{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Main where import Control.Category (Category((.), id)) import Control.DeepSeq (rnf) import qualified Data.AdditiveGroup as AG import qualified Data.Binary as Binary import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.Char as Char import Data.Constraint (Dict(Dict)) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy)) import Data.Ratio ((%), numerator, denominator) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.VectorSpace as VS import Data.Word (Word8) import GHC.Exts (fromList) import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, Symbol, KnownSymbol, symbolVal) import Prelude hiding ((.), id) import qualified Test.Tasty as Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit ((@?=), (@=?)) import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU import qualified Test.Tasty.Runners as Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ((===), (==>), (.&&.)) import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import qualified Money import qualified Money.Internal as MoneyI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A wrapper around a decimal representation and its 'Money.DecimalConf', -- mostly just to benefit from its 'QC.Arbitrary' instance. data Decimal = Decimal Money.DecimalConf T.Text deriving (Show) instance QC.Arbitrary Decimal where arbitrary = uncurry (flip Decimal) <$> genDecimal shrink (Decimal ds t) = Decimal <$> QC.shrink ds <*> fmap T.pack (QC.shrink (T.unpack t)) -- | Generates a valid 'MoneyI.rationalToDecimal' result using the returned -- 'Money.DecimalConf'. genDecimal :: QC.Gen (T.Text, Money.DecimalConf) genDecimal = do aprox :: Money.Approximation <- QC.arbitrary ds :: Money.DecimalConf <- QC.arbitrary r :: Rational <- (%) <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.suchThat QC.arbitrary (/= 0) pure (MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds aprox r, ds) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = Tasty.defaultMainWithIngredients [ Tasty.consoleTestReporter , Tasty.listingTests ] (Tasty.localOption (QC.QuickCheckTests 100) tests) tests :: Tasty.TestTree tests = Tasty.testGroup "root" [ testCurrencies , testHalfEvenRounding , testCurrencyUnits , testExchange , testRationalToDecimal , testRationalFromDecimal , testMkSeparators , testDiscreteFromDecimal , testRawSerializations ] testCurrencies :: Tasty.TestTree testCurrencies = Tasty.testGroup "Currency" [ testDense (Proxy :: Proxy "BTC") -- A cryptocurrency. , testDense (Proxy :: Proxy "USD") -- A fiat currency with decimal fractions. , testDense (Proxy :: Proxy "VUV") -- A fiat currency with non-decimal fractions. , testDense (Proxy :: Proxy "XAU") -- A precious metal. ] testCurrencyUnits :: Tasty.TestTree testCurrencyUnits = Tasty.testGroup "Currency units" [ testDiscrete (Proxy :: Proxy "BTC") (Proxy :: Proxy "satoshi") , testDiscrete (Proxy :: Proxy "BTC") (Proxy :: Proxy "bitcoin") , testDiscrete (Proxy :: Proxy "USD") (Proxy :: Proxy "cent") , testDiscrete (Proxy :: Proxy "USD") (Proxy :: Proxy "dollar") , testDiscrete (Proxy :: Proxy "VUV") (Proxy :: Proxy "vatu") , testDiscrete (Proxy :: Proxy "XAU") (Proxy :: Proxy "gram") , testDiscrete (Proxy :: Proxy "XAU") (Proxy :: Proxy "grain") ] testRationalToDecimal :: Tasty.TestTree testRationalToDecimal = Tasty.testGroup "rationalToDecimal" [ HU.testCase "Round: r1" $ do render Money.Round r1 @?= [ "1023004567.90" -- 0 , "1,023,004,567.90" -- 1 , "+1023004567.90" -- 2 , "+1,023,004,567.90" -- 3 , "1023004568" -- 4 , "1,023,004,568" -- 5 , "+1023004568" -- 6 , "+1,023,004,568" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Round: negate r1" $ do render Money.Round (negate r1) @?= [ "-1023004567.90" -- 0 , "-1,023,004,567.90" -- 1 , "-1023004567.90" -- 2 , "-1,023,004,567.90" -- 3 , "-1023004568" -- 4 , "-1,023,004,568" -- 5 , "-1023004568" -- 6 , "-1,023,004,568" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Round: r2" $ do render Money.Round r2 @?= [ "1.23" -- 0 , "1.23" -- 1 , "+1.23" -- 2 , "+1.23" -- 3 , "1" -- 4 , "1" -- 5 , "+1" -- 6 , "+1" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Round: negate r2" $ do render Money.Round (negate r2) @?= [ "-1.23" -- 0 , "-1.23" -- 1 , "-1.23" -- 2 , "-1.23" -- 3 , "-1" -- 4 , "-1" -- 5 , "-1" -- 6 , "-1" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Round: r3" $ do render Money.Round r3 @?= [ "0.34" -- 0 , "0.34" -- 1 , "+0.34" -- 2 , "+0.34" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Round: negate r3" $ do render Money.Round (negate r3) @?= [ "-0.34" -- 0 , "-0.34" -- 1 , "-0.34" -- 2 , "-0.34" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Round: r4" $ do render Money.Round r4 @?= [ "0.01" -- 0 , "0.01" -- 1 , "+0.01" -- 2 , "+0.01" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Round: negate r4" $ do render Money.Round (negate r4) @?