{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax
           , NoImplicitPrelude
           , CPP
           , GADTs
           , TypeFamilies
           , RankNTypes
           , ViewPatterns
           , MultiParamTypeClasses

-- |
-- Module      :  System.IO.SaferFileHandles
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2009 Bas van Dijk
-- License     :  BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas@gmail.com>
-- This module provides the type 'File' which represents an actual file. A file
-- is a scarce resource, that is, in certain IOModes it can only be used by one
-- user at a time. Because of the scarcity, a file needs to be /opened/ to grant
-- temporary sole access to the file. When the file is no longer needed it
-- should be /closed/ a.s.a.p to grant others access to the file.
-- The contributions of this module are as follows:
-- * First of all this module provides an instance for 'Resource' for 'File'
-- which allows it to be used with the @regions@ package. The @regions@ package
-- provides the region monad transformer 'RegionT'. Scarce resources, like files
-- for example, can be opened in a region. When the region terminates, all
-- opened resources will be automatically closed. The main advantage of regions
-- is that the handles to the opened resources can not be returned from the
-- region which ensures no I/O with closed resources is possible. The primary
-- technique used in @regions@ is called \"Lightweight monadic regions\" which
-- was invented by Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan. See:
-- <http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/regions.html#light-weight>
-- * Secondly this module provides all the file operations of @System.IO@ lifted
-- to the region monad.
-- * The final contribution of this module is that file handles are
-- parameterised with the IOMode in which the file was opened. This can be
-- either 'R', 'W', 'A' or 'RW'. All operations on files explicitly specify the
-- needed IOMode using the 'ReadModes' and 'WriteModes' type classes. This way
-- it is impossible to read from a write-only handle or write to a read-only
-- handle for example.
-- See the @safer-file-handles-examples@ package for examples how to use this
-- package:
-- darcs get <http://code.haskell.org/~basvandijk/code/safer-file-handles-examples>
-- Note that this package is early work and still very experimental. Take note
-- of the following warnings:
-- * /WARNING:/ You are able to lift an arbitrary @IO@ action into a region. This
-- action may throw an @IOError@ which may contain a low-level handle to a
-- file. This handle can be retrieved from the @IOError@ using @ioeGetHandle@
-- from @System.IO.Error@.  So when an @IOError@ is thrown you will be able to
-- manually close the respected file! This will defeat the safety-guarantees
-- that this package promises to provide. /TODO: Think about how to solve this.../
-- The solution that Oleg provides in his paper is to filter out the low-level
-- handle in an @IOError@ when it's thrown. I can't easily do this because I have
-- to modify the @catch@ method of the 'MonadCatchIO' instance for 'RegionT' in
-- the @regions@ package. It feels like an ugly hack to solve this
-- @safer-file-handles@ specific problem in the independent general @regions@
-- package.
-- * /WARNING:/ Currenly the handling of the standard files ('stdin', 'stdout' and
-- 'stderr') is not to my liking. See the documentation for details.
-- * /NOTE:/ This module also provides functions from @System.IO@ which don't
-- directly work with file handles like 'putStrLn' or 'getLine' for
-- example. These functions implicitly use the standard handles. I actually
-- provide more general versions of these that work in any 'MonadIO'. It could
-- be argued that these functions don't belong in this module because they don't
-- have anything to do with regions and explicit IOModes. However I provide them
-- as a convenience. But be warned that in the future these lifted functions may
-- move to their own package!

module System.IO.SaferFileHandles
    ( -- * Files with explicit IO modes as scarce resources
    , Binary
    , Standard(..)

    , FilePath

      -- ** IO Modes
      -- | Types that represent the IOMode an opened file can be in.
    , R, W, A, RW

    , ReadModes, WriteModes

      -- ** Opening files in a region

      {-| Note that this module re-exports the @Control.Monad.Trans.Region@
      module from the @regions@ package which allows you to:

      * 'open' a 'File' in a 'RegionT'.

      * Run a region using 'runRegionT'.

      * Concurrently run a region inside another region using 'forkTopRegion'.

       * Duplicate a regional file handle to a parent region using 'dup'.
    , module Control.Monad.Trans.Region

    , RegionalFileHandle

    , openFile, withFile

    , IOMode(..)

