{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, TypeFamilies #-}

module RSAGL.Animation.AnimationExtras

import RSAGL.Math.Vector
import RSAGL.FRP
import RSAGL.Math.AbstractVector
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Arrow.Operations
import RSAGL.Scene.CoordinateSystems
import RSAGL.Math.Affine
import RSAGL.Math.Angle
import RSAGL.Scene.Scene
import RSAGL.Modeling.Model
import RSAGL.Scene.WrappedAffine
import Control.Monad
import RSAGL.Math.Types
import Debug.Trace

-- | Answers a continuous rotation.
rotationA :: Vector3D -> Rate Angle -> FRP e m ignored AffineTransformation
rotationA v a = proc _ ->
    do t <- absoluteTime -< ()
       returnA -< rotate v (a `over` t)

-- | Apply an affine transformation to an animation.
animateA :: (CoordinateSystemClass s,StateOf m ~ s) => FRP e m j AffineTransformation -> FRP e m j p -> FRP e m j p
animateA affineA action = proc i ->
    do at <- affineA -< i
       transformA action -< (affineOf at,i)

-- | Animation that rotates continuously.
rotateA :: (CoordinateSystemClass s,StateOf m ~ s) => Vector3D -> Rate Angle -> FRP e m j p -> FRP e m j p
rotateA v a = animateA (rotationA v a)

-- | Always rotates the model so that it's Y+ axis points directly at the camera.
pointAtCameraA :: (Arrow a,ArrowState s a,CoordinateSystemClass s,ScenicAccumulator s m,ModelType model) => a (SceneLayer,m model) ()
pointAtCameraA = proc (slayer,the_model) ->
    do cs <- arr getCoordinateSystem <<< fetch -< ()
       accumulateSceneA -< (slayer,cameraRelativeSceneObject $ \c -> 
           liftM ((rotateToFrom (vectorToFrom (migrateToFrom root_coordinate_system cs $ camera_position c) $ origin_point_3d)
                                       (Vector3D 0 1 0)) . wrapAffine) (liftM toIntermediateModel the_model))

-- | A particle with a position and velocity.
type PV = (Point3D,Rate Vector3D)

-- | A particle with a position, velocity and acceleration.
type PVA = (Point3D,Rate Vector3D,Acceleration Vector3D)

-- | A time-varying, velocity-aware vector field that can act on a particle.
type ForceFunction = Time -> Point3D -> Rate Vector3D -> Acceleration Vector3D

-- | An energy-conserving force function describing gravitational attraction.
-- Accepts the intensity and singularity of the vector field.
inverseSquareLaw :: RSdouble -> Point3D -> ForceFunction
inverseSquareLaw g attractor _ p _ =
        if l > 0
        then perSecond $ perSecond $ vectorScaleTo (g * recip l) v
        else zero
    where l = vectorLengthSquared v
          v = vectorToFrom attractor p

-- | An energy-conserving force function that increases in
-- intensity with distance.
quadraticTrap :: RSdouble -> Point3D -> ForceFunction
quadraticTrap g attractor _ p _ = perSecond $ perSecond $ vectorScaleTo (g * vectorLengthSquared v) v
    where v = vectorToFrom attractor p

-- | A force function describing aerodynamic drag.
drag :: RSdouble -> ForceFunction
drag x _ _ v' = perSecond $ perSecond $ vectorScaleTo (negate $ x * vectorLengthSquared v) v
    where v = v' `over` fromSeconds 1

-- | Add many forces together.
concatForces :: [ForceFunction] -> ForceFunction
concatForces ffs t p v = abstractSum $ map (\f -> f t p v) ffs

-- | A filter function on forces.  Where the filter is False,
-- the force is coerced to zero.
constrainForce :: (Time -> Point3D -> Rate Vector3D -> Bool) -> ForceFunction -> ForceFunction
constrainForce predicate f t p v = if predicate t p v
    then f t p v
    else zero

-- | Apply a varying force function to a particle.
singleParticle :: (CoordinateSystemClass s,StateOf m ~ s) =>
                  Frequency -> PV -> FRP e m ForceFunction PVA
singleParticle f pv = proc force_function ->
    do (p,v) <- integralRK4' f (flip translate) pv -< force_function
       a <- derivative -< v
       returnA -< (p,v,a)

-- | Apply a varying force function to a system of particles.
particleSystem :: (CoordinateSystemClass s,StateOf m ~ s) =>
                  Frequency -> [PV] -> FRP e m ([PV] -> ForceFunction) [PVA]
particleSystem f particles = proc force_function ->
    do (ps',vs') <- integralRK4' f (zipWith $ flip translate) (second pack $ unzip particles) -<
           \t ps vs -> packa $ zipWith (force_function (zip ps (unpack vs)) t) ps (unpack vs)
       as' <- derivative -< vs'
       returnA -< zip3 ps' (unpack vs') (unpacka as')