= [ "-0.01" -- 0 , "-0.01" -- 1 , "-0.01" -- 2 , "-0.01" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Round: r5" $ do render Money.Round r5 @?= [ "0.50" -- 0 , "0.50" -- 1 , "+0.50" -- 2 , "+0.50" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Round: negate r5" $ do render Money.Round (negate r5) @?= [ "-0.50" -- 0 , "-0.50" -- 1 , "-0.50" -- 2 , "-0.50" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Floor: r1" $ do render Money.Floor r1 @?= [ "1023004567.89" -- 0 , "1,023,004,567.89" -- 1 , "+1023004567.89" -- 2 , "+1,023,004,567.89" -- 3 , "1023004567" -- 4 , "1,023,004,567" -- 5 , "+1023004567" -- 6 , "+1,023,004,567" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Floor: negate r1" $ do render Money.Floor (negate r1) @?= [ "-1023004567.90" -- 0 , "-1,023,004,567.90" -- 1 , "-1023004567.90" -- 2 , "-1,023,004,567.90" -- 3 , "-1023004568" -- 4 , "-1,023,004,568" -- 5 , "-1023004568" -- 6 , "-1,023,004,568" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Floor: r2" $ do render Money.Floor r2 @?= [ "1.23" -- 0 , "1.23" -- 1 , "+1.23" -- 2 , "+1.23" -- 3 , "1" -- 4 , "1" -- 5 , "+1" -- 6 , "+1" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Floor: negate r2" $ do render Money.Floor (negate r2) @?= [ "-1.23" -- 0 , "-1.23" -- 1 , "-1.23" -- 2 , "-1.23" -- 3 , "-2" -- 4 , "-2" -- 5 , "-2" -- 6 , "-2" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Floor: r3" $ do render Money.Floor r3 @?= [ "0.34" -- 0 , "0.34" -- 1 , "+0.34" -- 2 , "+0.34" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Floor: negate r3" $ do render Money.Floor (negate r3) @?= [ "-0.35" -- 0 , "-0.35" -- 1 , "-0.35" -- 2 , "-0.35" -- 3 , "-1" -- 4 , "-1" -- 5 , "-1" -- 6 , "-1" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Floor: r4" $ do render Money.Floor r4 @?= [ "0.00" -- 0 , "0.00" -- 1 , "0.00" -- 2 , "0.00" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Floor: negate r4" $ do render Money.Floor (negate r4) @?= [ "-0.01" -- 0 , "-0.01" -- 1 , "-0.01" -- 2 , "-0.01" -- 3 , "-1" -- 4 , "-1" -- 5 , "-1" -- 6 , "-1" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Floor: r5" $ do render Money.Floor r5 @?= [ "0.50" -- 0 , "0.50" -- 1 , "+0.50" -- 2 , "+0.50" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Floor: negate r5" $ do render Money.Floor (negate r5) @?= [ "-0.50" -- 0 , "-0.50" -- 1 , "-0.50" -- 2 , "-0.50" -- 3 , "-1" -- 4 , "-1" -- 5 , "-1" -- 6 , "-1" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Ceiling: r1" $ do render Money.Ceiling r1 @?= [ "1023004567.90" -- 0 , "1,023,004,567.90" -- 1 , "+1023004567.90" -- 2 , "+1,023,004,567.90" -- 3 , "1023004568" -- 4 , "1,023,004,568" -- 5 , "+1023004568" -- 6 , "+1,023,004,568" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Ceiling: negate r1" $ do render Money.Ceiling (negate r1) @?= [ "-1023004567.89" -- 0 , "-1,023,004,567.89" -- 1 , "-1023004567.89" -- 2 , "-1,023,004,567.89" -- 3 , "-1023004567" -- 4 , "-1,023,004,567" -- 5 , "-1023004567" -- 6 , "-1,023,004,567" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Ceiling: r2" $ do render Money.Ceiling r2 @?= [ "1.23" -- 0 , "1.23" -- 1 , "+1.23" -- 2 , "+1.23" -- 3 , "2" -- 4 , "2" -- 5 , "+2" -- 6 , "+2" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Ceiling: negate r2" $ do render Money.Ceiling (negate r2) @?= [ "-1.23" -- 0 , "-1.23" -- 1 , "-1.23" -- 2 , "-1.23" -- 3 , "-1" -- 4 , "-1" -- 5 , "-1" -- 6 , "-1" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Ceiling: r3" $ do render Money.Ceiling r3 @?= [ "0.35" -- 0 , "0.35" -- 1 , "+0.35" -- 2 , "+0.35" -- 3 , "1" -- 4 , "1" -- 5 , "+1" -- 6 , "+1" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Ceiling: negate r3" $ do render Money.Ceiling (negate r3) @?= [ "-0.34" -- 0 , "-0.34" -- 1 , "-0.34" -- 2 , "-0.34" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Ceiling: r4" $ do render Money.Ceiling r4 @?= [ "0.01" -- 0 , "0.01" -- 1 , "+0.01" -- 2 , "+0.01" -- 3 , "1" -- 4 , "1" -- 5 , "+1" -- 6 , "+1" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Ceiling: negate r4" $ do render Money.Ceiling (negate r4) @?= [ "0.00" -- 0 , "0.00" -- 1 , "0.00" -- 2 , "0.00" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Ceiling: r5" $ do render Money.Ceiling r5 @?= [ "0.50" -- 0 , "0.50" -- 1 , "+0.50" -- 2 , "+0.50" -- 3 , "1" -- 4 , "1" -- 5 , "+1" -- 6 , "+1" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Ceiling: negate r5" $ do render Money.Ceiling (negate r5) @?= [ "-0.50" -- 0 , "-0.50" -- 1 , "-0.50" -- 2 , "-0.50" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "Truncate: r1" $ do render Money.Truncate r1 @?= render Money.Floor r1 , HU.testCase "Truncate: negate r1" $ do render Money.Truncate (negate r1) @?= render Money.Ceiling (negate r1) , HU.testCase "Truncate: r2" $ do render Money.Truncate r2 @?