module RSAGL.Scene.LightSource (LightSource(..), skylight, MapLightSource, mapLight, mapAmbient, mapBoth, mapLightSource, isNoLight, infiniteLightSourceOf, setLightSourcesToOpenGL, setLightSourceToOpenGL) where import RSAGL.Math.Vector import RSAGL.Modeling.Color as Color import RSAGL.Math.Affine import RSAGL.Scene.CoordinateSystems import Graphics.UI.GLUT as GLUT import RSAGL.Types import Data.List as List import Data.Monoid -- | A light source. In addition to position information, each type of -- light source (except 'NoLight') has a "color" term, indicating the color of direct lighting, -- and an "ambient" term, indicating the color of indirect lighting. data LightSource = -- | A directional or infinite light source, which always appears to be comming from the specified vector DirectionalLight { lightsource_direction :: Vector3D, lightsource_color :: Color.RGB, lightsource_ambient :: Color.RGB } -- | A point light, which has a specific position. The intensity of point light radiation falls off with the -- inverse square of distance, normalized to one at the specified radius. This means that point lights will -- be overbright inside that radius. | PointLight { lightsource_position :: Point3D, lightsource_radius :: Distance, lightsource_color :: Color.RGB, lightsource_ambient :: Color.RGB } -- | An inactive light source, equivalent to any light source with a color and ambient term of "rgb 0 0 0". | NoLight -- | A DirectionalLight approximation of ambient sky radiation. Normally, set the vector to straight up, since that is the direction of the sky. skylight :: Vector3D -> Color.RGB -> LightSource skylight v c = DirectionalLight { lightsource_direction = v, lightsource_color = scaleRGB 0.7208681020859709 c, lightsource_ambient = scaleRGB 0.27913189791402915 c } -- | 'True' if a light is 'NoLight'. isNoLight :: LightSource -> Bool isNoLight NoLight = True isNoLight _ = False -- | Encodes a transformation of a light source, including the light color and ambient color terms, and any affine transformation. -- The 'Monoid' instance supports 'MapLightSource' as a specialized endomorphism (see 'Endo'). data MapLightSource = MapLightSource { map_light, map_ambient :: (RGB -> RGB), map_affine :: AffineTransformation } instance Monoid MapLightSource where mempty = MapLightSource { map_light = id, map_ambient = id, map_affine = id } mappend x y = MapLightSource { map_light = map_light x . map_light y, map_ambient = map_ambient x . map_ambient y, map_affine = map_affine x . map_affine y } instance AffineTransformable MapLightSource where transform m f = f { map_affine = transform m . map_affine f } -- | Transformation of the direct illumination color of a light source. mapLight :: (RGB -> RGB) -> MapLightSource mapLight f = mempty { map_light = f } -- | Transformation of the ambient color of a light source. mapAmbient :: (RGB -> RGB) -> MapLightSource mapAmbient f = mempty { map_ambient = f } -- | Transformation of both the direct illumination and the ambient color terms of a light source. mapBoth :: (RGB -> RGB) -> MapLightSource mapBoth f = mapLight f `mappend` mapAmbient f -- | Apply a 'MapLightSource' to a 'LightSource'. mapLightSource :: MapLightSource -> LightSource -> LightSource mapLightSource f (DirectionalLight source_direction source_color source_ambient) = transformation (map_affine f) $ DirectionalLight source_direction (map_light f source_color) (map_ambient f source_ambient) mapLightSource f (PointLight source_position source_radius source_color source_ambient) = transformation (map_affine f) $ PointLight source_position source_radius (map_light f source_color) (map_ambient f source_ambient) mapLightSource _ NoLight = NoLight -- | Converts a 'PointLight' to a 'DirectionalLight', assuming that the camera is at the origin. infiniteLightSourceOf :: LightSource -> LightSource infiniteLightSourceOf NoLight = NoLight infiniteLightSourceOf (d@(DirectionalLight {})) = d infiniteLightSourceOf (p@PointLight {}) = DirectionalLight { lightsource_direction = vectorToFrom (lightsource_position p) origin_point_3d, lightsource_color = scaleRGB scale_factor $ lightsource_color p, lightsource_ambient = scaleRGB scale_factor $ lightsource_ambient p } where scale_factor = f2f $ (distanceSquared $ lightsource_radius p) / (distanceBetweenSquared origin_point_3d (lightsource_position p)) instance AffineTransformable LightSource where transform _ NoLight = NoLight transform m (dl@(DirectionalLight {})) = dl { lightsource_direction = transform m $ lightsource_direction dl } transform m (pl@(PointLight {})) = pl { lightsource_position = transform m $ lightsource_position pl, lightsource_radius = transform m $ lightsource_radius pl } -- | Set OpenGL light sources starting from 0. setLightSourcesToOpenGL :: [LightSource] -> IO () setLightSourcesToOpenGL lss = do max_lights <- GLUT.get maxLights mapM_ setLightSourceToOpenGL $ genericTake max_lights $ zip (map Light [0..]) (lss ++ repeat NoLight) -- | Set one specific OpenGL light source. setLightSourceToOpenGL :: (Light,LightSource) -> IO () setLightSourceToOpenGL (l,NoLight) = light l $= Disabled setLightSourceToOpenGL (l,dl@DirectionalLight { lightsource_color = Color.RGB cr cg cb, lightsource_ambient = Color.RGB ar ag ab }) = do let Vector3D vx vy vz = vectorNormalize $ lightsource_direction dl light l $= Enabled ambient l $= Color4 (f2f ar) (f2f ag) (f2f ab) 1.0 GLUT.specular l $= Color4 (f2f cr) (f2f cg) (f2f cb) 1.0 diffuse l $= Color4 (f2f cr) (f2f cg) (f2f cb) 1.0 position l $= Vertex4 (f2f vx) (f2f vy) (f2f vz) 0 attenuation l $= (1,0,0) setLightSourceToOpenGL (l,pl@(PointLight { lightsource_position = (Point3D px py pz), lightsource_color = Color.RGB cr cg cb, lightsource_ambient = Color.RGB ar ag ab })) = do light l $= Enabled ambient l $= Color4 (f2f ar) (f2f ag) (f2f ab) 1.0 GLUT.specular l $= Color4 (f2f cr) (f2f cg) (f2f cb) 1.0 diffuse l $= Color4 (f2f cr) (f2f cg) (f2f cb) 1.0 position l $= Vertex4 (f2f px) (f2f py) (f2f pz) 1 attenuation l $= (0.01,0,f2f $ recip $ distanceSquared $ lightsource_radius pl)