{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns #-} module Ros.Node.RosTcp (subStream, runServer, runServers, callServiceWithMaster) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread, newEmptyMVar, takeMVar, putMVar) import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically) import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Binary.Put (runPut, putWord32le) import Data.Binary.Get (runGet, getWord32le) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Network.BSD (getHostByName, hostAddress) import Network.Socket hiding (send, sendTo, recv, recvFrom, Stream, ServiceName) import qualified Network.Socket as Sock import Network.Socket.ByteString import Prelude hiding (getContents) import System.IO (IOMode(ReadMode), hClose) import Text.URI (parseURI, uriRegName, uriPort) import Ros.Node.BinaryIter (streamIn, getServiceResult) import Ros.Internal.Msg.MsgInfo import Ros.Internal.Msg.SrvInfo import Ros.Internal.RosBinary import Ros.Internal.RosTypes import Ros.Internal.Util.RingChan import Ros.Internal.Util.AppConfig (Config, debug, forkConfig) import Ros.Topic (Topic(..)) import Ros.Node.ConnectionHeader import Ros.Graph.Slave (requestTopicClient) import Ros.Graph.Master (lookupService) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Ros.Service.ServiceTypes import Control.Monad.Except import System.IO.Error (tryIOError) -- |Push each item from this client's buffer over the connected -- socket. serviceClient :: RingChan ByteString -> Socket -> IO () serviceClient c s = forever $ do bs <- readChan c sendBS s bs sendBS :: Socket -> ByteString -> IO () sendBS sock bs = let len = runPut $ putWord32le . fromIntegral $ BL.length bs in sendAll sock (BL.toStrict $ BL.append len bs) recvAll :: Socket -> Int -> IO B.ByteString recvAll s = flip go [] where go len acc = do bs <- recv s len if B.length bs < len then go (len - B.length bs) (bs:acc) else return $ B.concat (reverse (bs:acc)) negotiatePub :: String -> String -> Socket -> IO () negotiatePub ttype md5 sock = do headerLength <- runGet (fromIntegral <$> getWord32le) <$> BL.fromChunks . (:[]) <$> recvAll sock 4 headerBytes <- recvAll sock headerLength let connHeader = parseHeader headerBytes wildCard = case lookup "type" connHeader of Just t | t == "*" -> True | t == ttype -> False | otherwise -> error $ "Disagreeing Topic types: " ++ "publisher expected "++ttype++ ", but client asked for "++t Nothing -> error $ "Client did not include the "++ "topic type in its "++ "connection request." when (not wildCard) (case lookup "md5sum" connHeader of Just s | s == md5 -> return () | otherwise -> error "Disagreement on Topic type MD5" Nothing -> error $ "Client did not include MD5 sum "++ "in its request.") case lookup "tcp_nodelay" connHeader of Just "1" -> setSocketOption sock NoDelay 0 _ -> return () sendAll sock . genHeader $ [("md5sum",md5), ("type",ttype), ("callerid","roshask")] -- |Accept new client connections. A new send buffer is allocated for -- each new client and added to the client list along with an action -- for cleaning up the client connection. -- FIXME: cleaning up a disconnected client should be reflected at a -- higher level, too. acceptClients :: Socket -> TVar [(Config (), RingChan ByteString)] -> (Socket -> IO ()) -> IO (RingChan ByteString) -> Config () acceptClients sock clients negotiate mkBuffer = forever acceptClient where acceptClient = do (client,_) <- liftIO $ accept sock debug "Accepted client socket" liftIO $ negotiate client chan <- liftIO mkBuffer let cleanup1 = do debug "Closing client socket" liftIO $ shutdown client ShutdownBoth `E.catch` \(_::E.SomeException) -> return () r <- ask t <- liftIO . forkIO $ serviceClient chan client `E.catch` \(_::E.SomeException) -> runReaderT cleanup1 r let cleanup2 = cleanup1 >> (liftIO $ killThread t) liftIO . atomically $ readTVar clients >>= writeTVar clients . ((cleanup2,chan) :) -- |Publish each item obtained from a 'Topic' to each connected client. pubStream :: RosBinary a => Topic IO a -> TVar [(b, RingChan ByteString)] -> Config () pubStream t0 clients = liftIO $ go 0 t0 where go !n t = do (x, t') <- runTopic t let bytes = runPut $ putMsg n x cs <- readTVarIO clients mapM_ (flip writeChan bytes . snd) cs go (n+1) t' -- |Produce a publishing action associated with a list of -- clients. This is used by runServers. pubStreamIO :: RosBinary a => IO (TVar [(b, RingChan ByteString)] -> Config (), a -> IO ()) pubStreamIO = do m <- newEmptyMVar let feed clients = let go !n = do x <- takeMVar m let bytes = runPut $ putMsg n x cs <- readTVarIO clients mapM_ (flip writeChan bytes . snd) cs go (n+1) in