\section{Generating Noise: RSAGL.Noise} \ref{RSAGLNoise} \begin{code}
module RSAGL.Modeling.Noise

import RSAGL.Math.Interpolation
import RSAGL.Math.Vector
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Fixed
import RSAGL.Types

perlinTurbulence :: RSdouble -> Point3D -> Point3D
perlinTurbulence s (Point3D x y z) = Point3D (x + s*perlinNoise x') (y + s*perlinNoise y') (z + s*perlinNoise z')
    where x' = Point3D (x+100) y z
          y' = Point3D x (y+100) z
          z' = Point3D x y (z+100)

-- |
-- Intellectual property note:
-- This is based on Perlin's improved noise reference implementation.
-- I'm assuming from the manner in which it is published and the usage
-- of the term "reference implementation" that it was intended to be
-- the basis of derivative code such as this.
perlinNoise :: Point3D -> RSdouble
perlinNoise (Point3D x0 y0 z0) =
   let (x,x') = divMod' x0 1 :: (Int,RSdouble)
       (y,y') = divMod' y0 1 :: (Int,RSdouble)
       (z,z') = divMod' z0 1 :: (Int,RSdouble)
       (u,v,w) = (fade x',fade y',fade z')
       a = pRandom x + y
       aa = pRandom a + z
       ab = pRandom (a+1) + z
       b = pRandom (x+1) + y
       ba = pRandom b + z
       bb = pRandom (b+1) + z
       f n = let nn = n in nn / (1 + abs nn)  -- this function forces the result into the range -1..1
       in f $ lerp w
            (lerp v (lerp u (grad (pRandom aa) x' y' z', grad (pRandom ba) (x'-1) y' z'),
                     lerp u (grad (pRandom ab) x' (y'-1) z', grad (pRandom bb) (x'-1) (y'-1) z')),
             lerp v (lerp u (grad (pRandom $ aa + 1) x' y' (z'-1), grad (pRandom $ ba + 1) (x'-1) y' (z'-1)),
                     lerp u (grad (pRandom $ ab + 1) x' (y'-1) (z'-1), grad (pRandom $ bb + 1) (x'-1) (y'-1) (z'-1))))

pRandom :: Int -> Int
pRandom n = ps ! (n `mod` 256)

ps :: UArray Int Int
ps = listArray (0,255) [226,110,184,248,226,248,61,22,185,81,167,22,54,100,244,77,84,86,184,134,88,117,66,3,53,77,172,108,151,115,131,61,142,31,0,135,12,245,73,119,186,

fade :: RSdouble -> RSdouble
fade t = t ^ 3 * (t * (t * 6 - 15) + 10)

grad :: Int -> RSdouble -> RSdouble -> RSdouble -> RSdouble
grad hash x y z = 
    case hash `mod` 12 of
                       0 -> x + y
                       1 -> (-x) + y
                       2 -> x + (-y)
                       3 -> (-x) + (-y)
                       4 -> z + y
                       5 -> (-z) + y
                       6 -> z + (-y)
                       7 -> (-z) + (-y)
                       8 -> z + x
                       9 -> (-z) + x
                       10 -> z + (-x)
                       11 -> (-z) + (-x)
                       _ -> error "grad: impossible case"

-- End of the Perlin noise functions derived from the reference implementation.