{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}
module Rivet.Tasks where

import           Control.Applicative        ((<$>))
import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Monad              (filterM, void, when)
import           Data.Char                  (isSpace)
import           Data.Char
import           Data.Configurator
import           Data.Configurator.Types
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict        as M
import           Data.List                  (intercalate, intersperse,
                                             isInfixOf, isSuffixOf, sort)
import           Data.Maybe                 (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text                  (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                  as T
import           Data.Time.Clock
import           Data.Time.Format
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import           Development.Shake          hiding (createDirectory',
                                             getDirectoryContents, writeFile')
import           Prelude                    hiding ((++))
import           System.Console.GetOpt
import           System.Directory           (copyFile, createDirectory,
                                             getTemporaryDirectory, removeFile)
import           System.Environment         (lookupEnv)
import           System.Exit
import           System.Exit
import           System.FilePath
import           System.IO
import           System.Process

import           Rivet.Common
import           Rivet.TH

createDirectory' d = do putStrLn $ "creating " ++ d
                        createDirectory d
writeFile' f c = do putStrLn $ "writing " ++ f
                    writeFile f c

-- NOTE(dbp 2014-09-27): These calls load in files from disk using TH.
loadFile "migrationTemplate" "template/migration.hs"

init projName = do liftIO $ do mapM createDirectory' (fst tDirTemplate)
                               mapM_ write (snd tDirTemplate)
                   hasGit <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist ".git"
                   if hasGit
                      then liftIO $ putStrLn "detected existing .git directory, not committing."
                      else do void $ exec "git init"
                              void $ exec "git add ."
                              void $ exec "git commit -m 'initial commit'"
  where write (f,c) =
          if isSuffixOf "project.cabal" f
          then writeFile' (projName ++ ".cabal") (insertProjName c)
          else writeFile' f (replace "PROJECT" (dbIfy projName) c)
        isNameChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '-'
        insertProjName c = replace "project" (filter isNameChar projName) c

replace old new s = T.unpack . T.replace (T.pack old) (T.pack new) $ T.pack s

-- NOTE(dbp 2014-09-18): Tasks follow
run proj =
  do let binary = "./.cabal-sandbox/bin/" ++ proj
     need [binary]
     void $ exec binary

dbIfy = T.unpack . T.replace "-" "_" . T.pack

db proj conf = do pass <- liftIO $ require conf (T.pack "database-password")
                  port <- liftIO $ lookupDefault 5432 conf (T.pack "database-port") :: Action Int
                  user <- liftIO $ lookupDefault (dbIfy proj ++ "_user") conf (T.pack "database-user")
                  let c = "PGPASSWORD=" ++ pass ++ " psql -hlocalhost " ++ dbIfy proj
                          ++ "_devel -U" ++ user ++ " -p " ++ show port
                  void $ exec c

dbTest proj conf =
  do pass <- liftIO $ require conf (T.pack "database-password")
     port <- liftIO $ lookupDefault 5432 conf (T.pack "database-port") :: Action Int
     user <- liftIO $ lookupDefault (dbIfy proj ++ "_user") conf (T.pack "database-user")
     let c = "PGPASSWORD=" ++ pass ++ " psql " ++ dbIfy proj
             ++ "_test -U" ++ user ++ " -hlocalhost" ++ " -p " ++ show port
     void $ exec c

test cabal targets =
  do code <- exec $ cabal ++ " exec -- runghc -isrc -ispec spec/Main.hs -m \"" ++ (intercalate " " (tail targets) ++ "\"")
     case code of
       ExitSuccess -> return ()
       _ -> error "rivet test: Test Failure."

