module Ripple.Transaction (
) where

import Numeric
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Word
import Data.LargeWord
import Data.Bits
import Control.Error (readMay)
import Data.Binary (Binary(..), Put, Get, putWord8, getWord8, encode)
import Data.Binary.Get (isEmpty, getLazyByteString, lookAheadM)
import Data.Binary.Put (putLazyByteString)
import Data.Bool.HT (select)
import Data.Base58Address (RippleAddress)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LZ

import Data.Aeson ((.:?))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Ripple.Amount
import Ripple.Path

data TransactionType =
	Payment | AccountSet | SetRegularKey | OfferCreate | OfferCancel |
	Sign | TrustSet | OtherTransaction Word16
	deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

instance Enum TransactionType where
	toEnum 00 = Payment
	toEnum 03 = AccountSet
	toEnum 05 = SetRegularKey
	toEnum 07 = OfferCreate
	toEnum 08 = OfferCancel
	toEnum 09 = Sign
	toEnum 20 = TrustSet
	toEnum x = OtherTransaction $ toEnum x

	fromEnum Payment       = 00
	fromEnum AccountSet    = 03
	fromEnum SetRegularKey = 05
	fromEnum OfferCreate   = 07
	fromEnum OfferCancel   = 08
	fromEnum Sign          = 09
	fromEnum TrustSet      = 20
	fromEnum (OtherTransaction x) = fromEnum x

newtype VariableLengthData = VariableLengthData LZ.ByteString
	deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Binary VariableLengthData where
	get = do
		tag <- getWord8
		len <- select (fail "could not determine length of VariableLengthData") [
				(tag < 193, return $ fromIntegral tag),
				(tag < 241, do
						tag2 <- getWord8
						return $
							193 + ((fromIntegral tag - 193)*256) +
							fromIntegral tag2
				(tag < 255, do
						(tag2, tag3) <- (,) <$> getWord8 <*> getWord8
						return $
							12481 + ((fromIntegral tag - 241)*65536) +
							(fromIntegral tag2 * 256) + fromIntegral tag3
		VariableLengthData <$> getLazyByteString len

	put (VariableLengthData bytes) =
		mapM_ (putWord8.fromIntegral) tag >> putLazyByteString bytes
			| l < 193 = [l]
			| l < 16320 = [(l2 `div` 256) + 193, l2 `mod` 256]
			| l < 995520 = [(l3 `div` 65536) + 241, (l3 `mod` 65536) `div` 256, (l3 `mod` 65536) `mod` 256]
			| otherwise = error "Data too long for VariableLengthData"
		l3 = l - 12481
		l2 = l - 193
		l = LZ.length bytes

data TypedField =
	TF1  Word16             |
	TF2  Word32             |
	TF3  Word64             |
	TF4  Word128            |
	TF5  Word256            |
	TF6  Amount             |
	TF7  LZ.ByteString      |
	TF8  RippleAddress      |
	TF14 [Field]            |
	TF15 [Field]            |
	TF16 Word8              |
	TF17 Word160            |
	TF18 PathSet            |
	TF19 [Word256]
	deriving (Show, Eq)

putTF :: TypedField -> (Word8, Put)
putTF (TF1  x) = (01, put x)
putTF (TF2  x) = (02, put x)
putTF (TF3  x) = (03, put x)
putTF (TF4  x) = (04, put x)
putTF (TF5  x) = (05, put x)
putTF (TF6  x) = (05, put x)
putTF (TF7  x) = (07, put $ VariableLengthData x)
putTF (TF8  x) = (08, putWord8 20 >> put x)
putTF (TF14 x) = (14, mapM_ put x >> putWord8 0xE1)
putTF (TF15 x) = (15, mapM_ put x >> putWord8 0xF1)
putTF (TF16 x) = (16, put x)
putTF (TF17 x) = (17, put x)
putTF (TF18 x) = (18, put x)
putTF (TF19 x) = (19, put $ VariableLengthData $ LZ.concat (map encode x))

getTF :: Word8 -> Get TypedField
getTF 01 = TF1  <$> get
getTF 02 = TF2  <$> get
getTF 03 = TF3  <$> get
getTF 04 = TF4  <$> get
getTF 05 = TF5  <$> get
getTF 06 = TF6  <$> get
getTF 07 = (\(VariableLengthData x) -> TF7 x) <$> get
getTF 08 = TF8  <$> do
	len <- getWord8
	when (len /= 20) $
		fail $ "RippleAddress is 160 bit encoding, len is " ++ show len
getTF 14 = TF14 <$> getInnerObject
getTF 15 = TF15 <$> getInnerArray
getTF 16 = TF16 <$> get
getTF 17 = TF17 <$> get
getTF 18 = TF18 <$> get
getTF x  = error $ "Unknown type for TypedField: " ++ show x