liftIO $ go 0 return (feed, putMVar m) -- Negotiate a TCPROS subscriber connection. -- Precondition: The socket is connected negotiateSub :: Socket -> String -> String -> String -> IO () negotiateSub sock tname ttype md5 = do sendAll sock $ genHeader [ ("callerid", "roshask"), ("topic", tname) , ("md5sum", md5), ("type", ttype) , ("tcp_nodelay", "1") ] responseLength <- runGet (fromIntegral <$> getWord32le) <$> BL.fromChunks . (:[]) <$> recvAll sock 4 headerBytes <- recvAll sock responseLength let connHeader = parseHeader headerBytes case lookup "type" connHeader of Just t | t == ttype -> return () | otherwise -> error $ "Disagreeing Topic types: " ++ "subscriber expected "++ttype++ ", but server replied with "++t Nothing -> error $ "Server did not include the topic type "++ "in its response." case lookup "md5sum" connHeader of Just s | s == md5 -> return () | otherwise -> error "Disagreement on Topic type MD5" Nothing -> error "Server did not include MD5 sum in its response." setSocketOption sock KeepAlive 1 -- |Connect to a publisher and return the stream of data it is -- publishing. subStream :: forall a. (RosBinary a, MsgInfo a) => URI -> String -> (Int -> IO ()) -> Config (Topic IO a) subStream target tname _updateStats = do debug $ "Opening stream to " ++target++" for "++tname h <- liftIO $ do response <- requestTopicClient target "/roshask" tname [["TCPROS"]] let port = case response of (1,_,("TCPROS",_,port')) -> fromIntegral port' _ -> error $ "Couldn't get publisher's port for "++ tname++" from node "++target sock <- socket AF_INET Sock.Stream defaultProtocol ip <- hostAddress <$> getHostByName host connect sock $ SockAddrInet port ip let md5 = sourceMD5 (undefined::a) ttype = msgTypeName (undefined::a) negotiateSub sock tname ttype md5 socketToHandle sock ReadMode --hSetBuffering h NoBuffering debug $ "Streaming "++tname++" from "++target return $ streamIn h where host = parseHost target parseHost :: URI -> String parseHost target = case parseURI target of Just u -> fromMaybe (error $ "Couldn't parse hostname "++ "from "++target) (uriRegName u) Nothing -> error $ "Couldn't parse URI "++target parseHostAndPort :: URI -> Either ServiceResponseExcept (String, PortNumber) parseHostAndPort target = do uri <- maybeToEither (ConnectExcept $ "Could not parse URI "++target) $ parseURI target host <- maybeToEither (ConnectExcept $ "Could not parse hostname from "++target) $ uriRegName uri port <- maybeToEither (ConnectExcept $ "Could not parse port from "++target) $ uriPort uri return (host, fromIntegral port) maybeToEither :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b maybeToEither left m = case m of Just x -> Right x Nothing -> Left left --TODO: use the correct callerID callServiceWithMaster :: forall a b. (RosBinary a, SrvInfo a, RosBinary b, SrvInfo b) => URI -> ServiceName -> a -> IO (Either ServiceResponseExcept b) callServiceWithMaster rosMaster serviceName message = runExceptT $ do checkServicesMatch message (undefined::b) --lookup the service with the master (code, statusMessage, serviceUrl) <- lookupService rosMaster callerID serviceName checkLookupServiceCode code statusMessage (host, port) <- ExceptT . return $ parseHostAndPort serviceUrl -- make a socket let makeSocket = socket AF_INET Sock.Stream defaultProtocol closeSocket sock = liftIO $ sClose sock withSocket sock = do ioErrorToExceptT ConnectExcept "Problem connecting to server. Got exception : " $ do --Connect to the socket ip <- hostAddress <$> getHostByName host connect sock $ SockAddrInet port ip let reqMd5 = srvMD5 message reqServiceType = srvTypeName message negotiateService sock serviceName reqServiceType reqMd5 let bytes = runPut $ putMsg 0 message ioErrorToExceptT SendRequestExcept "Problem sending request. Got exception: " $ sendBS sock bytes liftIO $ socketToHandle sock ReadMode handle <- bracketOnErrorME (liftIO makeSocket) closeSocket withSocket result <- getServiceResult handle liftIO $ hClose handle return result where callerID = "roshask" checkLookupServiceCode 1 _ = return () checkLookupServiceCode code statusMessage = throwError $ MasterExcept ("lookupService failed, code: " ++ show code ++ ", statusMessage: " ++ statusMessage) checkServicesMatch x y = unless match $ -- throw error here since the calling code needs to be changed error "Request and response type do not match" where match = srvMD5 x == srvMD5 y && srvTypeName x == srvTypeName y -- | bracketOnError equivalent for MonadError bracketOnErrorME :: MonadError e m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m c) -> m c bracketOnErrorME before after thing = do a <- before let