      -- ** Standard handles
      -- $stdHndls

    , stdin, stdout, stderr

      -- $TODO_cast

      -- *  Operations on regional file handles
      -- ** Determining and changing the size of a file
    , hFileSize

    , hSetFileSize

      -- ** Detecting the end of input
    , hIsEOF
    , isEOF

      -- ** Buffering operations
    , BufferMode(..)
    , hSetBuffering
    , hGetBuffering
    , hFlush

    -- ** Repositioning handles
    , hGetPosn
    , hSetPosn
    , HandlePosn

    , hSeek
    , SeekMode(..)
#if !defined(__NHC__)
    , hTell

    -- ** Handle properties
    , hIsOpen, hIsClosed
    , hIsReadable, hIsWritable
    , hIsSeekable

    -- ** Terminal operations (not portable: GHC/Hugs only)
#if !defined(__NHC__)
    , hIsTerminalDevice

    , hSetEcho
    , hGetEcho
    -- ** Showing handle state (not portable: GHC only)
    , hShow
    -- * Text input and output
    -- ** Text input
    -- | Note that the following text input operations are polymorphic in the
    -- IOMode of the given handle. However the IOModes are restricted to
    -- 'ReadModes' only which can be either 'R' or 'RW'.
    , hWaitForInput
    , hReady
    , hGetChar
    , hGetLine
    , hLookAhead
    , hGetContents

    -- ** Text ouput
    -- | Note that the following text output operations are polymorphic in the
    -- IOMode of the given handle. However the IOModes are restricted to
    -- 'WriteModes' only which can be either 'W', 'A' or 'RW'.
    , hPutChar
    , hPutStr
    , hPutStrLn
    , hPrint

    -- ** Special cases for standard input and output
    , interact
    , putChar
    , putStr
    , putStrLn
    , print
    , getChar
    , getLine
    , getContents
    , readIO
    , readLn

    -- * Binary input and output
    , withBinaryFile, openBinaryFile

    , hSetBinaryMode
    , hPutBuf
    , hGetBuf

#if !defined(__NHC__) && !defined(__HUGS__)
    , hPutBufNonBlocking
    , hGetBufNonBlocking

    -- * Temporary files
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
    , DefaultPermissions
    , Template

    , openTempFile
    , openBinaryTempFile

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
   , openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions
   , openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0) && !defined(__NHC__) && !defined(__HUGS__)
    -- * Unicode encoding/decoding
    , hSetEncoding
    , hGetEncoding

    -- ** Unicode encodings
    , TextEncoding
    , latin1
    , utf8, utf8_bom
    , utf16, utf16le, utf16be
    , utf32, utf32le, utf32be
    , localeEncoding
    , mkTextEncoding

    -- * Newline conversion
    , hSetNewlineMode
    , Newline(..)
    , nativeNewline
    , NewlineMode(..)
    , noNewlineTranslation, universalNewlineMode, nativeNewlineMode

-- Imports

-- from base:
import Prelude       ( Integer )
import Control.Monad ( return, (>>=), fail
import Data.Function ( ($) )
import Data.Bool     ( Bool(False, True) )
import Data.Char     ( Char, String )
import Data.Int      ( Int )
import Data.Maybe    ( Maybe(Just) )
import Text.Show     ( Show )
import Text.Read     ( Read )
import Foreign.Ptr   ( Ptr )

import qualified System.IO as SIO

-- from base-unicode-symbols:
import Data.Function.Unicode ( () )

-- from MonadCatchIO-transformers:
import Control.Monad.CatchIO ( MonadCatchIO )

-- from transformers:
import Control.Monad.Trans ( MonadIO, liftIO )

-- from regions:
import Control.Monad.Trans.Region -- (re-exported entirely)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Region.Unsafe ( internalHandle )

-- from explicit-iomodes
import System.IO.ExplicitIOModes ( IOMode(..)
                                 , R, W, A, RW
                                 , ReadModes
                                 , WriteModes
                                 -- TODO:, CheckMode