getInnerObject :: Get [Field]
getInnerObject = do
	maybeEmpty <- lookAheadM (fmap isEnd getWord8)
	case maybeEmpty of
		Just () -> return []
		Nothing -> (:) <$> get <*> getInnerObject
	isEnd 0xE1 = Just ()
	isEnd _    = Nothing

getInnerArray :: Get [Field]
getInnerArray = do
	maybeEmpty <- lookAheadM (fmap isEnd getWord8)
	case maybeEmpty of
		Just () -> return []
		Nothing -> (:) <$> get <*> getInnerArray
	isEnd 0xF1 = Just ()
	isEnd _    = Nothing

data Field =
	LedgerEntryType Word16          |
	TransactionType TransactionType |
	Flags Word32                    |
	SourceTag Word32                |
	SequenceNumber Word32           |
	PreviousTransactionLedgerSequence Word32 |
	LedgerSequence Word32           |
	LedgerCloseTime Word32          |
	ParentLedgerCloseTime Word32    |
	SigningTime Word32              |
	ExpirationTime Word32           |
	TransferRate Word32             |
	WalletSize Word32               |
	OwnerCount Word32               |
	DestinationTag Word32           |
	LedgerHash Word256              |
	ParentHash Word256              |
	TransactionHash Word256         |
	AccountHash Word256             |
	PreviousTxnID Word256           |
	LedgerIndex Word256             |
	WalletLocator Word256           |
	RootIndex Word256               |
	AccountTxnID Word256            |
	InvoiceID Word256               |
	Amount Amount                   |
	Balance Amount                  |
	Limit Amount                    |
	TakerPays Amount                |
	TakerGets Amount                |
	LowLimit Amount                 |
	HighLimit Amount                |
	Fee Amount                      |
	SendMaximum Amount              |
	DeliveredAmount Amount          |
	PublicKey LZ.ByteString         |
	MessageKey LZ.ByteString        |
	SigningPublicKey LZ.ByteString  |
	TransactionSignature LZ.ByteString |
	Generator LZ.ByteString         |
	Signature LZ.ByteString         |
	Domain LZ.ByteString            |
	FundScript LZ.ByteString        |
	RemoveScript LZ.ByteString      |
	ExpireScript LZ.ByteString      |
	CreateScript LZ.ByteString      |
	LedgerCloseTimeResolution Word8 |
	Account RippleAddress           |
	Owner RippleAddress             |
	Destination RippleAddress       |
	Issuer RippleAddress            |
	Target RippleAddress            |
	AuthorizedKey RippleAddress     |
	ModifiedNode [Field]            |
	AffectedNodes [Field]           |
	TemplateEntryType Word8         |
	TransactionResult Word8         |
	UnknownField Word8 TypedField
	deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Ord Field where
	compare x y = compare (tagPair x) (tagPair y)
		tagPair f = let (tag, tf) = ungetField f in
			(fst $ putTF tf, tag)

instance Binary Field where
	get = do
		tag <- getWord8
		typ <- case tag `shiftR` 4 of
			0 -> get
			t -> return t
		fld <- case tag .&. 0x0F of
			0 -> get
			t -> return t
		tf <- getTF typ
		return $ getField fld tf

	put fld = mapM_ put header >> dta
			| typ < 16 && tag < 16 = [(typ `shiftL` 4) .|. tag]
			| typ < 16 = [typ `shiftL` 4, tag]
			| tag < 16 = [tag, typ]
			| otherwise = [0, typ, tag]
		(typ, dta) = putTF tf
		(tag, tf)  = ungetField fld

