{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Test.Sandwich.WebDriver.Internal.Binaries.Util ( detectPlatform , detectChromeVersion , getChromeDriverVersion , getChromeDriverDownloadUrl , Platform(..) , detectFirefoxVersion , getGeckoDriverVersion , getGeckoDriverDownloadUrl ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Maybe import Data.String.Interpolate import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL import Network.HTTP.Client import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS import Network.HTTP.Conduit (simpleHttp) import Safe import System.Exit import qualified System.Info as SI import System.Process import Test.Sandwich.WebDriver.Internal.Types import Test.Sandwich.WebDriver.Internal.Util #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as HM #else import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM #endif data Platform = Linux | OSX | Windows deriving (Show, Eq) detectPlatform :: Platform detectPlatform = case SI.os of "windows" -> Windows "linux" -> Linux "darwin" -> OSX _ -> error [i|Couldn't determine host platform from string: '#{SI.os}'|] -- * Chrome detectChromeVersion :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Either T.Text ChromeVersion) detectChromeVersion maybeChromePath = leftOnException $ runExceptT $ do let chromeToUse = fromMaybe "google-chrome" maybeChromePath (exitCode, stdout, stderr) <- liftIO $ readCreateProcessWithExitCode (shell (chromeToUse <> " --version | grep -Eo \"[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\"")) "" rawString <- case exitCode of ExitFailure _ -> throwE [i|Couldn't parse google-chrome version. Stdout: '#{stdout}'. Stderr: '#{stderr}'|] ExitSuccess -> return $ T.strip $ T.pack stdout case T.splitOn "." rawString of [tReadMay -> Just w, tReadMay -> Just x, tReadMay -> Just y, tReadMay -> Just z] -> return $ ChromeVersion (w, x, y, z) _ -> throwE [i|Failed to parse google-chrome version from string: '#{rawString}'|] getChromeDriverVersion :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Either T.Text ChromeDriverVersion) getChromeDriverVersion maybeChromePath = runExceptT $ do chromeVersion <- ExceptT $ liftIO $ detectChromeVersion maybeChromePath ExceptT $ getChromeDriverVersion' chromeVersion getChromeDriverVersion' :: ChromeVersion -> IO (Either T.Text ChromeDriverVersion) getChromeDriverVersion' (ChromeVersion (w, x, y, _)) = do let url = [i|https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE_#{w}.#{x}.#{y}|] handle (\(e :: HttpException) -> do return $ Left [i|Error when requesting '#{url}': '#{e}'|] ) (do result :: T.Text <- (TL.toStrict . TL.decodeUtf8) <$> simpleHttp url case T.splitOn "." result of [tReadMay -> Just w, tReadMay -> Just x, tReadMay -> Just y, tReadMay -> Just z] -> return $ Right $ ChromeDriverVersion (w, x, y, z) _ -> return $ Left [i|Failed to parse chromedriver version from string: '#{result}'|] ) getChromeDriverDownloadUrl :: ChromeDriverVersion -> Platform -> T.Text getChromeDriverDownloadUrl (ChromeDriverVersion (w, x, y, z)) Linux = [i|https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/#{w}.#{x}.#{y}.#{z}/chromedriver_linux64.zip|] getChromeDriverDownloadUrl (ChromeDriverVersion (w, x, y, z)) OSX = [i|https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/#{w}.#{x}.#{y}.#{z}/chromedriver_mac64.zip|] getChromeDriverDownloadUrl (ChromeDriverVersion (w, x, y, z)) Windows = [i|https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/#{w}.#{x}.#{y}.#{z}/chromedriver_win32.zip|] -- * Firefox detectFirefoxVersion :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Either T.Text FirefoxVersion) detectFirefoxVersion maybeFirefoxPath = leftOnException $ runExceptT $ do let firefoxToUse = fromMaybe "firefox" maybeFirefoxPath (exitCode, stdout, stderr) <- liftIO $ readCreateProcessWithExitCode (shell (firefoxToUse <> " --version | grep -Eo \"[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?\"")) "" rawString <- case exitCode of ExitFailure _ -> throwE [i|Couldn't parse firefox version. Stdout: '#{stdout}'. Stderr: '#{stderr}'|] ExitSuccess -> return $ T.strip $ T.pack stdout case T.splitOn "." rawString of [tReadMay -> Just x, tReadMay -> Just y] -> return $ FirefoxVersion (x, y, 0) [tReadMay -> Just x, tReadMay -> Just y, tReadMay -> Just z] -> return $ FirefoxVersion (x, y, z) _ -> throwE [i|Failed to parse firefox version from string: '#{rawString}'|] getGeckoDriverVersion :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Either T.Text GeckoDriverVersion) getGeckoDriverVersion _maybeFirefoxPath = runExceptT $ do -- firefoxVersion <- ExceptT $ liftIO $ detectFirefoxVersion maybeFirefoxPath -- Just get the latest release on GitHub let url = [i|https://api.github.com/repos/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/latest|] req <- parseRequest url manager <- liftIO newTlsManager ExceptT $ handle (\(e :: HttpException) -> return $ Left [i|Error when requesting '#{url}': '#{e}'|]) (do result <- httpLbs (req { requestHeaders = ("User-Agent", "foo") : (requestHeaders req) }) manager case A.eitherDecode $ responseBody result of Right (A.Object (HM.lookup "tag_name" -> Just (A.String tag))) -> do let parts = T.splitOn "." $ T.drop 1 tag case parts of [tReadMay -> Just x, tReadMay -> Just y] -> return $ Right $ GeckoDriverVersion (x, y, 0) [tReadMay -> Just x, tReadMay -> Just y, tReadMay -> Just z] -> return $ Right $ GeckoDriverVersion (x, y, z) _ -> return $ Left [i|Unexpected geckodriver release tag: '#{tag}'|] val -> return $ Left [i|Failed to decode GitHub releases: '#{val}'|] ) getGeckoDriverDownloadUrl :: GeckoDriverVersion -> Platform -> T.Text getGeckoDriverDownloadUrl (GeckoDriverVersion (x, y, z)) Linux = [i|https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v#{x}.#{y}.#{z}/geckodriver-v#{x}.#{y}.#{z}-linux64.tar.gz|] getGeckoDriverDownloadUrl (GeckoDriverVersion (x, y, z)) OSX = [i|https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v#{x}.#{y}.#{z}/geckodriver-v#{x}.#{y}.#{z}-macos.tar.gz|] getGeckoDriverDownloadUrl (GeckoDriverVersion (x, y, z)) Windows = [i|https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v#{x}.#{y}.#{z}/geckodriver-v#{x}.#{y}.#{z}-win32.tar.gz|] -- * Util tReadMay = readMay . T.unpack