dbCreate proj conf =
  do pass <- liftIO $ require conf (T.pack "database-password")
     user <- liftIO $ lookupDefault (dbIfy proj ++ "_user") conf (T.pack "database-user")
     let dbname = dbIfy proj
     code <- exec $ "PGPASSWORD=" ++ pass ++ " psql -hlocalhost -U" ++ user ++ " template1 -c 'SELECT 1'"
     isSuper <- case code of
                  ExitFailure _ -> do void $ exec $ "psql template1 -c \"CREATE USER " ++ user ++ " WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD '" ++ pass ++ "'\""
                                      return True
                  ExitSuccess -> do res <- readExec $ "psql -hlocalhost -U" ++ user ++ " template1 -c \"SELECT current_setting('is_superuser')\""
                                    return ("on" `isInfixOf` res)
     if isSuper
        then do exec $ "PGPASSWORD=" ++ pass ++ " psql -hlocalhost -U" ++ user ++ " template1 -c \"CREATE DATABASE " ++ dbname ++ "_devel\""
                exec $ "PGPASSWORD=" ++ pass ++ " psql -hlocalhost -U" ++ user ++ " template1 -c \"CREATE DATABASE " ++ dbname ++ "_test\""
                return ()
        else do void $ exec $ "psql template1 -c \"CREATE DATABASE " ++ dbname ++ "_devel\""
                void $ exec $ "psql template1 -c \"CREATE DATABASE " ++ dbname ++ "_test\""
                void $ exec $ "psql template1 -c \"GRANT ALL ON DATABASE " ++ dbname ++ "_devel TO " ++ user ++ "\""
                void $ exec $ "psql template1 -c \"GRANT ALL ON DATABASE " ++ dbname ++ "_test TO " ++ user ++ "\""

dbNew targets =
  do let name = head (tail targets)
     liftIO $ genMigration name sqlud
  where sqlud = "sql up down\n\n\
                \up = \"\"\n\
                 \down = \"\""

genMigration name content =
  do now <- getCurrentTime
     let modname = (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "M%Y%m%d%H%M%S_" now) ++ name
         str = modname ++ ".hs"
     putStrLn $ "Writing to migrations/" ++ str ++ "..."
     writeFile ("migrations/" ++ str)
         (replace "MIGRATION_MODULE" modname . replace "CONTENT" content $ migrationTemplate)

data MigrateMode = Up | Down | Status deriving Show

dbMigrate cabal proj conf [] =
  do liftIO $ migrate cabal proj conf "devel" Up
     liftIO $ migrate cabal proj conf "test" Up
dbMigrate cabal proj conf (env:_) = liftIO $ migrate cabal proj conf env Up

dbMigrateDown cabal proj conf [] =
  do liftIO $ migrate cabal proj conf "devel" Down
     liftIO $ migrate cabal proj conf "test" Down
dbMigrateDown cabal proj conf (env:_) = liftIO $ migrate cabal proj conf env Down

dbStatus cabal proj conf [] = do liftIO $ migrate cabal proj conf "devel" Status
                                 liftIO $ migrate cabal proj conf "test" Status
dbStatus cabal proj conf (env:_) = liftIO $ migrate cabal proj conf env Status