                                 , FilePath
                                 , BufferMode(..)
                                 , HandlePosn
                                 , SeekMode(..)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0) && !defined(__NHC__) && !defined(__HUGS__)
                                 , TextEncoding
                                 , latin1
                                 , utf8, utf8_bom
                                 , utf16, utf16le, utf16be
                                 , utf32, utf32le, utf32be
                                 , localeEncoding

                                 , Newline(..)
                                 , nativeNewline
                                 , NewlineMode(..)
                                 , noNewlineTranslation
                                 , universalNewlineMode
                                 , nativeNewlineMode

import qualified System.IO.ExplicitIOModes as E

-- from ourselves:
import System.IO.SaferFileHandles.Internal

-- TODO: explicit import:
-- import System.IO.SaferFileHandles.Internal ( RegionalFileHandle
--                                            , File(..)
--                                            , Binary
--                                            , Template
--                                            , Standard(..)
--                                            , wrap, wrap2, wrap3
--                                            )

-- * Files with explicit IO modes as scarce resources

{-| Convenience function for opening a file which yields a regional handle to
it. This provides a safer replacement for @System.IO.@'SIO.openFile'.

Note that: @openFile filePath ioMode =@ 'open' @$@ 'File' @False filePath ioMode@

Note that the returned regional file handle is parameterized by the region in
which it was created. This ensures that handles can never escape their
region. And it also allows operations on handles to be executed in a child
region of the region in which the handle was created.

Note that if you do wish to return a handle from the region in which it was
created you have to duplicate the handle by applying 'dup' to it.
openFile  MonadCatchIO pr
          IOMode ioMode
          RegionT s pr
                   (RegionalFileHandle ioMode (RegionT s pr))
openFile filePath ioMode = open $ File False filePath ioMode

{-| Convenience function which opens a file, applies the given continuation
function to the resulting regional file handle and runs the resulting
region. This provides a safer safer replacement for @System.IO.@'SIO.withFile'.

Note that: @withFile filePath ioMode =@ 'with' @$@ 'File' @False filePath ioMode@

withFile  MonadCatchIO pr
          IOMode ioMode
          ( s. RegionalFileHandle ioMode (RegionT s pr)
            RegionT s pr α
          pr α
withFile filePath ioMode = with $ File False filePath ioMode

-- ** Standard handles

{- $stdHndls

/WARNING:/ I'm not satisfied with my current implementation of the standard
handles ('stdin', 'stdout' and 'stderr')! Currently the standard handles are
regional computations that return the regional file handles to the respected
standard handles. There are 4 problems with this approach:

* When the region terminates in which you call one of the standard handles the
respected handle will be closed. I think this is not the expected behaviour. I
would expect the standard handles to always remain open.

* In 'System.IO' the standard handles are pure values. My standard handles are
monadic computations which makes them harder to work with.

* There is no way to explicitly close a standard handle. Indeed, the whole
purpose of lightweight monadic regions is to automatically close
handles. However, when writing a Unix daemon for example, you need to be able to
explicitly close the standard handles.

* When reading 'man stdin' I'm confused if the standard handles are /always/
open on program startup:

quote 'man stdin':

\".../Under normal circumstances/ every Unix program has three streams opened for
it when it starts up, one for input, one for output, and one for printing
diagnostic or error messages...\"

\"...The stdin, stdout, and stderr macros conform to C89 and this standard also
stipulates that these three streams /shall be open/ at program startup....\"

So now I'm confused... are these standard file handles always open on program
startup or are there /abnormal/ situations when they are closed?

Maybe I just have to believe the documentation in @System.IO@ which specifies
that they are always initially open.

If the standard handles are closed on startup using a handle returned from one
of the standard handles will result in an exception! This would be a violation
of my safety guarantees which is unacceptable.

Does anyone have a solution?

