{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns #-}
-- |Utility functions for working with 'Topic's. These functions are
-- primarily combinators for fusing two 'Topic's in various ways.
module Ros.Topic.Util where
import Prelude hiding (dropWhile, filter, splitAt, mapM)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((***), second)
import Control.Concurrent hiding (yield)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad ((<=<), when, replicateM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.AdditiveGroup (AdditiveGroup, (^+^), (^-^), Sum(..))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid)
import Data.Sequence ((|>), viewl, ViewL(..))
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Ros.Rate (rateLimiter)
import Ros.Topic hiding (mapM_)

-- |Produce an infinite list from a 'Topic'.
toList :: Topic IO a -> IO [a]
toList t0 = do c <- newChan
               let feed t = do (x, t') <- runTopic t
                               writeChan c x
                               feed t'
               _ <- forkIO $ feed t0
               getChanContents c

-- |Produce a 'Topic' from an infinite list.
fromList :: Monad m => [a] -> Topic m a
fromList (x:xs) = Topic $ return (x, fromList xs)
fromList [] = error "Ran out of list elements"

-- |Tee a 'Topic' into two duplicate 'Topic's. Each returned 'Topic'
-- will receive all the values of the original 'Topic' while any
-- side-effect produced by each step of the original 'Topic' will
-- occur only once.
-- This version of @tee@ lazily pulls data from the original 'Topic'
-- when it is first required by a consumer of either of the returned
-- 'Topic's. This behavior is crucial when lazily consuming the data
-- stream is preferred. For instance, using 'interruptible' with 'tee'
-- will allow for a chunk of data to be abandoned before being fully
-- consumed as long as neither consumer has forced its way too far
-- down the stream.
-- This function is useful when two consumers must see all the same
-- elements from a 'Topic'. If the 'Topic' was instead 'share'd, then
-- one consumer might get the first value from the 'Topic' before the
-- second consumer's buffer is created since buffer creation is lazy.
tee :: Topic IO a -> IO (Topic IO a, Topic IO a)
tee t0 = do c1 <- newTChanIO
            c2 <- newTChanIO
            signal <- newTVarIO True
            let feed c = do atomically $ do f <- isEmptyTChan c
                                            when f (writeTVar signal False)
                            atomically $ readTChan c
                produce t = do atomically $ readTVar signal >>= flip when retry
                               (x,t') <- runTopic t
                               atomically $ writeTChan c1 x >>
                                            writeTChan c2 x >>
                                            writeTVar signal True
                               produce t'
            _ <- forkIO $ produce t0
            return (repeatM (feed c1), repeatM (feed c2))

-- |This version of @tee@ eagerly pulls data from the
-- original 'Topic' as soon as it is available. This behavior is
-- undesirable when lazily consuming the data stream is preferred. For
-- instance, using 'interruptible' with 'teeEager' will likely not
-- work well. However, 'teeEager' may have slightly better performance
-- than 'tee'.
teeEager :: Topic IO a -> IO (Topic IO a, Topic IO a)
teeEager t = do c1 <- newChan
                c2 <- newChan
                let feed c = do x <- readChan c
                                return (x, Topic $ feed c)
                _ <- forkIO . forever . join $
                     (\x -> writeChan c1 x >> writeChan c2 x) <$> t
                return (Topic $ feed c1, Topic $ feed c2)

-- |Fan out one 'Topic' out to a number of duplicate 'Topic's, each of
-- which will produce the same values. Side effects caused by the
-- original 'Topic''s production will occur only once. This is useful
-- when a known number of consumers must see exactly all the same
-- elements.
fan :: Int -> Topic IO a -> IO [Topic IO a]
fan n t0 = do cs <- replicateM n newTChanIO
              signal <- newTVarIO True
              let feed c = do atomically $ do f <- isEmptyTChan c
                                              when f (writeTVar signal False)
                              atomically $ readTChan c
                  produce t = do atomically $ readTVar signal >>= flip when retry
                                 (x,t') <- runTopic t
                                 atomically $ mapM_ (flip writeTChan x) cs >>
                                              writeTVar signal True
                                 produce t'
              _ <- forkIO $ produce t0
              return $ map (repeatM . feed) cs

