{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Network.RPC.Client (fetch, Address(..)) where
import Network.Fancy
import Data.Serialize.Send
import Control.Monad
import Language.Haskell.TH
import System.IO (hFlush)
import Network.RPC.Types

-- |Splices in rpc calls to a given IP.  Function names and types will remain the same as
-- on the server side, with the result encapsulated in the IO monad.  Usage:
-- >    $(fetch (IP "" 9000))
fetch :: Address -> Q [Dec]
fetch a = runIO $ withStream a $ \h-> do
    hSerialize h GetTypes >> hFlush h
    xs <- hDeserialize h :: IO [FuncSpec]
    let funcs = map (\(FuncSpec n _)-> mkName n) xs
    runQ $ liftM (++ (zipWith addType funcs xs)) (zipWithM (makeFunc a) funcs xs)

makeFunc :: Address -> Name -> FuncSpec -> Q Dec
makeFunc a n (FuncSpec f t) = do
    args <- replicateM (walkApps t 0) (newName "x")
    let pats = map varP args
    let exprs = return $ ListE $ map (AppE (ConE 'Bin) . VarE) args
    let e = [|(\toSer-> withStream a $ \h-> hSerialize h (CallFunc f) >>
                mapM (\(Bin a)-> hSerialize h a) toSer >> hFlush h >> hDeserialize h) $exprs|]
    funD n [clause pats (normalB e)[]]

addType :: Name -> FuncSpec -> Dec
addType n (FuncSpec _ t) = SigD n (addIO (specToType t))

addIO (AppT a b) = (AppT a (addIO b))
addIO (ForallT ns c t) = (ForallT ns c (addIO t))
addIO a = (AppT (ConT ''IO) a)

walkApps :: TypeSpec -> Int -> Int
walkApps (SAppT _ a) n = walkApps a (n+1)
walkApps b n = n