= render Money.Floor r2 , HU.testCase "Truncate: negate r2" $ do render Money.Truncate (negate r2) @?= render Money.Ceiling (negate r2) , HU.testCase "Truncate: r3" $ do render Money.Truncate r3 @?= render Money.Floor r3 , HU.testCase "Truncate: negate r3" $ do render Money.Truncate (negate r3) @?= render Money.Ceiling (negate r3) , HU.testCase "Truncate: r4" $ do render Money.Truncate r4 @?= render Money.Floor r4 , HU.testCase "Truncate: negate r4" $ do render Money.Truncate (negate r4) @?= render Money.Ceiling (negate r4) , HU.testCase "Truncate: r5" $ do render Money.Truncate r5 @?= render Money.Floor r5 , HU.testCase "Truncate: negate r5" $ do render Money.Truncate (negate r5) @?= render Money.Ceiling (negate r5) , HU.testCase "HalfEven: r1" $ do render Money.HalfEven r1 @?= render Money.Round r1 , HU.testCase "HalfEven: negate r1" $ do render Money.HalfEven (negate r1) @?= render Money.Round (negate r1) , HU.testCase "HalfEven: r2" $ do render Money.HalfEven r2 @?= render Money.Round r2 , HU.testCase "HalfEven: negate r2" $ do render Money.HalfEven (negate r2) @?= render Money.Round (negate r2) , HU.testCase "HalfEven: r3" $ do render Money.HalfEven r3 @?= render Money.Round r3 , HU.testCase "HalfEven: negate r3" $ do render Money.HalfEven (negate r3) @?= render Money.Round (negate r3) , HU.testCase "HalfEven: r4" $ do render Money.HalfEven r4 @?= render Money.Round r4 , HU.testCase "HalfEven: negate r4" $ do render Money.HalfEven (negate r4) @?= render Money.Round (negate r4) , HU.testCase "HalfEven: r5" $ do render Money.HalfEven r5 @?= [ "0.50" -- 0 , "0.50" -- 1 , "+0.50" -- 2 , "+0.50" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] , HU.testCase "HalfEven: negate r5" $ do render Money.HalfEven (negate r5) @?= [ "-0.50" -- 0 , "-0.50" -- 1 , "-0.50" -- 2 , "-0.50" -- 3 , "0" -- 4 , "0" -- 5 , "0" -- 6 , "0" -- 7 ] ] where r1 :: Rational = 1023004567895 % 1000 r2 :: Rational = 123 % 100 r3 :: Rational = 345 % 1000 r4 :: Rational = 7 % 1000 r5 :: Rational = 1 % 2 render :: Money.Approximation -> Rational -> [T.Text] render a r = [ MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds_dd_2 a r -- 0 , MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds_tc_dd_2 a r -- 1 , MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds_p_dd_2 a r -- 2 , MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds_p_tc_dd_2 a r -- 3 , MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds_dd_0 a r -- 4 , MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds_tc_dd_0 a r -- 5 , MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds_p_dd_0 a r -- 6 , MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds_p_tc_dd_0 a r -- 7 ] testMkSeparators :: Tasty.TestTree testMkSeparators = Tasty.testGroup "mkSeparators" [ QC.testProperty "Unsupported separators" $ let mbadsep :: QC.Gen Char = QC.suchThat QC.arbitrary $ \c -> Char.isDigit c || Char.isControl c mgoodsep :: QC.Gen Char = QC.suchThat QC.arbitrary $ \c -> not (Char.isDigit c || Char.isControl c) in QC.forAll ((,,) <$> mbadsep <*> mbadsep <*> mgoodsep) $ \(s1 :: Char, s2 :: Char, s3 :: Char) -> (Money.mkSeparators s1 Nothing === Nothing) .&&. (Money.mkSeparators s2 (Just s1) === Nothing) .&&. (Money.mkSeparators s1 (Just s1) === Nothing) .&&. (Money.mkSeparators s3 (Just s3) === Nothing) ] testRationalFromDecimal :: Tasty.TestTree testRationalFromDecimal = Tasty.testGroup "rationalFromDecimal" [ Tasty.localOption (QC.QuickCheckTests 1000) $ QC.testProperty "Lossy roundtrip" $ -- We check that the roundtrip results in a close amount with a fractional -- difference of up to one. QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(ds0 :: Money.DecimalConf, aprox :: Money.Approximation, r :: Rational) -> let Just sr = Money.scaleFromRational $ (+ 1) -- scales less than 1 can't reliably roundtrip. $ Money.scaleToRational $ Money.decimalConf_scale ds0 ds1 = ds0 { Money.decimalConf_scale = sr } dec = MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds1 aprox r Just r' = MoneyI.rationalFromDecimal ds1 dec in 1 > abs (abs r - abs r') ] testDense :: forall currency . KnownSymbol currency => Proxy currency -> Tasty.TestTree testDense pc = Tasty.testGroup ("Dense " ++ show (symbolVal pc)) [ QC.testProperty "rnf" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency) -> () === rnf x , QC.testProperty "read . show == id" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency) -> x === read (show x) , QC.testProperty "read . show . Just == Just " $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency) -> Just x === read (show (Just x)) , QC.testProperty "fromSomeDense . someDense == Just" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency) -> Just x === Money.fromSomeDense (Money.toSomeDense x) , QC.testProperty "fromSomeDense works