-- TODO: I need to review these:

-- | Convenience function for returning a regional handle to standard
-- input. This provides a safer replacement for @System.IO.@'SIO.stdin'.
-- Note that: @stdin =@ 'open' @$@ 'Std' 'In'
stdin  MonadCatchIO pr
       RegionT s pr (RegionalFileHandle R (RegionT s pr))
stdin = open $ Std In

-- | Convenience function for returning a regional handle to standard
-- output. This provides a safer replacement for @System.IO.@'SIO.stdout'.
-- Note that: @stdin =@ 'open' @$@ 'Std' 'Out'
stdout  MonadCatchIO pr
        RegionT s pr (RegionalFileHandle W (RegionT s pr))
stdout = open $ Std Out

-- | Convenience function for returning a regional handle to standard
-- error. This provides a safer replacement for @System.IO.@'SIO.stderr'.
-- Note that: @stdin =@ 'open' @$@ 'Std' 'Err'
stderr  MonadCatchIO pr
        RegionT s pr (RegionalFileHandle W (RegionT s pr))
stderr = open $ Std Err

{- $TODO_cast


The standard handles have concrete IOModes by default which work for the
majority of cases. In the rare occasion that you know these handles have
different IOModes you should be able to 'cast' them to the expected IOMode.

The @explicit-iomodes@ package defines this @cast@ function. I should also
define it here:

cast :: forall anyIOMode castedIOMode
     . (pr \`ParentOf\` cr, LiftIO cr, CheckMode castedIOMode)
     => RegionalFileHandle anyIOMode pr
     -> cr (Maybe (RegionalFileHandle castedIOMode pr))

However I'm not sure yet how to implement it...

-- * Operations on regional file handles

-- **  Determining and changing the size of a file

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hFileSize'.
hFileSize  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
           RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Integer
hFileSize = wrap E.hFileSize

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hSetFileSize'.
hSetFileSize  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
              RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  Integer  cr ()
hSetFileSize = wrap2 E.hSetFileSize

-- ** Detecting the end of input

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsEOF'.
hIsEOF  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, ReadModes ioMode)
        RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Bool
hIsEOF = wrap E.hIsEOF

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.isEOF'.
isEOF  MonadIO m  m Bool
isEOF = liftIO $ E.isEOF

-- ** Buffering operations

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hSetBuffering'.
hSetBuffering  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
               RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  BufferMode  cr ()
hSetBuffering = wrap2 E.hSetBuffering

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetBuffering'.
hGetBuffering  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
               RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr BufferMode
hGetBuffering = wrap E.hGetBuffering

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hFlush'.
hFlush  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
        RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr ()
hFlush = wrap E.hFlush

-- ** Repositioning handles

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetPosn'.
hGetPosn  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
          RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr HandlePosn
hGetPosn = wrap E.hGetPosn

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hSetPosn'.
hSetPosn  MonadIO m  HandlePosn  m ()
hSetPosn = liftIO  E.hSetPosn

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hSeek'.
hSeek  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
       RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  SeekMode  Integer  cr ()
hSeek = wrap3 E.hSeek

#if !defined(__NHC__)
-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hTell'.
hTell  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
       RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Integer
hTell = wrap E.hTell

-- ** Handle properties

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsOpen'.
hIsOpen  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
          RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Bool
hIsOpen = wrap E.hIsOpen

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsClosed'.
hIsClosed  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
            RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Bool
hIsClosed = wrap E.hIsClosed

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsReadable'.
hIsReadable  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
             RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Bool
hIsReadable = wrap E.hIsReadable

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsWritable'.
hIsWritable  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
             RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Bool
hIsWritable = wrap E.hIsWritable

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsSeekable'.
hIsSeekable  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
             RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Bool
hIsSeekable = wrap E.hIsSeekable

-- ** Terminal operations (not portable: GHC/Hugs only)

#if !defined(__NHC__)
-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsTerminalDevice'.
hIsTerminalDevice  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
                   RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Bool
hIsTerminalDevice = wrap E.hIsTerminalDevice

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hSetEcho'.
hSetEcho  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
          RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  Bool  cr ()
hSetEcho = wrap2 E.hSetEcho

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetEcho'.
hGetEcho  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
          RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Bool
hGetEcho = wrap E.hGetEcho

-- ** Showing handle state (not portable: GHC only)

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hShow'.
hShow  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
       RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr String
hShow = wrap E.hShow

-- * Text input and output

-- ** Text input

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hWaitForInput'.
hWaitForInput  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, ReadModes ioMode)
               RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  Int  cr Bool
hWaitForInput = wrap2 E.hWaitForInput