handler e = after a >> throwError e catchError (thing a) handler -- | Catch any IOErrors and convert them to a different type catchConvertIO :: (String -> a) -> IO b -> IO (Either a b) catchConvertIO excep action = do err <- tryIOError action return $ case err of Left e -> Left . excep $ show e Right r -> Right r -- | Catch all IOErrors that might occur and convert them to a custom error type -- with the IOError message postpended to the given string ioErrorToExceptT :: (String -> e) -> String -> IO a -> ExceptT e IO a ioErrorToExceptT except msg acc = ExceptT . catchConvertIO (\m -> except $ msg ++ m) $ acc -- Precondition: The socket is already connected to the server -- Exchange ROSTCP connection headers with the server negotiateService :: Socket -> String -> String -> String -> ExceptT ServiceResponseExcept IO () negotiateService sock serviceName serviceType md5 = do headerBytes <- liftIO $ do sendAll sock $ genHeader [ ("callerid", "roshask"), ("service", serviceName) , ("md5sum", md5), ("type", serviceType) ] responseLength <- runGet (fromIntegral <$> getWord32le) <$> BL.fromChunks . (:[]) <$> recvAll sock 4 recvAll sock responseLength let connHeader = parseHeader headerBytes case lookup "error" connHeader of Nothing -> return () Just _ -> throwError . ConHeadExcept $ "Connection header from server has error, connection header is: " ++ show connHeader -- Helper to run the publisher's side of a topic negotiation with a -- new client. mkPubNegotiator :: MsgInfo a => a -> Socket -> IO () mkPubNegotiator x = negotiatePub (msgTypeName x) (sourceMD5 x) -- Run a publication server given a function that returns a -- negotiation action given a client 'Socket', a function that returns -- a publication action given a client list, a statistics updater, and -- the size of the send buffer. runServerAux :: (Socket -> IO ()) -> (TVar [(Config (), RingChan ByteString)] -> Config ()) -> (URI -> Int -> IO ()) -> Int -> Config (Config (), Int) runServerAux negotiate pubAction _updateStats bufferSize = do r <- ask liftIO . withSocketsDo $ runReaderT go r where go = do sock <- liftIO $ socket AF_INET Sock.Stream defaultProtocol liftIO $ bindSocket sock (SockAddrInet aNY_PORT iNADDR_ANY) port <- liftIO (fromInteger . toInteger <$> socketPort sock) liftIO $ listen sock 5 clients <- liftIO $ newTVarIO [] let mkBuffer = newRingChan bufferSize acceptThread <- forkConfig $ acceptClients sock clients negotiate mkBuffer pubThread <- forkConfig $ pubAction clients let cleanup = liftIO (atomically (readTVar clients)) >>= sequence_ . map fst >> liftIO (shutdown sock ShutdownBoth >> killThread acceptThread >> killThread pubThread) return (cleanup, port) -- |The server starts a thread that peels elements off the stream as -- they become available and sends them to all connected -- clients. Returns an action for cleaning up resources allocated by -- this publication server along with the port the server is listening -- on. runServer :: forall a. (RosBinary a, MsgInfo a) => Topic IO a -> (URI -> Int -> IO ()) -> Int -> Config (Config (), Int) runServer stream = runServerAux (mkPubNegotiator (undefined::a)) (pubStream stream) -- |The 'MsgInfo' type class dictionary made explicit to strip off the -- actual message type. data MsgInfoRcd = MsgInfoRcd { _md5, _typeName :: String } -- |A 'Feeder' represents a 'Topic' fully prepared to accept -- subscribers. data Feeder = Feeder MsgInfoRcd -- Explicit MsgInfo dictionary Int -- Transmit buffer size (URI -> Int -> IO ()) -- Update topic stats (TVar [(Config (), RingChan ByteString)] -> Config ()) -- 'pubStream' partial application -- |Prepare an action for publishing messages. Arguments are a monadic -- function for updating topic statistics, and a transmit buffer -- size. The returned 'Feeder' value may be supplied to 'runServers', -- while the returned 'IO' function may be used to push out new -- messages. feedTopic :: forall a. (MsgInfo a, RosBinary a) => (URI -> Int -> IO ()) -> Int -> IO (Feeder, a -> IO ()) feedTopic updateStats bufSize = do (feed,pub) <- pubStreamIO let f = Feeder info bufSize updateStats feed return (f, pub) where info = mkInfo (undefined::a) mkInfo x = MsgInfoRcd (msgTypeName x) (sourceMD5 x) -- |Publish several 'Topic's. A single cleanup action for all 'Topic's -- is returned, along with each 'Topic's server port in the order of -- the input 'Feeder's. runServers :: [Feeder] -> Config (Config (), [Int]) runServers = return . first sequence_ . unzip <=< mapM feed where feed (Feeder (MsgInfoRcd md5 typeName) bufSize stats push) = let pub = negotiatePub typeName md5 in runServerAux pub push stats bufSize