getField :: Word8 -> TypedField -> Field
getField 01 (TF1  x) = LedgerEntryType x
getField 02 (TF1  x) = TransactionType $ toEnum $ fromEnum x
getField 02 (TF2  x) = Flags x
getField 03 (TF2  x) = SourceTag x
getField 04 (TF2  x) = SequenceNumber x
getField 05 (TF2  x) = PreviousTransactionLedgerSequence x
getField 06 (TF2  x) = LedgerSequence x
getField 07 (TF2  x) = LedgerCloseTime x
getField 08 (TF2  x) = ParentLedgerCloseTime x
getField 09 (TF2  x) = SigningTime x
getField 10 (TF2  x) = ExpirationTime x
getField 11 (TF2  x) = TransferRate x
getField 12 (TF2  x) = WalletSize x
getField 13 (TF2  x) = OwnerCount x
getField 14 (TF2  x) = DestinationTag x
getField 01 (TF5  x) = LedgerHash x
getField 02 (TF5  x) = ParentHash x
getField 03 (TF5  x) = TransactionHash x
getField 04 (TF5  x) = AccountHash x
getField 05 (TF5  x) = PreviousTxnID x
getField 06 (TF5  x) = LedgerIndex x
getField 07 (TF5  x) = WalletLocator x
getField 08 (TF5  x) = RootIndex x
getField 09 (TF5  x) = AccountTxnID x
getField 17 (TF5  x) = InvoiceID x
getField 01 (TF6  x) = Ripple.Transaction.Amount x
getField 02 (TF6  x) = Balance x
getField 03 (TF6  x) = Limit x
getField 04 (TF6  x) = TakerPays x
getField 05 (TF6  x) = TakerGets x
getField 06 (TF6  x) = LowLimit x
getField 07 (TF6  x) = HighLimit x
getField 08 (TF6  x) = Fee x
getField 09 (TF6  x) = SendMaximum x
getField 18 (TF6  x) = DeliveredAmount x
getField 01 (TF7  x) = PublicKey x
getField 02 (TF7  x) = MessageKey x
getField 03 (TF7  x) = SigningPublicKey x
getField 04 (TF7  x) = TransactionSignature x
getField 05 (TF7  x) = Generator x
getField 06 (TF7  x) = Signature x
getField 07 (TF7  x) = Domain x
getField 08 (TF7  x) = FundScript x
getField 09 (TF7  x) = RemoveScript x
getField 10 (TF7  x) = ExpireScript x
getField 11 (TF7  x) = CreateScript x
getField 01 (TF8  x) = Account x
getField 02 (TF8  x) = Owner x
getField 03 (TF8  x) = Destination x
getField 04 (TF8  x) = Issuer x
getField 05 (TF8  x) = Target x
getField 06 (TF8  x) = AuthorizedKey x
getField 05 (TF14 x) = ModifiedNode x
getField 08 (TF15 x) = AffectedNodes x
getField 01 (TF16 x) = LedgerCloseTimeResolution x
getField 02 (TF16 x) = TemplateEntryType x
getField 03 (TF16 x) = TransactionResult x
getField tag tf      = UnknownField tag tf

ungetField :: Field -> (Word8, TypedField)
ungetField (LedgerEntryType x)           = (01, TF1 x)
ungetField (TransactionType x)           = (02, TF1 $ toEnum $ fromEnum x)
ungetField (Flags x)                     = (02, TF2 x)
ungetField (SourceTag x)                 = (03, TF2 x)
ungetField (SequenceNumber x)            = (04, TF2 x)
ungetField (PreviousTransactionLedgerSequence x) = (05, TF2 x)
ungetField (LedgerSequence x)            = (06, TF2 x)
ungetField (LedgerCloseTime x)           = (07, TF2 x)
ungetField (ParentLedgerCloseTime x)     = (08, TF2 x)
ungetField (SigningTime x)               = (09, TF2 x)
ungetField (ExpirationTime x)            = (10, TF2 x)
ungetField (TransferRate x)              = (11, TF2 x)
ungetField (WalletSize x)                = (12, TF2 x)
ungetField (OwnerCount x)                = (13, TF2 x)
ungetField (DestinationTag x)            = (14, TF2 x)
ungetField (LedgerHash x)                = (01, TF5 x)
ungetField (ParentHash x)                = (02, TF5 x)
ungetField (TransactionHash x)           = (03, TF5 x)
ungetField (AccountHash x)               = (04, TF5 x)
ungetField (PreviousTxnID x)             = (05, TF5 x)
ungetField (LedgerIndex x)               = (06, TF5 x)
ungetField (WalletLocator x)             = (07, TF5 x)
ungetField (RootIndex x)                 = (08, TF5 x)
ungetField (AccountTxnID x)              = (09, TF5 x)
ungetField (InvoiceID x)                 = (17, TF5 x)
ungetField (Ripple.Transaction.Amount x) = (01, TF6 x)
ungetField (Balance x)                   = (02, TF6 x)
ungetField (Limit x)                     = (03, TF6 x)
ungetField (TakerPays x)                 = (04, TF6 x)
ungetField (TakerGets x)                 = (05, TF6 x)
ungetField (LowLimit x)                  = (06, TF6 x)
ungetField (HighLimit x)                 = (07, TF6 x)
ungetField (Fee x)                       = (08, TF6 x)
ungetField (SendMaximum x)               = (09, TF6 x)
ungetField (DeliveredAmount x)           = (18, TF6 x)
ungetField (PublicKey x)                 = (01, TF7 x)
ungetField (MessageKey x)                = (02, TF7 x)
ungetField (SigningPublicKey x)          = (03, TF7 x)
ungetField (TransactionSignature x)      = (04, TF7 x)
ungetField (Generator x)                 = (05, TF7 x)
ungetField (Signature x)                 = (06, TF7 x)
ungetField (Domain x)                    = (07, TF7 x)
ungetField (FundScript x)                = (08, TF7 x)
ungetField (RemoveScript x)              = (09, TF7 x)
ungetField (ExpireScript x)              = (10, TF7 x)
ungetField (CreateScript x)              = (11, TF7 x)
ungetField (Account x)                   = (01, TF8 x)
ungetField (Owner x)                     = (02, TF8 x)
ungetField (Destination x)               = (03, TF8 x)
ungetField (Issuer x)                    = (04, TF8 x)
ungetField (Target x)                    = (05, TF8 x)
ungetField (AuthorizedKey x)             = (06, TF8 x)
ungetField (ModifiedNode x)              = (05, TF14 x)
ungetField (AffectedNodes x)             = (08, TF15 x)
ungetField (LedgerCloseTimeResolution x) = (01, TF16 x)
ungetField (TemplateEntryType x)         = (02, TF16 x)
ungetField (TransactionResult x)         = (03, TF16 x)
ungetField (UnknownField tag tf)         = (tag, tf)