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hReady'.
hReady  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, ReadModes ioMode)
        RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Bool
hReady = wrap E.hReady

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetChar'.
hGetChar  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, ReadModes ioMode)
          RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Char
hGetChar = wrap E.hGetChar

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetLine'.
hGetLine  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, ReadModes ioMode)
          RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr String
hGetLine = wrap E.hGetLine

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hLookAhead'.
hLookAhead  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, ReadModes ioMode)
            RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr Char
hLookAhead = wrap E.hLookAhead

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetContents'.
hGetContents  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, ReadModes ioMode)
              RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr String
hGetContents = wrap E.hGetContents

-- ** Text ouput

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hPutChar'.
hPutChar  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, WriteModes ioMode)
          RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  Char  cr ()
hPutChar = wrap2 E.hPutChar

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hPutStr'.
hPutStr  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, WriteModes ioMode)
         RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  String  cr ()
hPutStr = wrap2 E.hPutStr

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hPutStrLn'.
hPutStrLn  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, WriteModes ioMode)
           RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  String  cr ()
hPutStrLn = wrap2 E.hPutStrLn

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hPrint'.
hPrint  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, WriteModes ioMode, Show α)
        RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  α  cr ()
hPrint = wrap2 E.hPrint

-- ** Special cases for standard input and output

-- | Generalizes @System.IO.@'SIO.interact' to any 'MonadIO'.
interact  MonadIO m  (String  String)  m ()
interact f = liftIO $ SIO.interact f

-- | Generalizes @System.IO.@'SIO.putChar' to any 'MonadIO'.
putChar  MonadIO m  Char  m ()
putChar c = liftIO $ SIO.putChar c

-- | Generalizes @System.IO.@'SIO.putStr' to any 'MonadIO'.
putStr  MonadIO m  String  m ()
putStr s = liftIO $ SIO.putStr s

-- | Generalizes @System.IO.@'SIO.putStrLn' to any 'MonadIO'.
putStrLn  MonadIO m  String  m ()
putStrLn s = liftIO $ SIO.putStrLn s

-- | Generalizes @System.IO.@'SIO.print' to any 'MonadIO'.
print  (MonadIO m, Show α)  α  m ()
print x = liftIO $ SIO.print x

-- | Generalizes @System.IO.@'SIO.getChar' to any 'MonadIO'.
getChar  MonadIO m  m Char
getChar = liftIO SIO.getChar

-- | Generalizes @System.IO.@'SIO.getLine' to any 'MonadIO'.
getLine  MonadIO m  m String
getLine = liftIO SIO.getLine

-- | Generalizes @System.IO.@'SIO.getContents' to any 'MonadIO'.
getContents  MonadIO m  m String
getContents = liftIO SIO.getContents

-- | Generalizes @System.IO.@'SIO.readIO' to any 'MonadIO'.
readIO  (MonadIO m, Read α)  String  m α
readIO s = liftIO $ SIO.readIO s

-- | Generalizes @System.IO.@'SIO.readLn' to any 'MonadIO'.
readLn  (MonadIO m, Read α)  m α
readLn = liftIO SIO.readLn

-- * Binary input and output

{-| A convenience function which opens a file in binary mode, applies the given
continuation function to the resulting regional file handle and runs the
resulting region. This provides a safer replacement for

Note that: @withBinaryFile filePath ioMode =@ 'with' @$@ 'File' @True filePath ioMode@
withBinaryFile  MonadCatchIO pr
                IOMode ioMode
                 ( s. RegionalFileHandle ioMode (RegionT s pr)
                   RegionT s pr α
                pr α
withBinaryFile filePath ioMode = with $ File True filePath ioMode

-- | Convenience function whichs opens a file in binary mode yielding a regional
-- handle to it. This provides a safer replacement for
-- @System.IO.@'SIO.openBinaryFile'.
-- Note that: @openBinaryFile filePath ioMode =@ 'open' @$@ 'File' @True filePath ioMode@
openBinaryFile  MonadCatchIO pr
                IOMode ioMode
                RegionT s pr
                         (RegionalFileHandle ioMode (RegionT s pr))
openBinaryFile filePath ioMode = open $ File True filePath ioMode