-- |Make a 'Topic' shareable among multiple consumers. Each consumer
-- of a Topic gets its own read buffer automatically as soon as it
-- starts pulling items from the Topic. Without calling one of
-- 'share', 'tee', or 'fan' on a Topic, the Topic's values will be
-- split among all consumers (e.g. consumer /A/ gets half the values
-- produced by the 'Topic', while consumer /B/ gets the other half
-- with some unpredictable interleaving). Note that Topics returned by
-- the @Ros.Node.subscribe@ are already shared.
share :: Topic IO a -> IO (Topic IO a)
share t0 = do cs <- newTVarIO [] -- A list for the individual client buffers
              signal <- newTVarIO True
              let addClient = atomically $ do cs0 <- readTVar cs
                                              c <- newTChan
                                              writeTVar cs (c:cs0)
                                              return c
                  feed c = do atomically $ do f <- isEmptyTChan c
                                              when f (writeTVar signal False)
                              atomically $ readTChan c
                  produce t = do atomically $ readTVar signal >>= flip when retry
                                 (x,t') <- runTopic t
                                 atomically $ do cs' <- readTVar cs
                                                 mapM_ (flip writeTChan x) cs'
                                                 writeTVar signal True
                                 produce t'
              _ <- forkIO $ produce t0
              return . Topic $ addClient >>= runTopic . repeatM . feed

-- |The application @topicRate rate t@ runs 'Topic' @t@ no faster than
-- @rate@ Hz.
topicRate :: (Functor m, MonadIO m) => Double -> Topic m a -> Topic m a
topicRate p t0 = Topic $ 
                 do delay <- liftIO $ rateLimiter p (return ())
                    (x,t') <- runTopic t0
                    let go t = Topic $ liftIO delay >> second go <$> runTopic t
                    return (x, go t')

-- |Splits a 'Topic' into two 'Topic's: the elements of the first
-- 'Topic' all satisfy the given predicate, while none of the elements
-- of the second 'Topic' do.
partition :: (a -> Bool) -> Topic IO a -> IO (Topic IO a, Topic IO a)
partition p = fmap (filter p *** filter (not . p)) . tee

-- |Returns a 'Topic' whose values are consecutive values from the
-- original 'Topic'.
consecutive :: Monad m => Topic m a -> Topic m (a,a)
consecutive = metamorph startup
  where startup x = skip (go x)
        go x y    = yield (x,y) (go y)
-- consecutive t = Topic $ do (x, t') <- runTopic t
--                            runTopic $ go x t'
--   where go x t' = Topic$ do (y, t'') <- runTopic t'
--                             return ((x,y), go y t'')

-- |Interleave two 'Topic's. Items from each component 'Topic' will be
-- tagged with an 'Either' constructor and added to the combined
-- 'Topic' as they become available.
(<+>) :: Topic IO a -> Topic IO b -> Topic IO (Either a b)
(<+>) t1 t2 = Topic $ do c <- newChan
                         let aux = do x <- readChan c
                                      return (x, Topic aux)
                             feed t = do (x,t') <- runTopic t
                                         writeChan c x
                                         feed t'
                         _ <- forkIO $ feed (fmap Left t1)
                         _ <- forkIO $ feed (fmap Right t2)
infixl 7 <+>

-- |Returns a 'Topic' that produces a new pair every time either of
-- the component 'Topic's produces a new value. The value of the
-- other element of the pair will be the newest available value. The
-- resulting 'Topic' will produce a new value at the rate of the
-- faster component 'Topic', and may contain duplicate consecutive
-- elements.
everyNew :: Topic IO a -> Topic IO b -> Topic IO (a,b)
everyNew t1 t2 = Topic $ warmup =<< runTopic (t1 <+> t2)
  where warmup (Left x, t)     = warmupR x =<< runTopic t
        warmup (Right y, t)    = warmupL y =<< runTopic t
        warmupR _ (Left x, t)  = warmupR x =<< runTopic t
        warmupR x (Right y, t) = return ((x,y), Topic $ runTopic t >>= go x y)
        warmupL _ (Right y, t) = warmupL y =<< runTopic t
        warmupL y (Left x, t)  = return ((x,y), Topic $ runTopic t >>= go x y)
        go _ y (Left x, t)     = return ((x,y), Topic $ runTopic t >>= go x y)
        go x _ (Right y, t)    = return ((x,y), Topic $ runTopic t >>= go x y)

-- |Returns a 'Topic' that produces a new pair every time both of the
-- component 'Topic's have produced a new value. The composite
-- 'Topic' will produce pairs at the rate of the slower component
-- 'Topic' consisting of the most recent value from each 'Topic'.
bothNew :: Topic IO a -> Topic IO b -> Topic IO (a,b)
bothNew t1 t2 = Topic $ warmup =<< runTopic (t1 <+> t2)
  where warmup (v,t) = go v =<< runTopic t
        go (Left _) (l@(Left _), t) = go l =<< runTopic t
        go (Left x) (Right y, t) = return ((x,y), Topic $ warmup =<< runTopic t)
        go (Right _) (r@(Right _), t) = go r =<< runTopic t
        go (Right y) (Left x, t) = return ((x,y), Topic $ warmup =<< runTopic t)