newtype Transaction = Transaction [Field]
	deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Binary Transaction where
	get = Transaction <$> listUntilEnd
	put (Transaction fs) = mapM_ put (sort fs)

listUntilEnd :: (Binary a) => Get [a]
listUntilEnd = do
	done <- isEmpty
	if done then return [] else do
		next <- get
		rest <- listUntilEnd
		return (next:rest)
{-# INLINE listUntilEnd #-}

instance Aeson.FromJSON Transaction where
	parseJSON (Aeson.Object o) = Transaction <$> do
		txhash <- fmap (>>= fmap TransactionHash . hexMay) (k "hash")
		account <- fmap (>>= fmap Account . readMay) (k "Account")
		amount <- (fmap.fmap) Ripple.Transaction.Amount (k "Amount")
		destination <- fmap (>>= fmap Destination . readMay) (k "Destination")
		fee <- (fmap.fmap) Fee (k "Fee")
		flags <- (fmap.fmap) Flags (k "Flags")
		sendMax <- (fmap.fmap) SendMaximum (k "SendMax")
		sequence <- (fmap.fmap) SequenceNumber (k "Sequence")
		typ <- fmap (>>= fmap TransactionType . readMay) (k "TransactionType")
		delivered <- (fmap.fmap) DeliveredAmount (k "DeliveredAmount")
		result <- fmap (>>= fmap TransactionResult . tRes) (k "TransactionResult")
		dt <- (fmap.fmap) DestinationTag (k "DestinationTag")
		invoiceid <- fmap (>>= fmap InvoiceID . hexMay) (k "InvoiceID")
		date <- fmap (>>= fmap SigningTime) (k "date")
		return $ catMaybes [
				txhash, account, amount, destination, fee, flags, sendMax, sequence,
				typ, delivered, result, dt, invoiceid, date
		k s = o .:? T.pack s
	parseJSON _ = fail "Transaction is always a JSON object"

hexMay :: (Eq a, Num a) => String -> Maybe a
hexMay s = case readHex s of
	[(x, "")] -> Just x
	_ -> Nothing

tRes :: String -> Maybe Word8
tRes ('t':'e':'s':_) = Just 0
tRes ('t':'e':'c':_) = Just 100    -- 100 .. 199
tRes ('t':'e':'r':_) = Just (-99)  -- -99 .. -1
tRes ('t':'e':'f':_) = Just (-199) -- -199 .. -100
tRes ('t':'e':'m':_) = Just (-299) -- -299 .. -200
tRes ('t':'e':'l':_) = Just (-399) -- -399 .. -300
tRes _ = Nothing