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hSetBinaryMode'.
hSetBinaryMode  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
                RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  Bool  cr ()
hSetBinaryMode = wrap2 E.hSetBinaryMode

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hPutBuf'.
hPutBuf  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, WriteModes ioMode)
         RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  Ptr α  Int  cr ()
hPutBuf = wrap3 E.hPutBuf

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetBuf'.
hGetBuf  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, ReadModes ioMode)
         RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  Ptr α  Int  cr Int
hGetBuf = wrap3 E.hGetBuf

#if !defined(__NHC__) && !defined(__HUGS__)
-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hPutBufNonBlocking'.
hPutBufNonBlocking  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, WriteModes ioMode)
                    RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  Ptr α  Int  cr Int
hPutBufNonBlocking = wrap3 E.hPutBufNonBlocking

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetBufNonBlocking'.
hGetBufNonBlocking  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr, ReadModes ioMode)
                    RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  Ptr α  Int  cr Int
hGetBufNonBlocking = wrap3 E.hGetBufNonBlocking

-- * Temporary files

genOpenTempFile  MonadCatchIO pr
                 RegionT s pr (FilePath, RegionalFileHandle RW (RegionT s pr))
genOpenTempFile binary filePath template = do
  rh@(internalHandle  FileHandle (Just fp) _)  open $ TempFile binary
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
  return (fp, rh)

-- | Open a temporary file yielding a regional handle to it paired with the
-- generated file path. This provides a safer replacement for
-- @System.IO.@'SIO.openTempFile'.
openTempFile  MonadCatchIO pr
              RegionT s pr (FilePath, RegionalFileHandle RW (RegionT s pr))
openTempFile = genOpenTempFile False

-- | Open a temporary file in binary mode yielding a regional handle to it
-- paired with the generated file path. This provides a safer replacement for
-- @System.IO.@'SIO.openBinaryTempFile'.
    MonadCatchIO pr
   RegionT s pr (FilePath, RegionalFileHandle RW (RegionT s pr))
openBinaryTempFile = genOpenTempFile True

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
    MonadCatchIO pr
   RegionT s pr (FilePath, RegionalFileHandle RW (RegionT s pr))
genOpenTempFileWithDefaultPermissions binary filePath template = do
  rh@(internalHandle  FileHandle (Just fp) _)  open $ TempFile binary
  return (fp, rh)

-- | Open a temporary file with default permissions yielding a regional handle
-- to it paired with the generated file path. This provides a safer replacement
-- for @System.IO.@'SIO.openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions'.
    MonadCatchIO pr
   RegionT s pr (FilePath, RegionalFileHandle RW (RegionT s pr))
openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions = genOpenTempFileWithDefaultPermissions False

-- | Open a temporary file in binary mode with default permissions yielding a
-- regional handle to it paired with the generated file path. This provides a
-- safer replacement for
-- @System.IO.@'SIO.openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions'.
    MonadCatchIO pr
   RegionT s pr (FilePath, RegionalFileHandle RW (RegionT s pr))
openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions = genOpenTempFileWithDefaultPermissions True

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0) && !defined(__NHC__) && !defined(__HUGS__)
-- * Unicode encoding/decoding

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hSetEncoding'.
hSetEncoding  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
              RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  TextEncoding  cr ()
hSetEncoding = wrap2 E.hSetEncoding

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetEncoding'.
hGetEncoding  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
              RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  cr (Maybe TextEncoding)
hGetEncoding = wrap E.hGetEncoding

-- | Generalizes @System.IO.@'SIO.mkTextEncoding' to any 'MonadIO'.
mkTextEncoding  MonadIO m  String  m TextEncoding
mkTextEncoding = liftIO  E.mkTextEncoding

-- * Newline conversion

-- | Wraps @System.IO.@'SIO.hSetNewlineMode'.
hSetNewlineMode  (pr `ParentOf` cr, MonadIO cr)
                 RegionalFileHandle ioMode pr  NewlineMode  cr ()
hSetNewlineMode = wrap2 E.hSetNewlineMode

-- The End ---------------------------------------------------------------------