module Rivet.Main where

import           Prelude                 hiding ((*>), (++))

import           Control.Applicative     ((<$>))
import           Control.Monad           (void, when)
import           Data.Char               (isSpace)
import           Data.Configurator
import           Data.Configurator.Types
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict     as M
import           Data.List               (intercalate, isInfixOf)
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text               as T
import           Data.Time.Clock
import           Data.Time.Format
import           Development.Shake       hiding (doesFileExist)
import           System.Directory        (createDirectoryIfMissing,
                                          doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory)
import           System.Exit
import           System.IO
import           System.Process

import           Rivet.Common
import qualified Rivet.Rules             as Rules
import qualified Rivet.Tasks             as Tasks

opts :: ShakeOptions
opts = shakeOptions { shakeFiles    = ".shake/" }

getProjectName :: IO String
getProjectName = (reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse) <$>

mainWith :: [Task] -> IO ()
mainWith tasks = do
  proj <- getProjectName
  shakeArgsWith opts [] $ \flags targets ->
    case targets of
      ("init":[]) -> do
        e <- doesFileExist "Rivetfile"
        if e
             do putStrLn "Error: Rivetfile already exists. Only run 'rivet init' in empty directory."
                return Nothing
           else return $ Just $ do want ["init"]
                                   "init" ~> Tasks.init proj
      ("init":_) -> do putStrLn "Usage: rivet init"
                       return Nothing
      _ -> do conf <- load [Required "Rivetfile"]
              commands <- (map (\(k,String v) -> (T.drop (length "commands.") k, v)) .
                           filter (\(k,v) -> (T.pack "commands.") `T.isPrefixOf` k) .
                           M.toList) <$> getMap conf
              deps <- lookupDefault [] conf (T.pack "dependencies")
              cabal <- lookupDefault "cabal " conf (T.pack "cabal-command")
              return $ Just $ do
                case targets of
                  [] -> action $ liftIO $ putStrLn "Need a task. Run `rivet tasks` to see all tasks."
                  ("test":_) -> want ["test"]
                  ("db:new":_:[]) -> want ["db:new"]
                  ("db:new":_) -> action $ liftIO (putStrLn "usage: rivet db:new migration_name")
                  ("model:new":[]) -> action $ liftIO (putStrLn "usage: rivet model:new ModelName [field_name:field_type]*")
                  ("model:new":_) -> want ["model:new"]
                  ("db:migrate":_:[]) -> want ["db:migrate"]
                  ("db:migrate":_:_) -> action $ liftIO (putStrLn "usage: rivet db:migrate [env]")
                  ("db:migrate:down":_:[]) -> want ["db:migrate:down"]
                  ("db:migrate:down":_:_) -> action $ liftIO (putStrLn "usage: rivet db:migrate:down [env]")
                  ("db:status":_:[]) -> want ["db:status"]
                  ("db:status":_:_) -> action $ liftIO (putStrLn "usage: rivet db:status [env]")
                  (target:args) ->
                    do mapM_ (\t ->
                             if taskName t == target
                                then if length args == taskNumArgs t
                                        then want [taskName t]
                                        else action $ liftIO (putStrLn $
                                                                "usage: rivet " ++
                                                                taskName t ++ " " ++
                                                                taskUsage t)
                                else return ())
                       when (not (target `elem` (map taskName tasks))) $ want targets
                Rules.addCommands commands
                Rules.addDependencies cabal deps
                Rules.addBinary cabal proj
                mapM_ (\t -> taskName t ~> taskBody t proj conf (tail targets)) tasks
                "cabal.sandbox.config" *> \_ -> cmd "cabal sandbox init"
                "run" ~> proj
                "test" ~> Tasks.test cabal targets
                "db" ~> Tasks.db proj conf
                "db:test" ~> Tasks.dbTest proj conf
                "db:create" ~> Tasks.dbCreate proj conf
                "db:new" ~> Tasks.dbNew targets
                "db:migrate" ~> Tasks.dbMigrate cabal proj conf (tail targets)
                "db:migrate:down" ~> Tasks.dbMigrateDown cabal proj conf (tail targets)
                "db:status" ~> Tasks.dbStatus cabal proj conf (tail targets)
                "repl" ~> Tasks.repl cabal
                "setup" ~> Tasks.setup cabal
                "crypt:edit" ~> Tasks.cryptEdit proj
                "crypt:show" ~> Tasks.cryptShow
                "crypt:setpass" ~> Tasks.cryptSetPass proj

                "tasks" ~> liftIO (mapM_ (putStrLn . ("rivet " ++)) $
                                       ,"test [pattern]"
                                       ,"db:new migration_name"
                                       ,"model:new ModelName"
                                       ] ++ map taskName tasks)