only for same currency" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(dr :: Money.SomeDense) -> (T.unpack (Money.someDenseCurrency dr) /= symbolVal pc) ==> isNothing (Money.fromSomeDense dr :: Maybe (Money.Dense currency)) , QC.testProperty "withSomeDense" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency) -> let dr = Money.toSomeDense x in Money.withSomeDense dr $ \x' -> (show x, dr, Money.toSomeDense (x + 1)) === (show x', Money.toSomeDense x', Money.toSomeDense (x' + 1)) , QC.testProperty "denseCurrency" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency) -> T.unpack (Money.denseCurrency x) === symbolVal pc , QC.testProperty "denseToDecimal: Same as rationalToDecimal" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(ds :: Money.DecimalConf, dns :: Money.Dense currency, aprox :: Money.Approximation) -> let Just s100 = Money.scaleFromRational (Money.scaleToRational (Money.decimalConf_scale ds) * 100) ds_s100 = ds { Money.decimalConf_scale = s100 } ydnsd1 = Money.denseToDecimal ds aprox dns ydnsd100 = Money.denseToDecimal ds_s100 aprox dns yrd1 = MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds aprox (toRational dns) yrd100 = MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds aprox (toRational dns * 100) in (ydnsd1 === yrd1) .&&. (ydnsd100 === yrd100) , QC.testProperty "denseFromDecimal: Same as rationalFromDecimal" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(Decimal ds dec) -> let Just r = MoneyI.rationalFromDecimal ds dec Just dns = Money.denseFromDecimal ds dec in r === toRational (dns :: Money.Dense currency) , Tasty.localOption (QC.QuickCheckTests 1000) $ QC.testProperty "denseToDecimal/denseFromDiscrete: Lossy roundtrip" $ -- We check that the roundtrip results in a close amount with a fractional -- difference of up to one. QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(ds0 :: Money.DecimalConf, aprox :: Money.Approximation, dns :: Money.Dense currency) -> let Just sr = Money.scaleFromRational $ (+ 1) -- scales less than 1 can't reliably roundtrip. $ Money.scaleToRational $ Money.decimalConf_scale ds0 ds1 = ds0 { Money.decimalConf_scale = sr } dec = Money.denseToDecimal ds1 aprox dns Just dns' = Money.denseFromDecimal ds1 dec in Money.dense' 1 > abs (abs dns - abs dns') , HU.testCase "AdditiveGroup: zeroV" $ (AG.zeroV :: Money.Dense currency) @?= Money.dense' (0%1) , QC.testProperty "AdditiveGroup: negateV" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency) -> AG.negateV x === negate x , QC.testProperty "AdditiveGroup: ^+^" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency, y) -> x AG.^+^ y === x + y , QC.testProperty "AdditiveGroup: ^-^" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency, y) -> x AG.^-^ y === x - y , QC.testProperty "VectorSpace: *^" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency, y) -> (toRational x VS.*^ y === x * y) .&&. (toRational y VS.*^ x === x * y) , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency) -> let Right (_,_,y) = Binary.decodeOrFail (Binary.encode x) in x === y , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip (SomeDense)" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency) -> let x' = Money.toSomeDense x bs = Binary.encode x' in Right (mempty, BL.length bs, x') === Binary.decodeOrFail bs , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip (Dense through SomeDense)" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency) -> let x' = Money.toSomeDense x bs = Binary.encode x' in Right (mempty, BL.length bs, x) === Binary.decodeOrFail bs , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip (SomeDense through Dense)" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Dense currency) -> let x' = Money.toSomeDense x bs = Binary.encode x in Right (mempty, BL.length bs, x') === Binary.decodeOrFail bs ] testExchange :: Tasty.TestTree testExchange = Tasty.testGroup "Exchange" [ testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "BTC") (Proxy :: Proxy "BTC") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "BTC") (Proxy :: Proxy "USD") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "BTC") (Proxy :: Proxy "VUV") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "BTC") (Proxy :: Proxy "XAU") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "USD") (Proxy :: Proxy "BTC") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "USD") (Proxy :: Proxy "USD") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "USD") (Proxy :: Proxy "VUV") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "USD") (Proxy :: Proxy "XAU") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "VUV") (Proxy :: Proxy "BTC") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "VUV") (Proxy :: Proxy "USD") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "VUV") (Proxy :: Proxy "VUV") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "VUV") (Proxy :: Proxy "XAU") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "XAU") (Proxy :: Proxy "BTC") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "XAU") (Proxy :: Proxy "USD") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "XAU") (Proxy :: Proxy "VUV") , testExchangeRate (Proxy :: Proxy "XAU") (Proxy :: Proxy "XAU") ] testDiscrete :: forall (currency :: Symbol) (unit :: Symbol) . ( Money.GoodScale (Money.UnitScale currency unit) , KnownSymbol currency , KnownSymbol unit ) => Proxy currency -> Proxy unit -> Tasty.TestTree testDiscrete pc pu = Tasty.testGroup ("Discrete " ++ show (symbolVal pc) ++ " " ++ show (symbolVal pu)) [ testRounding pc pu , QC.testProperty "rnf" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> () === rnf x , QC.testProperty "read . show == id" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> x === read (show x) , QC.testProperty "read . show . Just == Just" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> Just x === read (show (Just x)) , QC.testProperty "fromSomeDiscrete . someDiscrete == Just" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> Just x === Money.fromSomeDiscrete (Money.toSomeDiscrete x) , QC.testProperty "fromSomeDiscrete works only for same currency and scale" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(dr :: Money.SomeDiscrete) -> ((T.unpack (Money.someDiscreteCurrency dr) /= symbolVal pc) && (Money.someDiscreteScale dr /= Money.scale (Proxy :: Proxy (Money.UnitScale currency unit))) ) ==> isNothing (Money.fromSomeDiscrete dr :: Maybe (Money.Discrete currency unit)) , QC.testProperty "withSomeDiscrete" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> let dr = Money.toSomeDiscrete x in ( Money.withSomeDiscrete dr $ \x' -> (show x, dr, Money.toSomeDiscrete (x + 1)) === (show x', Money.toSomeDiscrete x', Money.toSomeDiscrete (x' + 1)) ) :: QC.Property , QC.testProperty "discreteCurrency" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> T.unpack (Money.discreteCurrency x) === symbolVal pc , QC.testProperty "discreteToDecimal/discreteFromDecimal: Same as denseToDecimal/denseFromDecimal" $ -- We check that the roundtrip results in a close amount with a fractional -- difference of up to one. QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(ds :: Money.DecimalConf, sc0 :: Rational, aprox :: Money.Approximation, dis :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> let sc = abs sc0 + 1 -- scales less than 1 can't reliably roundtrip. dns = Money.denseFromDiscrete dis in Money.discreteToDecimal ds aprox dis === Money.denseToDecimal ds aprox dns , HU.testCase "AdditiveGroup: zeroV" $ (AG.zeroV :: Money.Discrete currency unit) @?= Money.discrete 0 , QC.testProperty "AdditiveGroup: negateV" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> AG.negateV x === negate x , QC.testProperty "AdditiveGroup: ^+^" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit, y) -> x AG.^+^ y === x + y , QC.testProperty "AdditiveGroup: ^-^" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit, y) -> x AG.^-^ y === x - y , QC.testProperty "VectorSpace: *^" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit, y) -> (toInteger x VS.*^ y === x * y) .&&. (toInteger y VS.*^ x === x * y) , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> let Right (_,_,y) = Binary.decodeOrFail (Binary.encode x) in x === y , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip (SomeDiscrete)" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> let x' = Money.toSomeDiscrete x bs = Binary.encode x' in Right (mempty, BL.length bs, x') === Binary.decodeOrFail bs , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip (Discrete through SomeDiscrete)" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> let x' = Money.toSomeDiscrete x bs = Binary.encode x' in Right (mempty, BL.length bs, x) === Binary.decodeOrFail bs , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip (SomeDiscrete through Discrete)" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.Discrete currency unit) -> let x' = Money.toSomeDiscrete x bs = Binary.encode x in Right (mempty, BL.length bs, x') === Binary.decodeOrFail bs ] testExchangeRate :: forall (src :: Symbol) (dst :: Symbol) . (KnownSymbol src, KnownSymbol dst) => Proxy src -> Proxy dst -> Tasty.TestTree testExchangeRate ps pd = Tasty.testGroup ("ExchangeRate " ++ show (symbolVal ps) ++ " " ++ show (symbolVal pd)) [ QC.testProperty "Category: left identity" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(xr :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> xr === id . xr , QC.testProperty "Category: right identity" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(xr :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> xr === xr . id , QC.testProperty "Category: composition with inverse" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(xr1 :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> (1 === Money.exchangeRateToRational (xr1 . Money.exchangeRateRecip xr1)) .