\section{Specific and Interpolated Curves} \begin{code}
module RSAGL.Math.CurveExtras

import RSAGL.Math.Curve
import RSAGL.Math.Interpolation
import RSAGL.Math.Vector
import RSAGL.Math.Angle
import RSAGL.Math.AbstractVector
import RSAGL.Math.Affine
import RSAGL.Math.ListUtils
import Control.Arrow
import RSAGL.Math.Types
\end{code} \subsection{Alternate Coordinate Systems for Models} \begin{code}
sphericalCoordinates :: ((Angle,Angle) -> a) -> Surface a
sphericalCoordinates f = transformSurface2 id (clampCurve (0,1)) $ surface $ curry (f . (\(u,v) -> (fromRadians $ u*2*pi,fromRadians $ ((pi/2) - v*pi))))

cylindricalCoordinates :: ((Angle,RSdouble) -> a) -> Surface a
cylindricalCoordinates f = transformSurface2 id (clampCurve (0,1)) $ surface $ curry (f . (\(u,v) -> (fromRadians $ u*2*pi,v)))

toroidalCoordinates :: ((Angle,Angle) -> a) -> Surface a
toroidalCoordinates f = surface $ curry (f . (\(u,v) -> (fromRadians $ u*2*pi,fromRadians $ negate $ v*2*pi)))

circularCoordinates :: ((RSdouble,RSdouble) -> a) -> Surface a
circularCoordinates f = surface $ curry $ (f . second negate . transformUnitSquareToUnitCircle)

polarCoordinates :: ((Angle,RSdouble) -> a) -> Surface a
polarCoordinates f = circularCoordinates (f . cartesianToPolar)
\end{code} \subsection{Transformations Between Unit Volumes} \begin{code}
transformUnitSquareToUnitCircle :: (RSdouble,RSdouble) -> (RSdouble,RSdouble)
transformUnitSquareToUnitCircle (u,v) = (x,z)
    where (Point3D x _ z) = transformUnitCubeToUnitSphere (Point3D u 0.5 v)

transformUnitCubeToUnitSphere :: Point3D -> Point3D
transformUnitCubeToUnitSphere p =
    let p_centered@(Point3D x y z) = scale' 2.0 $ translate (Vector3D (-0.5) (-0.5) (-0.5)) p
        p_projected = scale' (minimum [recip $ abs x,recip $ abs y,recip $ abs z]) p_centered
        k = recip $ distanceBetween origin_point_3d p_projected
        w = maximum $ [abs x, abs y, abs z] -- 'w' could be 1, but this gives a smoother tesselation
        in if p_centered == origin_point_3d then origin_point_3d else lerp w (p_centered,scale' k p_centered)
\end{code} \subsection{Circles} \begin{code}
circleXY :: Curve Point3D
circleXY = curve $ \u_ -> let u = fromRotations u_ in Point3D (cosine u) (sine u) 0
\end{code} \subsection{Regular Polygons} A regular polygon, centered at the origin, in the XY plane. \begin{code}
regularPolygon :: Integer -> Curve Point3D
regularPolygon n = loopedLinearInterpolation $ map (flip rotateZ (Point3D 0 1 0) . fromRotations) $ zeroToOne n
\end{code} \subsection{Piecewise Length Normalization} \begin{code}
normalizePolyline :: (AbstractSubtract p v,AbstractMagnitude v) => [p] -> [(RSdouble,p)]
normalizePolyline pts = zip (map (/ total_dist) accumulated_dists) pts
    where dists = map (uncurry abstractDistance) $ doubles pts
          total_dist = last accumulated_dists
          accumulated_dists = scanl (+) 0 dists
\end{code} \subsection{Interpolated Curves} \begin{code}
linearInterpolation :: (AbstractSubtract p v,AbstractAdd p v,AbstractMagnitude v,AbstractScale v) => [p] -> Curve p
linearInterpolation = curve . lerpMap . normalizePolyline

loopedLinearInterpolation :: (AbstractSubtract p v,AbstractAdd p v,AbstractMagnitude v,AbstractScale v) => [p] -> Curve p
loopedLinearInterpolation = loopCurve (0,1) . linearInterpolation . (\a -> last a:a)
\end{code} \subsection{Smoothing Curves} \texttt{smoothCurve i h} takes i samples of an h-long piece of a 'Curve' at each point to smooth it. This is not an interpolation function and will tend to shrink shapes toward their center of gravity. \begin{code}
smoothCurve :: (AbstractAdd p v,AbstractSubtract p v,AbstractVector v,AbstractZero p) => Integer -> RSdouble -> Curve p -> Curve p
smoothCurve i h c = curve $ \u -> abstractAverage $ iterateCurve i $ controlCurve (u-h/2,u+h/2) (0,1) c