migrate cabal proj conf env mode =
  do dbuser <- lookupDefault (dbIfy proj ++ "_user") conf "database-user"
     dbpass <- require conf "database-password"
     dbhost <- lookupDefault "" conf "database-host"
     dbport <- lookupDefault 5432 conf "database-port"
     dbname <- lookupDefault (dbIfy proj ++ "_" ++ env) conf "database-name"
     c <- connect (ConnectInfo dbhost dbport dbuser dbpass dbname)
     execute_ c "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS migrations (name text NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, run_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now())"
     tmp <- getTemporaryDirectory
     now <- getCurrentTime
     let main = tmp ++ "/migrate_" ++ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%d%H%M%S_" now ++ env ++ ".hs"
     migrations <- sort . map stripSuffix . filter isCode <$>
                   getDirectoryContents "migrations"
     run <- case mode of
              Up ->
                do missing <- filterM (notExists c) migrations
                   if null missing
                      then putStrLn "No migrations to run." >> return False
                      else do putStrLn $ "Writing migration script to " ++ main ++ "..."
                              writeFile main $
                                "import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple\nimport Rivet.Migration\n" ++
                                (unlines $ map createImport missing) ++
                                "\nmain = do\n" ++
                                (formatconnect dbhost dbport dbuser dbpass dbname) ++
                                (unlines $ map (createRun mode) missing)
                              return True
              Down -> do toDown <- dropWhileM (notExists c) $ reverse migrations
                         case toDown of
                           (x:_) -> do putStrLn $ "Writing migration script to " ++ main ++ "..."
                                       writeFile main $
                                         "import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple\nimport Rivet.Migration\n" ++
                                         createImport x ++
                                         "\nmain = do\n" ++
                                         (formatconnect dbhost dbport dbuser dbpass dbname) ++
                                         createRun mode x
                                       return True
                           _ -> putStrLn "No migrations remaining." >> return False
              Status -> do mapM_ (\m -> do ne <- notExists c m
                                           if ne
                                              then putStrLn $ m ++ " in " ++ env
                                              else putStrLn $ " APPLIED " ++ m ++ " in " ++ env)
                           return False
     when run $ do putStrLn $ "Running " ++ main ++ "..."
                   system $ cabal ++ " exec -- runghc -isrc -imigrations " ++ main
                   putStrLn $ "Cleaning up... "
                   removeFile main
  where stripSuffix = reverse . drop 3 . reverse
        isCode = isSuffixOf ".hs"
        dropWhileM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
        dropWhileM f [] = return []
        dropWhileM f (x:xs) = do r <- f x
                                 if r
                                    then dropWhileM f xs
                                    else return (x:xs)
        notExists c m =
          null <$> liftIO (getMigration c m)
        getMigration :: Connection -> String -> IO [(Only String)]
        getMigration c m = query c "SELECT name FROM migrations WHERE name = ?" (Only m)
        createImport m = "import qualified " ++ m
        createRun mode m = "  run " ++ w m ++ " c " ++ show mode ++ " " ++ m ++ ".migrate >> putStrLn \"Ran " ++ m ++ "\""
        formatconnect h p u ps nm = "  c <- connect (ConnectInfo " ++ w h ++ " " ++ show p ++ " " ++ w u ++ " " ++ w ps ++ " " ++ w nm ++ ")\n"
        w s = "\"" ++ s ++ "\""

repl cabal = void (exec $ cabal ++ " repl")

setup cabal = do need ["cabal.sandbox.config"]
                 need ["deps"]
                 exec $ cabal ++ " install -fdevelopment --only-dependencies --enable-tests --reorder-goals --force-reinstalls"
                 exec $ cabal ++ " exec -- ghc-pkg expose hspec"
                 exec $ cabal ++ " exec -- ghc-pkg expose hspec-snap"
                 void $ exec $ cabal ++ " exec -- ghc-pkg hide resource-pool"

cryptEdit proj =
  do e <- doesFileExist ".rivetcrypt"
     let decrypted = "/tmp/rivetdecrypted-" ++ proj
     editor <- fromMaybe "vi" <$> liftIO (lookupEnv "EDITOR")
     if e
        then exec $ "openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -a -salt -in .rivetcrypt -out " ++ decrypted ++ " -pass file:.rivetpass"
        else exec $ "touch " ++ decrypted
     exec $ editor ++ " " ++ decrypted
     exec $ "openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e -a -salt -in " ++ decrypted ++ " -out .rivetcrypt -pass file:.rivetpass"
     void $ exec $ "rm " ++ decrypted

cryptShow =
  do e <- doesFileExist ".rivetcrypt"
     if e
        then void $ exec $ "openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -a -salt -in .rivetcrypt -pass file:.rivetpass"
        else liftIO $ putStrLn "No .rivetcrypt."

cryptSetPass proj =
  do e <- doesFileExist ".rivetcrypt"
     let decrypted = "/tmp/rivetdecrypted-" ++ proj
     liftIO $ putStrLn "Enter new passphrase (will be stored in .rivetpass):"
     pass <- liftIO getLine
     if e
        then exec $ "openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -a -salt -in .rivetcrypt -out " ++ decrypted ++ " -pass file:.rivetpass"
        else exec $ "touch " ++ decrypted
     liftIO $ copyFile ".rivetpass" ".rivetpass-0"
     liftIO $ writeFile ".rivetpass" pass
     exec $ "openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e -a -salt -in " ++ decrypted ++ " -out .rivetcrypt -pass file:.rivetpass"
     void $ exec $ "rm " ++ decrypted