&&. (1 === Money.exchangeRateToRational (Money.exchangeRateRecip xr1 . xr1)) , QC.testProperty "Category: composition with other" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(xr1 :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst, xr2 :: Money.ExchangeRate dst src) -> let a = Money.exchangeRateToRational xr1 * Money.exchangeRateToRational xr2 in (a === Money.exchangeRateToRational (xr1 . xr2)) .&&. (a === Money.exchangeRateToRational (xr2 . xr1)) , QC.testProperty "read . show == id" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(xr :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> xr === read (show xr) , QC.testProperty "read . show . Just == Just" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(xr :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> Just xr === read (show (Just xr)) , QC.testProperty "flipExchangeRate . flipExchangeRate == id" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(xr :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> let xr' = Money.exchangeRateRecip xr in (Money.exchangeRateToRational xr /= Money.exchangeRateToRational xr') ==> (xr === Money.exchangeRateRecip xr') , QC.testProperty "exchange (flipExchangeRate x) . exchange x == id" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \( c0 :: Money.Dense src , xr :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst ) -> c0 === Money.exchange (Money.exchangeRateRecip xr) (Money.exchange xr c0) , QC.testProperty "x == 1 ==> exchange x == id" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \( c0 :: Money.Dense src ) -> let Just xr = Money.exchangeRate 1 in toRational c0 === toRational (Money.exchange xr c0) , QC.testProperty "x /= 1 ==> exchange x /= id" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \( c0 :: Money.Dense src , xr :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst ) -> (Money.exchangeRateToRational xr /= 1 && toRational c0 /= 0) ==> (toRational c0 /= toRational (Money.exchange xr c0)) , QC.testProperty "fromSomeExchangeRate . someExchangeRate == Just" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> Just x === Money.fromSomeExchangeRate (Money.toSomeExchangeRate x) , QC.testProperty "fromSomeExchangeRate works only for same currencies" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.SomeExchangeRate) -> ((T.unpack (Money.someExchangeRateSrcCurrency x) /= symbolVal ps) && (T.unpack (Money.someExchangeRateDstCurrency x) /= symbolVal pd)) ==> isNothing (Money.fromSomeExchangeRate x :: Maybe (Money.ExchangeRate src dst)) , QC.testProperty "withSomeExchangeRate" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> let dr = Money.toSomeExchangeRate x in Money.withSomeExchangeRate dr $ \x' -> (show x, dr) === (show x', Money.toSomeExchangeRate x') , QC.testProperty "exchangeRateToDecimal: Same as rationalToDecimal" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(ds :: Money.DecimalConf, xr :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst, aprox :: Money.Approximation) -> Money.exchangeRateToDecimal ds aprox xr === MoneyI.rationalToDecimal ds aprox (Money.exchangeRateToRational xr) , QC.testProperty "exchangeRateFromDecimal: Same as rationalFromDecimal" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(Decimal ds dec) -> let Just r = MoneyI.rationalFromDecimal ds dec yxr = Money.exchangeRateFromDecimal ds dec :: Maybe (Money.ExchangeRate src dst) in (r > 0) ==> (Just r === fmap Money.exchangeRateToRational yxr) , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> let Right (_,_,y) = Binary.decodeOrFail (Binary.encode x) in x === y , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip (SomeExchangeRate)" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> let x' = Money.toSomeExchangeRate x bs = Binary.encode x' in Right (mempty, BL.length bs, x') === Binary.decodeOrFail bs , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip (ExchangeRate through SomeExchangeRate)" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> let x' = Money.toSomeExchangeRate x bs = Binary.encode x' in Right (mempty, BL.length bs, x) === Binary.decodeOrFail bs , QC.testProperty "Binary encoding roundtrip (SomeExchangeRate through ExchangeRate)" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary $ \(x :: Money.ExchangeRate src dst) -> let x' = Money.toSomeExchangeRate x bs = Binary.encode x in Right (mempty, BL.length bs, x') === Binary.decodeOrFail bs ] testDiscreteFromDecimal :: Tasty.TestTree testDiscreteFromDecimal = Tasty.testGroup "discreteFromDecimal" [ HU.testCase "Too large" $ do Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_dd_2 "0.053" @?