{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Network.Monitoring.Riemann (
  module Network.Monitoring.Riemann.Types,
  module Data.Int,
  Client(..), makeUDPClient, makeTCPClient, isError,
  sendEventT, sendEvent  ) where

import           Network.Monitoring.Riemann.TCP
import           Network.Monitoring.Riemann.Types

import           Data.Default
import           Data.Int
import           Data.IORef                       (IORef, atomicModifyIORef',
                                                   newIORef, readIORef,
import           Data.ProtocolBuffers
import           Data.Serialize.Put
import           Data.Time.Clock.POSIX

import           Control.Error
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Trans

import           Network.Socket                   hiding (recv, recvFrom, send,
import           Network.Socket.ByteString


In brief, a Riemann client has two operating conditions: (a) as a
decoration of *real* code or (b) as a component of self-reflecting
system component. In 95% of cases the client will be used for (a), so
that's the easiest way to use the client.

An (a)-style Riemann client should allow for liberal *decoration* of
code with monitoring keys. These decorations should trivially reduce
to nops if there is no connection to a Riemann server and they should
silently ignore all server errors. The (a)-style Riemann decorations
should never slow real code and thus must either be very, very fast or

As a tradeoff, we can never be sure that *all* (a)-style decorations
fire and are observed by a Riemann server. Neither the client or the
server can take note of or be affected by packet failure.

A (b)-style Riemann client should allow for smart load balancing. It
should be able to guarantee connectivity to the Riemann server and
failover along with the server should Riemann ever die or become
partitioned. (To this end, there's some need for pools of Riemann
servers, but this may be non-critical.) Riemann (b)-style interactions
also include querying the Riemann server --- so we'll need a query
combinator language.



API Design

Basic events ought to be generated very easily. Sane defaults ought to
be built-in---we shouldn't be specifying the host in every decorated
call, we shouldn't have any concept of the current time when we
decorate an action. To this end the Monoid instances for `Event`s,
`State`s, `Msg`s, and `Query`s are designed to either grow or be
overridden to the right (using lots of `Last` newtypes over maybes and
inner `(<>)` applications).

The Client also should be defaulted at as high a level as possible.


withClient :: Client -> IO a -> IO a
withDefaultEvent :: Event -> IO a -> IO a
withEventTiming :: IO a -> IO a
withHostname :: Text -> IO a -> IO a




There are roughly two independent factors for library design. First,
we can use UDP or TCP---Riemann size limits UDP datagrams, but the
limit is high (16 mb by default), so there's theoretically a corner
case there but it's a fair bet that we won't hit it---and secondly we
can deliver them in the main thread or asynchronously via a concurrent

There's a tradeoff here between throughput and assurance. Asynch+UDP
has the highest throughput, while Synch+TCP has the greatest
assurance. We'll optimize for (a)-type decoration via Asynch+UDP.

Can we do the same and optimize (b)-type calls as Synch+TCP? Probably.




riemann $ ev "<service>" <metric> & tags <>~ "foo"


data Client = UDP { riemannHost :: Hostname
                  , riemannPort :: Port
                  , udpClient   :: Either IOException (Socket, AddrInfo)
            | TCP { riemannHost :: Hostname
                  , riemannPort :: Port
                  , tcpClient   :: IORef TCPState
                    -- ^ TCP connection's state is maintained into a mutable reference in order to allow
                    -- not mutating the @Client@ structure

-- |Checks whether or not a given @Client@ is in an error state.
isError :: (MonadIO m) => Client -> m Bool
isError (UDP _ _ (Left  _))  = return True
isError (UDP _ _ (Right _ )) = return False
isError (TCP _ _ r) = isTCPError <$> liftIO (readIORef r)

-- | Attempts to bind a UDP client at the passed 'Hostname' and
-- 'Port'. Failures are silently ignored---failure in monitoring
-- should not cause an application failure...
makeUDPClient :: Hostname -> Port -> IO Client
makeUDPClient hn po = UDP hn po <$> sock
  where sock :: IO (Either IOException (Socket, AddrInfo))
        sock =
          try $ do addrs <- getAddrInfo
                            (Just $ defaultHints {
                                addrFlags = [AI_NUMERICSERV] })
                            (Just hn)
                            (Just $ show po)
                   case addrs of
                     []       -> fail "No accessible addresses"
                     (addy:_) -> do
                       s <- socket AF_INET
                       return (s, addy)

-- | Attempts to connect to given riemann server
-- Returns an initialised TCP client that can later be used to send events to given riemann host/port.
-- TCP Clients always try to reconnect to server when an event is sent and connection is either closed
-- or in error.
makeTCPClient :: Hostname -> Port -> IO Client
makeTCPClient hn po =  do
  ref <- newIORef CnxClosed
  cnx <- tcpConnect hn po CnxClosed
  writeIORef ref cnx
  return $ TCP hn po ref

closeClient :: Client -> IO ()
closeClient (UDP _ _ cnx) = either (const $ return ()) (close . fst) cnx
closeClient (TCP _ _ r ) = do
  tcp <- readIORef r
  case tcp of
   CnxOpen (s,_) -> close s
   _             -> return ()
  atomicModifyIORef' r (const $ (CnxClosed, ()))

-- | Attempts to forward an event to a client. Fails silently.
sendEvent :: MonadIO m => Client -> Event -> m ()
sendEvent c = liftIO . void . runExceptT . sendEventT c

-- | Attempts to forward an event to a client. If it fails, it'll
-- return an 'IOException' in the 'ExceptT', otherwise it returns the passed @Client@, possibly
-- modified to cope for changes in state.
sendEventT :: Client -> Event -> ExceptT IOException IO Client
sendEventT client@(UDP _ _ _)  event = sendUDPEvent client event
sendEventT client@(TCP _ _ _ ) event = sendTCPEvent client event

sendTCPEvent :: (MonadIO m) => Client -> Event -> ExceptT IOException m Client
sendTCPEvent c@(TCP h  n  r) event = tryIO $ do
  tcp <- readIORef r
  case tcp of
   CnxOpen (s,_) -> doSendTCPEvent r s event >> return c
   s             -> do
     s' <- tcpConnect h n s
     writeIORef r s'
     case s' of
      CnxOpen (sock,_) ->  doSendTCPEvent r sock event >> return c
      CnxError e       -> throw e
      _                -> fail "connection is closed after retry"
sendTCPEvent _ _  = fail "trying to send TCP event through UDP client"

sendUDPEvent :: (MonadIO m) => Client -> Event -> ExceptT IOException m Client
sendUDPEvent (UDP _ _ (Left e)) _ = throwE e
sendUDPEvent c@(UDP _ _ (Right (s, addy))) e = tryIO $ do
  now <- fmap round getPOSIXTime
  let msg = def & events .~ [e & time ?~ now]
  void $ sendTo s (runPut $ encodeMessage msg) (addrAddress addy)
  return c
sendUDPEvent _ _  = fail "trying to send UDP event through TCP client"