Changelog for safer-file-handles-0.11

0.10 (Released on: Wed Mar 9 12:21:05 UTC 2011) * Switch from monad-peel to monad-control. * Support regional-pointers-0.6 and use its overloaded pointers. * Add separate type for standard handles. * Add FileHandle type class. * Overload the filehandle in operations. 0.9 (Released on: Sat Nov 6 15:57:09 UTC 2010) * Released at BelHac 2010! * Depend on regions-0.8 and regional-pointers-0.5. * Set the region parameter of the standard handles to RootRegion This allows them to be used in any region because the RootRegion is the ancestor of any region. * Tested with GHC-7 and base-4.3 and added hGetBufSome. * Use MonadPeelIO instead of MonadCatchIO. 0.8 (Released on: Sat Sep 11 14:18:20 UTC 2010) * Replaced Ptrs by RegionalPtrs * Added strictness flags to the arguments of the RegionalFileHandle data constructor 0.7 (Released on: Wed Sep 1 20:11:50 UTC 2010) * Use the safer Path type from the pathtype package * Depend on explicit-iomodes >= 0.5 && < 0.6 The, from explicit-iomodes imported, ReadModes and WriteModes classes have gotten private super classes which prevents users from accidentally defining for example: 'instance ReadModes WriteMode' which would defeat the safety guarantees of this package. 0.6.1 (Released on: Sat Aug 14 09:20:55 UTC 2010) * Support explicit-iomodes-0.4.1 Added convenience functions: withFile', openFile', withBinaryFile' and openBinaryFile' that open files without explicitly specifying the IOMode. Instead the IOMode is inferred from the type of the resulting handle 0.6 (Released on: Wed Jun 16 09:11:55 UTC 2010) * Depend on regions >= 0.6 (This actually changed the API) * Added the standard handles again. Now they work properly! * Renamed Control.Monad.Trans.Region.Close to Control.Monad.Trans.Region.OnExit * Added System.IO.SaferFileHandles.Unsafe * Moved the ByteString operations to their own package: safer-file-handles-bytestring 0.5 (Released on: Sun May 2 20:28:22 UTC 2010) * Updated dependencies base-unicode-symbols >= 0.1.1 && < 0.3 regions >= 0.5 && < 0.6 transformers >= 0.2 && < 0.3 MonadCatchIO-transformers >= 0.2 && < 0.3 * Updated dependency: explicit-iomodes >= 0.3 && < 0.4 (This actually changed the API) 0.4 (Released on: Sun Feb 28 13:00:23 UTC 2010) * Catch IOErrors and remove the internal handle from them * Removed support for the standard handles (Released on: Thu Feb 4 10:20:34 UTC 2010) * Depend on more compatible versions of MonadCatchIO-transformers * Added more documentation * Conditional import of *withDefaultPermissions functions 0.3 (Released on: Sat Jan 23 14:25:55 UTC 2010) * Make File A GADT again and parameterize it with the IOMode * Added support for bytestring IO (Released on: Thu Jan 7 22:55:00 UTC 2010) * Only import encoding and newline stuff from System.IO if base >= 4.2 * Only use DefaultPermissions if base >= 4.2 * Removed redundant #ifdef...#endif 0.2 (Released on: Thu Jan 7 14:19:15 UTC 2010) * Depend on regions-0.2 0.1 (Released on: Wed Jan 6 22:04:27 UTC 2010) * Initial release