= (Nothing :: Maybe (Money.Discrete "USD" "cent")) Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_tc_dd_2 "0.253" @?= (Nothing :: Maybe (Money.Discrete "USD" "cent")) , HU.testCase "USD cent, small, zero" $ do let dis = 0 :: Money.Discrete "USD" "cent" Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_dd_2 "0" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_dd_2 "+0" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_dd_2 "-0" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_dd_2 "0" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_dd_2 "+0" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_dd_2 "-0" @?= Just dis , HU.testCase "USD cent, small, positive" $ do let dis = 25 :: Money.Discrete "USD" "cent" Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_dd_2 "0.25" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_dd_2 "+0.25" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_tc_dd_2 "0.25" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_tc_dd_2 "+0.25" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_dd_2 "0.25" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_dd_2 "+0.25" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_tc_dd_2 "0.25" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_tc_dd_2 "+0.25" @?= Just dis , HU.testCase "USD cent, small, negative" $ do let dis = -25 :: Money.Discrete "USD" "cent" Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_dd_2 "-0.25" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_dd_2 "-0.25" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_tc_dd_2 "-0.25" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_tc_dd_2 "-0.25" @?= Just dis , HU.testCase "USD cent, big, positive" $ do let dis = 102300456789 :: Money.Discrete "USD" "cent" Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_dd_2 "+1023004567.89" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_dd_2 "1023004567.89" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_dd_2 "+1023004567.89" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_dd_2 "1023004567.89" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_tc_dd_2 "+1,023,004,567.89" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_tc_dd_2 "1,023,004,567.89" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_tc_dd_2 "+1,023,004,567.89" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_tc_dd_2 "1,023,004,567.89" @?= Just dis , HU.testCase "USD cent, big, negative" $ do let dis = -102300456789 :: Money.Discrete "USD" "cent" Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_dd_2 "-1023004567.89" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_dd_2 "-1023004567.89" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_tc_dd_2 "-1,023,004,567.89" @?= Just dis Money.discreteFromDecimal ds_p_tc_dd_2 "-1,023,004,567.89" @?= Just dis ] testRounding :: forall (currency :: Symbol) (unit :: Symbol) . (Money.GoodScale (Money.UnitScale currency unit), KnownSymbol currency) => Proxy currency -> Proxy unit -> Tasty.TestTree testRounding _ _ = Tasty.testGroup "Rounding" [ QC.testProperty "floor" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary (g (Money.discreteFromDense Money.Floor)) , QC.testProperty "ceiling" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary (g (Money.discreteFromDense Money.Ceiling)) , QC.testProperty "round" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary (g (Money.discreteFromDense Money.Round)) , QC.testProperty "truncate" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary (g (Money.discreteFromDense Money.Truncate)) , QC.testProperty "half-even" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary (g (Money.discreteFromDense Money.HalfEven)) , QC.testProperty "floor no reminder" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary (h (Money.discreteFromDense Money.Floor)) , QC.testProperty "ceiling no reminder" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary (h (Money.discreteFromDense Money.Ceiling)) , QC.testProperty "round no reminder" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary (h (Money.discreteFromDense Money.Round)) , QC.testProperty "truncate no reminder" $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary (h (Money.discreteFromDense Money.Truncate)) , QC.testProperty "half-even no reminder " $ QC.forAll QC.arbitrary (h (Money.discreteFromDense Money.HalfEven)) ] where g :: (Money.Dense currency -> (Money.Discrete' currency (Money.UnitScale currency unit), Money.Dense currency)) -> Money.Dense currency -> QC.Property g f = \x -> x === case f x of (y, z) -> Money.denseFromDiscrete y + z h :: (Money.Dense currency -> (Money.Discrete' currency (Money.UnitScale currency unit), Money.Dense currency)) -> Money.Discrete currency unit -> QC.Property h f = \x -> (Money.denseFromDiscrete x) === case f (Money.denseFromDiscrete x) of (y, 0) -> Money.denseFromDiscrete y (_, _) -> error "testRounding.h: unexpected" testHalfEvenRounding :: Tasty.TestTree testHalfEvenRounding = Tasty.testGroup "HalfEven rounding" [ HU.testCase "-2.8" $ -3 @=? f (-3152519739159347 % 1125899906842624) , HU.testCase "-2.5" $ -2 @=? f (-5 % 2) , HU.testCase "-2.2" $ -2 @=? f (-2476979795053773 % 1125899906842624) , HU.testCase "-2" $ -2 @=? f (-2 % 1) , HU.testCase "-1.8" $ -2 @=? f (-8106479329266893 % 4503599627370496) , HU.testCase "-1.5" $ -2 @=? f (-3 % 2) , HU.testCase "-1.2" $ -1 @=? f (-5404319552844595 % 4503599627370496) , HU.testCase "-1" $ -1 @=? f (-1 % 1) , HU.testCase "-0.8" $ -1 @=? f (-3602879701896397 % 4503599627370496) , HU.testCase "-0.5" $ 0 @=? f (-1 % 2) , HU.testCase "-0.2" $ 0 @=? f (-3602879701896397 % 18014398509481984) , HU.testCase "0" $ 0 @=? f (0 % 1) , HU.testCase "0.2" $ 0 @=? f (3602879701896397 % 18014398509481984) , HU.testCase "0.5" $ 0 @=? f (1 % 2) , HU.testCase "0.8" $ 1 @=? f (3602879701896397 % 4503599627370496) , HU.testCase "1" $ 1 @=? f (1 % 1) , HU.testCase "1.2" $ 1 @=? f (5404319552844595 % 4503599627370496) , HU.testCase "1.5" $ 2 @=? f (3 % 2) , HU.testCase "1.8" $ 2 @=? f (8106479329266893 % 4503599627370496) , HU.testCase "2" $ 2 @=? f (2 % 1) , HU.testCase "2.2" $ 2 @=? f (2476979795053773 % 1125899906842624) , HU.testCase "2.5" $ 2 @=? f (5 % 2) , HU.testCase "2.8" $ 3 @=? f (3152519739159347 % 1125899906842624) ] where f :: Rational -> Integer f = MoneyI.approximate MoneyI.HalfEven -- | Decimal dot, 2 decimals ds_dd_2 :: Money.DecimalConf ds_dd_2 = Money.defaultDecimalConf -- | Leading plus, decimal dot, 2 decimals ds_p_dd_2 :: Money.DecimalConf ds_p_dd_2 = ds_dd_2 { Money.decimalConf_leadingPlus = True } -- | Thousands comma, decimal dot, 2 decimals ds_tc_dd_2 :: Money.DecimalConf ds_tc_dd_2 = ds_dd_2 { Money.decimalConf_separators = Money.separatorsDotComma } -- | Leading plus, thousands comma, decimal dot, 2 decimals ds_p_tc_dd_2 :: Money.DecimalConf ds_p_tc_dd_2 = ds_tc_dd_2 { Money.decimalConf_leadingPlus = True } -- | Decimal dot, 0 decimals ds_dd_0 :: Money.DecimalConf ds_dd_0 = ds_dd_2 { Money.decimalConf_digits = 0 } -- | Leading plus, decimal dot, 0 decimals ds_p_dd_0 :: Money.DecimalConf ds_p_dd_0 = ds_p_dd_2 { Money.decimalConf_digits = 0 } -- | Thousands comma, decimal dot, 0 decimals ds_tc_dd_0 :: Money.DecimalConf ds_tc_dd_0 = ds_tc_dd_2 { Money.decimalConf_digits = 0 } -- | Leading plus, thousands comma, decimal dot, 0 decimals ds_p_tc_dd_0 :: Money.DecimalConf ds_p_tc_dd_0 = ds_p_tc_dd_2 { Money.decimalConf_digits = 0 } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Raw parsing "golden tests" testRawSerializations :: Tasty.TestTree testRawSerializations = Tasty.testGroup "Raw serializations" [ Tasty.testGroup "binary" [ Tasty.testGroup "encode" [ HU.testCase "Dense" $ do Right rawDns0 @=? fmap (\(_,_,a) -> a) (Binary.decodeOrFail rawDns0_binary) , HU.testCase "Discrete" $ do Right rawDis0 @=? fmap (\(_,_,a) -> a) (Binary.decodeOrFail rawDis0_binary) , HU.testCase "ExchangeRate" $ do Right rawXr0 @=? fmap (\(_,_,a) -> a) (Binary.decodeOrFail rawXr0_binary) ] , Tasty.testGroup "encode" [ HU.testCase "Dense" $ rawDns0_binary @=? Binary.encode rawDns0 , HU.testCase "Discrete" $ rawDis0_binary @=? Binary.encode rawDis0 , HU.testCase "ExchangeRate" $ rawXr0_binary @=? Binary.encode rawXr0 ] ] ] rawDns0 :: Money.Dense "USD" rawDns0 = Money.dense' (26%1) rawDis0 :: Money.Discrete "USD" "cent" rawDis0 = Money.discrete 4 rawXr0 :: Money.ExchangeRate "USD" "BTC" Just rawXr0 = Money.exchangeRate (3%2) -- binary rawDns0_binary :: BL.ByteString rawDns0_binary = "\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\ETXUSD\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\SUB\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\SOH" rawDis0_binary :: BL.ByteString rawDis0_binary = "\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\ETXUSD\NUL\NUL\NUL\NULd\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\SOH\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\EOT" rawXr0_binary :: BL.ByteString rawXr0_binary = "\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\ETXUSD\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\ETXBTC\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\ETX\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\STX" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Just checking that this compiles. _testCurrencyScale :: Dict (Money.CurrencyScale "USD" ~ Money.UnitScale "USD" "cent", Money.CurrencyScale "BTC" ~ Money.UnitScale "BTC" "satoshi", Money.CurrencyScale "VUV" ~ Money.UnitScale "VUV" "vatu", Money.CurrencyScale "XAU" ~ Money.ErrScaleNonCanonical "XAU") _testCurrencyScale = Dict -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Misc hush :: Either a b -> Maybe b hush (Left _ ) = Nothing hush (Right b) = Just b