{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

-- | This module provides a fairly direct representation of the
-- SAM/BAM alignment format, along with an interface to read and write
-- alignments in this format.
-- The package is based on the C SamTools library available at
-- <http://samtools.sourceforge.net/>
-- and the SAM/BAM file format is described here
-- <http://samtools.sourceforge.net/SAM-1.3.pdf>
-- This package only reads existing alignment files generated by other
-- tools. The meaning of the various flags is actually determined by
-- the program that produced the alignment file.

module Bio.SamTools.Bam ( 
  -- * Target sequence sets
  , Header, nTargets, targetSeqList, targetSeq, targetSeqName, targetSeqLen, lookupTarget
  -- * SAM/BAM format alignments
  , Bam1
  , targetID, targetName, targetLen, position
  , isPaired, isProperPair, isUnmap, isMateUnmap, isReverse, isMateReverse
  , isRead1, isRead2, isSecondary, isQCFail, isDup
  , cigars, queryName, queryLength, querySeq, queryQual
  , mateTargetID, mateTargetName, mateTargetLen, matePosition, insertSize
  , nMismatch, nHits, matchDesc                                                               
  , refSpLoc, refSeqLoc
  -- * Reading SAM/BAM format files
  , InHandle, inHeader
  , openTamInFile, openTamInFileWithIndex, openBamInFile
  , closeInHandle
  , withTamInFile, withTamInFileWithIndex, withBamInFile
  , get1
  -- * Writing SAM/BAM format files
  , OutHandle, outHeader
  , openTamOutFile, openBamOutFile
  , closeOutHandle
  , withTamOutFile, withBamOutFile
  , put1

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as BSW
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Foreign hiding (new)
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String

import qualified Data.Vector as V

import Bio.SeqLoc.OnSeq
import qualified Bio.SeqLoc.SpliceLocation as SpLoc
import Bio.SeqLoc.Strand

import Bio.SamTools.Cigar
import Bio.SamTools.Internal
import Bio.SamTools.LowLevel

-- | 'Just' the reference target sequence ID in the target set, or
-- 'Nothing' for an unmapped read
targetID :: Bam1 -> Maybe Int
targetID b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ liftM fromTID . getTID
  where fromTID ctid | ctid < 0 = Nothing
                     | otherwise = Just $! fromIntegral ctid

-- | 'Just' the target sequence name, or 'Nothing' for an unmapped
-- read
targetName :: Bam1 -> Maybe BS.ByteString
targetName b = liftM (targetSeqName (header b)) $! targetID b

-- | 'Just' the total length of the target sequence, or 'Nothing' for
-- an unmapped read
targetLen :: Bam1 -> Maybe Int64
targetLen b = liftM (targetSeqLen (header b)) $! targetID b

-- | 'Just' the 0-based index of the leftmost aligned position on the
-- target sequence, or 'Nothing' for an unmapped read
position :: Bam1 -> Maybe Int64
position b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ liftM fromPos . getPos
  where fromPos cpos | cpos < 0 = Nothing
                     | otherwise = Just $! fromIntegral cpos

isFlagSet :: BamFlag -> Bam1 -> Bool
isFlagSet f b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ liftM isfset . getFlag
  where isfset = (== f) . (.&. f)

-- | Is the read paired
isPaired :: Bam1 -> Bool
isPaired = isFlagSet flagPaired

-- | Is the pair properly aligned (usually based on relative orientation and distance)
isProperPair :: Bam1 -> Bool
isProperPair = isFlagSet flagProperPair

-- | Is the read unmapped
isUnmap :: Bam1 -> Bool
isUnmap = isFlagSet flagUnmap

-- | Is the read paired and the mate unmapped
isMateUnmap :: Bam1 -> Bool
isMateUnmap = isFlagSet flagMUnmap

-- | Is the fragment's reverse complement aligned to the target
isReverse :: Bam1 -> Bool
isReverse = isFlagSet flagReverse

-- | Is the read paired and the mate's reverse complement aligned to the target
isMateReverse :: Bam1 -> Bool
isMateReverse = isFlagSet flagMReverse