-- |Merge two 'Topic's into one. The items from each component
-- 'Topic' will be added to the combined 'Topic' as they become
-- available.
merge :: Topic IO a -> Topic IO a -> Topic IO a
merge t1 t2 = either id id <$> t1 <+> t2

-- |Apply a function to each consecutive pair of elements from a 'Topic'.
finiteDifference :: (Functor m, Monad m) => (a -> a -> b) -> Topic m a -> Topic m b
finiteDifference f = fmap (uncurry f) . consecutive

-- |Compute a running \"average\" of a 'Topic' using a user-provided
-- normalization function applied to the sum of products. The
-- arguments are a constat @alpha@ that is used to scale the current
-- average, a constant @invAlpha@ used to scale the newest value, a
-- function for adding two scaled values, a function for scaling
-- input values, a function for normalizing the sum of scaled values,
-- and finally the stream to average. Parameterizing over all the
-- arithmetic to this extent allows for the use of denormalizing
-- scaling factors, as might be used to keep all arithmetic
-- integral. An example would be scaling the average by the integer
-- 7, the new value by the integer 1, then normalizing by dividing
-- the sum of scaled values by 8.
weightedMeanNormalized :: Monad m =>
                          n -> n -> (b -> b -> c) -> (n -> a -> b) -> 
                          (c -> a) -> Topic m a -> Topic m a
weightedMeanNormalized alpha invAlpha plus scale normalize = Topic . warmup
    where warmup = uncurry go <=< runTopic
          go avg t = do (x,t') <- runTopic t
                        let !avg' = normalize $ plus (scale alpha avg) 
                                                     (scale invAlpha x)
                        return (avg', Topic $ go avg' t')
{-# INLINE weightedMeanNormalized #-}

-- |Perform numerical integration of a 'Topic' using Simpson's rule
-- applied at three consecutive points. This requires a function for
-- adding values from the 'Topic', and a function for scaling values
-- by a fractional number.
simpsonsRule :: (Monad m, Fractional n) => 
                (a -> a -> a) -> (n -> a -> a) -> Topic m a -> Topic m a
simpsonsRule plus scale t0 = Topic $ do ([x,y], t') <- splitAt 2 t0
                                        go x y t'
  where go x y t = do (z,t') <- runTopic t
                      return (simpson x y z, Topic $ go y z t')
        simpson a mid b = scale c $ plus (plus a (scale 4 mid)) b
        c = 1 / 3
{-# INLINE simpsonsRule #-}

-- |Compute a running \"average\" of a 'Topic'. The application
-- @weightedMean alpha plus scale t@ sums the product of @alpha@ and
-- the current average with the product of @1 - alpha@ and the newest
-- value produced by 'Topic' @t@. The addition and scaling operations
-- are performed using the supplied @plus@ and @scale@ functions.
weightedMean :: (Monad m, Num n) => 
                n -> (a -> a -> a) -> (n -> a -> a) -> Topic m a -> Topic m a
weightedMean alpha plus scale = weightedMean2 alpha (1 - alpha) plus scale
{-# INLINE weightedMean #-}

-- |Compute a running \"average\" of a 'Topic'. The application
-- @weightedMean2 alpha invAlpha plus scale t@ sums the product of
-- @alpha@ and the current average with the product of @invAlpha@ and
-- the newest value produced by 'Topic' @t@. The addition and scaling
-- operations are performed using the supplied @plus@ and @scale@
-- functions.
weightedMean2 :: Monad m =>
                 n -> n -> (a -> a -> a) -> (n -> a -> a) -> Topic m a -> Topic m a
weightedMean2 alpha invAlpha plus scale = Topic . warmup
    where warmup = uncurry go <=< runTopic
          go avg t = do (x, t') <- runTopic t
                        let !savg = scale alpha avg
                            !sx = scale invAlpha x
                            !avg' = plus savg sx
                        return (avg', Topic $ go avg' t')
{-# INLINE weightedMean2 #-}

-- |Use a 'Topic' of functions to filter a 'Topic' of values. The
-- application @filterBy t1 t2@ causes each function from 'Topic' @t1@
-- to be applied to values produced by @t2@ until it returns
-- 'True'. At that point, the 'filterBy' application produces the
-- accepted value of the @t2@ and moves on to the next function from
-- @t1@ which is applied to the rest of @t2@ in the same manner.
filterBy :: Monad m => Topic m (a -> Bool) -> Topic m a -> Topic m a
filterBy tf tx = Topic $ do (f, tf') <- runTopic tf
                            (x, tx') <- uncons $ dropWhile (not . f) tx
                            return (x, filterBy tf' tx')

-- |Produce elements of the first 'Topic' no faster than elements of
-- the second 'Topic' are produced.
gate :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => Topic m a -> Topic m b -> Topic m a
gate t1 t2 = const <$> t1 <*> t2

