple values. If conflicting values are returned for a key, the Resolvable is used to choose a winner.

put :: (Eq c, FromJSON c, ToJSON c, Resolvable c) => Connection -> Bucket -> Key -> Maybe VClock -> c -> W -> DW -> IO (c, VClock)Source

Store a single value, automatically resolving any vector clock conflicts that arise. A single invocation of this function may involve several roundtrips to the server to resolve conflicts.

If a conflict arises, a winner will be chosen using mconcat, and the winner will be stored; this will be repeated until no conflict occurs.

The final value to be stored at the end of any conflict resolution is returned.

put_ :: (Eq c, FromJSON c, ToJSON c, Resolvable c) => Connection -> Bucket -> Key -> Maybe VClock -> c -> W -> DW -> IO ()Source

Store a single value, automatically resolving any vector clock conflicts that arise. A single invocation of this function may involve several roundtrips to the server to resolve conflicts.

If a conflict arises, a winner will be chosen using mconcat, and the winner will be stored; this will be repeated until no conflict occurs.

putMany :: (Eq c, FromJSON c, ToJSON c, Resolvable c) => Connection -> Bucket -> [(Key, Maybe VClock, c)] -> W -> DW -> IO [(c, VClock)]Source

Store multiple values, resolving any vector clock conflicts that arise. A single invocation of this function may involve several roundtrips to the server to resolve conflicts.

If any conflicts arise, a winner will be chosen in each case using mconcat, and the winners will be stored; this will be repeated until no conflicts occur.

For each original value to be stored, the final value that was stored at the end of any conflict resolution is returned.

putMany_ :: (Eq c, FromJSON c, ToJSON c, Resolvable c) => Connection -> Bucket -> [(Key, Maybe VClock, c)] -> W -> DW -> IO ()Source

Store multiple values, resolving any vector clock conflicts that arise. A single invocation of this function may involve several roundtrips to the server to resolve conflicts.

If any conflicts arise, a winner will be chosen in each case using mconcat, and the winners will be stored; this will be repeated until no conflicts occur.