-- | Is the fragment from the first read in the template
isRead1 :: Bam1 -> Bool
isRead1 = isFlagSet flagRead1

-- | Is the fragment from the second read in the template
isRead2 :: Bam1 -> Bool
isRead2 = isFlagSet flagRead2

-- | Is the fragment alignment secondary
isSecondary :: Bam1 -> Bool
isSecondary = isFlagSet flagSecondary

-- | Did the read fail quality controls
isQCFail :: Bam1 -> Bool
isQCFail = isFlagSet flagQCFail

-- | Is the read a technical duplicate
isDup :: Bam1 -> Bool
isDup = isFlagSet flagDup

-- | CIGAR description of the alignment
cigars :: Bam1 -> [Cigar]
cigars b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ \p -> do
  nc <- getNCigar p
  liftM (map toCigar) $! peekArray nc . bam1Cigar $ p

-- | Name of the query sequence
queryName :: Bam1 -> BS.ByteString
queryName b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) (return . bam1QName)

-- | 'Just' the length of the query sequence, or 'Nothing' when it is
-- unavailable.
queryLength :: Bam1 -> Maybe Int64
queryLength b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ liftM fromc . getLQSeq
  where fromc clq | clq < 1 = Nothing
                  | otherwise = Just $! fromIntegral clq

-- | 'Just' the query sequence, or 'Nothing' when it is unavailable
querySeq :: Bam1 -> Maybe BS.ByteString
querySeq b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ \p -> 
  let seqarr = bam1Seq p
      getQSeq l | l < 1 = return Nothing
                | otherwise = return $! Just $! 
                              BS.pack [ seqiToChar . bam1Seqi seqarr $ i | i <- [0..((fromIntegral l)-1)] ]
  in getLQSeq p >>= getQSeq
-- | 'Just' the query qualities, or 'Nothing' when it is
-- unavailable. These are returned in ASCII format, i.e., /q/ + 33.
queryQual :: Bam1 -> Maybe BS.ByteString
queryQual b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ \p ->
  let getQQual l | l < 1 = return Nothing
                 | otherwise = do q0 <- peek $! bam1Qual p
                                  if q0 == 0xff
                                     then return Nothing
                                     else liftM (Just . BSW.map (+ 33)) $!
                                            BS.packCStringLen (castPtr $! bam1Qual p, fromIntegral l)
  in getLQSeq p >>= getQQual
seqiToChar :: CUChar -> Char
seqiToChar = (chars V.!) . fromIntegral
  where chars = emptyChars V.// [(1, 'A'), (2, 'C'), (4, 'G'), (8, 'T'), (15, 'N')]
        emptyChars = V.generate 16 (\idx -> error $ "Unknown char " ++ show idx)

-- | 'Just' the target ID of the mate alignment target reference
-- sequence, or 'Nothing' when the mate is unmapped or the read is
-- unpaired.
mateTargetID :: Bam1 -> Maybe Int
mateTargetID b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ liftM fromTID . getMTID
  where fromTID ctid | ctid < 0 = Nothing
                     | otherwise = Just $! fromIntegral ctid

-- | 'Just' the name of the mate alignment target reference sequence,
-- or 'Nothing' when the mate is unmapped or the read is unpaired.
mateTargetName :: Bam1 -> Maybe BS.ByteString
mateTargetName b = liftM (targetSeqName (header b)) $! mateTargetID b

-- | 'Just' the length of the mate alignment target reference
-- sequence, or 'Nothing' when the mate is unmapped or the read is
-- unpaired.
mateTargetLen :: Bam1 -> Maybe Int64
mateTargetLen b = liftM (targetSeqLen (header b)) $! mateTargetID b

-- | 'Just the 0-based coordinate of the left-most position in the
-- mate alignment on the target, or 'Nothing' when the read is
-- unpaired or the mate is unmapped.
matePosition :: Bam1 -> Maybe Int64
matePosition b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ liftM fromPos . getMPos
  where fromPos cpos | cpos < 0  = Nothing
                     | otherwise = Just $! fromIntegral cpos