-- |Flatten a 'Topic' of 'F.Foldable' values. For example, turn a
-- @Topic m [a]@ of finite lists into a @Topic a@ by taking each
-- element from each list in sequence.
concats :: (Monad m, F.Foldable f) => Topic m (f a) -> Topic m a
concats t = Topic $ do (x, t') <- runTopic t
                       F.foldr (\x' z -> return (x', Topic z)) 
                               (runTopic $ concats t') 

-- |Flatten a 'Topic' of 'F.Foldable' values such that old values are
-- discarded as soon as the original 'Topic' produces a new
-- 'F.Foldable'.
interruptible :: F.Foldable t => Topic IO (t a) -> Topic IO a
interruptible s = Topic $
    do feeder <- newEmptyMVar         -- Active feeder thread
       latestItem <- newEmptyMVar     -- Next available item
       signal <- newEmptyMVar         -- Demand signal
       let feedItems ys = do ft <- tryTakeMVar feeder
                             maybe (return ()) killThread ft
                             t <- forkIO $ 
                                  F.traverse_ (\y -> takeMVar signal >> 
                                                     putMVar latestItem y) 
                             putMVar feeder t 
           watchForItems t = do (x,t') <- runTopic t
                                feedItems x 
                                watchForItems t'
           getAll = do putMVar signal ()
                       x <- takeMVar latestItem
                       return (x, Topic getAll)
       _ <- forkIO $ watchForItems s

-- |Pull elements from a 'Topic' in a new thread. This allows 'IO'
-- 'Topic's to run at different rates even if they are consumed by a
-- single thread.
forkTopic :: Topic IO a -> IO (Topic IO a)
forkTopic t = do c <- newChan
                 _ <- forkIO . forever . join $ fmap (writeChan c) t
                 let feed = Topic $ (\x -> (x,feed)) <$> readChan c
                 return feed

-- |Sliding window over a 'Monoid'. @slidingWindow n t@ slides a
-- window of width @n@ along 'Topic' @t@. As soon as at least @n@
-- elements have been produced by @t@, the output 'Topic' starts
-- producing the 'mconcat' of the elements in the window.
slidingWindow :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => Int -> Topic m a -> Topic m a
slidingWindow n = metamorph (fill S.empty)
  where fill w x
          | S.length w < n - 1 = skip . fill $ w |> x
          | otherwise = let w' = w |> x
                        in yield (F.fold w') (go w')
        go w x = let w' = dropOldest w |> x
                 in yield (F.fold w') (go w')
        dropOldest w = case viewl w of
                         EmptyL -> S.empty
                         _ :< w' -> w'

-- |Sliding window over an 'AdditiveGroup'. @slidingWindowG n t@
-- slides a window of width @n@ along 'Topic' @t@. As soon as at least
-- @n@ elements have been produced by @t@, the output 'Topic' starts
-- producing the total sum of the elements of the window. This
-- function is more efficient than 'slidingWindow' because the group
-- inverse operation is used to remove elements falling behind the
-- window from the running sum.
slidingWindowG :: (Monad m, AdditiveGroup a) => Int -> Topic m a -> Topic m a
slidingWindowG n = metamorph (fill S.empty)
  where fill w x
          | S.length w < n - 1 = skip . fill $ w |> x
          | otherwise = let w' = w |> x
                            s = getSum . F.fold . fmap Sum $ w'
                        in yield s (go s w')
        go s w x = case viewl w of
                     EmptyL -> yield x $ go x (S.singleton x)
                     y :< w' -> let s' = s ^+^ x ^-^ y
                                in yield s' $ go s' (w' |> x)

-- |A way of pushing a monadic action into and along a 'Topic'. The
-- application @topicOn proj inj trans t@ extracts a function from
-- @trans@ that is then applied to the result of applying @proj@ to
-- each value of 'Topic' @t@. The result of that application is
-- supplied to the result of applying @inj@ to the same values from
-- @t@ to produce a value for the output 'Topic'. A typical use case
-- is projecting out a field from the original 'Topic' @t@ using
-- @proj@ so that it may be modified by @trans@ and then injected back
-- into the original structure using @inj@.
topicOn :: (Applicative m, Monad m) =>
           (a -> b) -> (a -> c -> d) -> m (b -> m c) -> Topic m a -> Topic m d
topicOn proj inj trans t = 
  Topic $ do f <- trans
             runTopic $ mapM (\x -> inj x `fmap` f (proj x)) t

-- |@subsample n t@ subsamples topic 't' by dropping 'n' elements for
-- every element produced by the result topic.
subsample :: Monad m => Int -> Topic m b -> Topic m b
subsample n = metamorph $ go n
  where go 0 x = yield x (go n)
        go i _ = skip (go (i - 1))