\section{Inverse Kinematics}

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

module RSAGL.InverseKinematics

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Arrow.Operations
import Data.Fixed
import RSAGL.Vector
import RSAGL.FRP
import RSAGL.Affine
import RSAGL.CoordinateSystems
import RSAGL.KinematicSensors
import RSAGL.Vector
import RSAGL.Joint
import RSAGL.Time
import RSAGL.AbstractVector
import RSAGL.Angle

\subsection{The Foot}

This simulates a single foot that hops along by itself whenever its coordinate system moves.  A \texttt{foot} always trys to walk on the plane \texttt{y == 0}.
\texttt{foot} takes as input a boolean which, if true, indicates that there are not enough feet on the ground and that this \texttt{foot} should perform an
``emergency foot down.''  \texttt{foot} ignores the emergency foot down flag if it is already down.  \texttt{foot} emits the position of the foot and a boolean
which indicates if the foot is up (\texttt{True}) or down (\texttt{False}).

\texttt{foot} works by reading two odometers, one for forward movement and another for sideways movement.  This is like spinning the wheel by a magical odometer
instead of spinning the odometer by the wheel.

\texttt{pre\_stepage} is the total odometer reading for all travel in both directions.  \texttt{stepage\_adjustment} is the amount by which we need to increase
\texttt{pre\_stepage} to ensure that the foot is correct based on an accumulation of emergency foot downs.  \texttt{cyclic\_stepage} is a value between 0 and 2,
where a value greater than 1 indicates that the foot is down.

FIXME: this could be done better.

foot :: (Arrow a,ArrowApply a,ArrowChoice a,CoordinateSystemClass s,ArrowState s a) => Double -> Double -> Double -> FRPX any t i o a Bool (CSN Point3D,Bool)
foot forward_radius side_radius lift_radius = proc emergency_footdown ->
    do fwd_total_stepage <- arr (* recip forward_radius) <<< odometer root_coordinate_system (Vector3D 0 0 1) -< ()
       side_total_stepage <- arr (* recip side_radius) <<< odometer root_coordinate_system (Vector3D 1 0 0) -< ()
       let pre_stepage = sqrt $ fwd_total_stepage^2 + side_total_stepage^2
       stepage_adjustment <- integralRK4 fps30 add 0 -< (\_ p -> if (p + pre_stepage) `mod'` 2 < 1 && emergency_footdown then perSecond 1 else perSecond 0) 
       let adjusted_stepage = stepage_adjustment + pre_stepage
       let cyclic_stepage = (`mod'` 2) $ adjusted_stepage
       motion <- derivative -< adjusted_stepage
       let foot_lift = max 0 $ min 1 (motion `over` fromSeconds 1) * lift_radius * (sine $ fromRotations (cyclic_stepage / 2))
       let stepage_offset = if cyclic_stepage > 1 then 1.5 - cyclic_stepage else cyclic_stepage - 0.5
       let step_vector = scale (Vector3D side_radius 0 forward_radius) $ vectorScaleTo stepage_offset $ Vector3D side_total_stepage 0 fwd_total_stepage
       foot_position <- importA <<< arr (remoteCSN root_coordinate_system $ scale (Vector3D 1 0 1)) <<< exportA -< translate step_vector origin_point_3d
       csn_foot_position <- exportA -< translate (Vector3D 0 foot_lift 0) foot_position
       returnA -< (csn_foot_position,cyclic_stepage > 1)

\texttt{leg} creates a leg that tries to walk over the ground no matter how it is positioned.  \texttt{legs} combines a group of legs so that at least half
of the legs always try to touch the ground.

newtype Leg threaded t i o a = Leg (FRPX threaded t i o a [Bool] [Bool])

instance (ArrowChoice a,ArrowState s a,CoordinateSystemClass s) => AffineTransformable (Leg threaded t i o a) where
    transform m (Leg l) = Leg (proc x -> transformA l -< (Affine $ transform m,x))

leg :: (ArrowApply a,ArrowChoice a,ArrowState s a,CoordinateSystemClass s) => Vector3D -> Point3D -> Double -> Point3D -> (FRPX threaded t i o a Joint ()) -> Leg threaded t i o a
leg bend base len end animation = Leg $ proc feet_that_are_down ->
    do let declare_emergency_foot_down = length (filter id feet_that_are_down) < length (filter not feet_that_are_down) &&
                                         not (and $ take 1 feet_that_are_down)
       (p,foot_is_down) <- first importA <<< 
                           transformA (foot foot_radius foot_radius (foot_radius/5)) -< (Affine $ translate (vectorToFrom end origin_point_3d),declare_emergency_foot_down)
       animation -< joint bend base len p
       returnA -< (foot_is_down || declare_emergency_foot_down) : feet_that_are_down
  where foot_radius = sqrt (len^2 - (distanceBetween base end)^2) / 2

legs :: (ArrowChoice a) => [Leg threaded t i o a] -> FRPX threaded t i o a () ()
legs ls = (foldl (>>>) (arr $ const []) $ map (\(Leg l) -> l) ls) >>> (arr $ const ())

\texttt{jointAnimation} is just a simple combinator to combine the upper and lower components of a joint into an animated Joint.

jointAnimation :: (ArrowChoice a,ArrowState s a,CoordinateSystemClass s) => FRPX any t i o a () () -> FRPX any t i o a () () -> FRPX any t i o a Joint ()
jointAnimation upperJoint lowerJoint = proc j ->
    do transformA upperJoint -< (affineOf $ joint_arm_upper j,())
       transformA lowerJoint -< (affineOf $ joint_arm_lower j,())


\texttt{approach} is an acceleration function that that tries to approach a goal point.  It begins slowing down when it comes within
the goal radius, and otherwise travels at a fixed speed toward the goal.  The goal radius and speed are defined in terms of the
\texttt{magnitude} of the vector type.

approach :: (AbstractVector v,AbstractSubtract p v,AbstractMagnitude v) => p -> Double -> Rate Double -> (Time -> p -> Rate v)
approach goal_point goal_radius max_speed _ position = withTime (fromSeconds 1) (\x -> abstractScaleTo (x * speed_ratio) goal_vector) max_speed
    where goal_vector = goal_point `sub` position
          speed_ratio = min 1 $ magnitude goal_vector / goal_radius

approachA :: (ArrowChoice a,ArrowApply a,AbstractVector v,AbstractAdd p v, AbstractSubtract p v,AbstractMagnitude v) => Double -> Rate Double -> FRPX any t i o a p p
approachA goal_radius max_speed = frp1Context $ proc initial_value -> switchContinue -< (Just $ approachA_ initial_value,initial_value)
    where approachA_ initial_value = proc goal_point -> integralRK4 frequency add initial_value -< approach goal_point goal_radius max_speed
          frequency = 8 `per` time goal_radius max_speed 