-- | 'Just' the total insert length, or 'Nothing' when the length is
-- unavailable, e.g. because the read is unpaired or the mated read
-- pair do not align in the proper relative orientation on the same
-- strand.
insertSize :: Bam1 -> Maybe Int64
insertSize b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ liftM fromISize . getISize
  where fromISize cis | cis < 1 = Nothing
                      | otherwise = Just $! fromIntegral cis

-- | 'Just' the match descriptor alignment field, or 'Nothing' when it
-- is absent
matchDesc :: Bam1 -> Maybe BS.ByteString
matchDesc b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ \p ->
  withCAString "MD" $ \mdstr -> 
  do md <- bamAuxGet p mdstr
     if md == nullPtr
        then return Nothing
        else do cstr <- bamAux2Z md
                if cstr == nullPtr
                   then return Nothing
                   else liftM Just . BS.packCString $ cstr

-- | 'Just' the number of reported alignments, or 'Nothing' when this
-- information is not present.
nHits :: Bam1 -> Maybe Int
nHits b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ \p ->
  withCAString "NH" $ \nhstr ->
  do nh <- bamAuxGet p nhstr
     if nh == nullPtr
        then return Nothing
        else liftM Just $! liftM fromIntegral $! bamAux2i nh

-- | 'Just' the number of mismatches in the alignemnt, or 'Nothing'
-- when this information is not present
nMismatch :: Bam1 -> Maybe Int
nMismatch b = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ \p ->
  withCAString "NM" $ \nmstr ->
  do nm <- bamAuxGet p nmstr
     if nm == nullPtr
        then return Nothing
        else liftM Just $! liftM fromIntegral $! bamAux2i nm

-- | 'Just' the reference sequence location covered by the
-- alignment. This includes nucleotide positions that are reported to
-- be deleted in the read, but not skipped nucleotide position
-- (typically intronic positions in a spliced alignment). If the
-- reference location is unavailable, e.g. for an unmapped read or for
-- a read with no CIGAR format alignment information, then 'Nothing'.
refSpLoc :: Bam1 -> Maybe SpLoc.SpliceLoc
refSpLoc b | isUnmap b = Nothing
           | otherwise = liftM (stranded strand) $! liftM2 (cigarToSpLoc) (position b) (Just . cigars $ b)
             where strand = if isReverse b then RevCompl else Fwd
-- | 'Just' the reference sequence location (as per 'refSpLoc') on
-- the target reference (as per 'targetName')
refSeqLoc :: Bam1 -> Maybe SpliceSeqLoc
refSeqLoc b = liftM2 OnSeq (liftM SeqName $! targetName b) (refSpLoc b)

-- | Handle for reading SAM/BAM format alignments
data InHandle = InHandle { inFilename :: !FilePath
                         , samfile :: !(MVar (Ptr SamFileInt))
                         , inHeader :: !Header -- ^ Target sequence set for the alignments
newInHandle :: FilePath -> Ptr SamFileInt -> IO InHandle
newInHandle filename fsam = do
  when (fsam == nullPtr) $ ioError . userError $ "Error opening BAM file " ++ show filename
  mv <- newMVar fsam
  addMVarFinalizer mv (finalizeSamFile mv)
  bhdr <- getSbamHeader fsam
  when (bhdr == nullPtr) $ ioError . userError $ 
    "Error reading header from BAM file " ++ show filename
  hdr <- newHeader bhdr
  return $ InHandle { inFilename = filename, samfile = mv, inHeader = hdr }  

-- | Open a TAM (tab-delimited text) format file with @\@SQ@ headers
-- for the target sequence set.
openTamInFile :: FilePath -> IO InHandle
openTamInFile filename = sbamOpen filename "r" nullPtr >>= newInHandle filename
-- | Open a TAM format file with a separate target sequence set index
openTamInFileWithIndex :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO InHandle
openTamInFileWithIndex filename indexname 
  = withCString indexname (sbamOpen filename "r" . castPtr) >>= newInHandle filename

-- | Open a BAM (binary) format file
openBamInFile :: FilePath -> IO InHandle
openBamInFile filename = sbamOpen filename "rb" nullPtr >>= newInHandle filename

finalizeSamFile :: MVar (Ptr SamFileInt) -> IO ()
finalizeSamFile mv = modifyMVar mv $ \fsam -> do
  unless (fsam == nullPtr) $ sbamClose fsam
  return (nullPtr, ())

-- | Close a SAM/BAM format alignment input handle
-- Target sequence set data is still available after the file input
-- has been closed.
closeInHandle :: InHandle -> IO ()
closeInHandle = finalizeSamFile . samfile

-- | Run an IO action using a handle to a TAM format file that will be
-- opened (see 'openTamInFile') and closed for the action.
withTamInFile :: FilePath -> (InHandle -> IO a) -> IO a
withTamInFile filename = bracket (openTamInFile filename) closeInHandle

-- | As 'withTamInFile' with a separate target sequence index set (see
-- 'openTamInFileWithIndex')
withTamInFileWithIndex :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (InHandle -> IO a) -> IO a
withTamInFileWithIndex filename indexname = bracket (openTamInFileWithIndex filename indexname) closeInHandle

-- | As 'withTamInFile' for BAM (binary) format files
withBamInFile :: FilePath -> (InHandle -> IO a) -> IO a
withBamInFile filename = bracket (openBamInFile filename) closeInHandle

-- | Reads one alignment from an input handle, or returns @Nothing@ for end-of-file
get1 :: InHandle -> IO (Maybe Bam1)
get1 inh = withMVar (samfile inh) $ \fsam -> do
  b <- bamInit1
  res <- sbamRead fsam b 
  if res < 0
     then do bamDestroy1 b
             if res < -1
                then ioError . userError $ "Error reading from BAM file " ++ show (inFilename inh)
                else return Nothing
    else do bptr <- newForeignPtr bamDestroy1Ptr b
            return . Just $ Bam1 { ptrBam1 = bptr, header = inHeader inh }

-- | Handle for writing SAM/BAM format alignments
data OutHandle = OutHandle { outFilename :: !FilePath
                           , outfile :: !(MVar (Ptr SamFileInt))
                           , outHeader :: !Header -- ^ Target sequence set for the alignments

newOutHandle :: String -> FilePath -> Header -> IO OutHandle
newOutHandle mode filename hdr = do
  fsam <- withForeignPtr (unHeader hdr) $ sbamOpen filename mode . castPtr
  when (fsam == nullPtr) $ ioError . userError $ "Error opening BAM file " ++ show filename
  mv <- newMVar fsam
  addMVarFinalizer mv (finalizeSamFile mv)
  return $ OutHandle { outFilename = filename, outfile = mv, outHeader = hdr }
-- | Open a TAM format file with @\@SQ@ headers for writing alignments
openTamOutFile :: FilePath -> Header -> IO OutHandle
openTamOutFile = newOutHandle "wh"

-- | Open a BAM format file for writing alignments
openBamOutFile :: FilePath -> Header -> IO OutHandle
openBamOutFile = newOutHandle "wb"
-- | Close an alignment output handle
closeOutHandle :: OutHandle -> IO ()
closeOutHandle = finalizeSamFile . outfile

withTamOutFile :: FilePath -> Header -> (OutHandle -> IO a) -> IO a
withTamOutFile filename hdr = bracket (openTamOutFile filename hdr) closeOutHandle

withBamOutFile :: FilePath -> Header -> (OutHandle -> IO a) -> IO a
withBamOutFile filename hdr = bracket (openBamOutFile filename hdr) closeOutHandle

-- | Writes one alignment to an input handle.
-- There is no validation that the target sequence set of the output
-- handle matches the target sequence set of the alignment.
put1 :: OutHandle -> Bam1 -> IO ()
put1 outh b = withMVar (outfile outh) $ \fsam -> 
  withForeignPtr (ptrBam1 b) $ \p ->
  sbamWrite fsam p >>= handleRes
    where handleRes res | res > 0 = return ()
                        | otherwise = ioError . userError $ "Error writing to BAM file " ++ show (outFilename outh)