{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} module Test.Sandwich.WebDriver.Internal.Types where import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Exception import Data.Default import Data.IORef import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.String.Interpolate import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager) import System.IO import System.Process import Test.Sandwich import qualified Test.WebDriver as W import qualified Test.WebDriver.Class as W import qualified Test.WebDriver.Session as W -- | 'Session' is just a 'String' name. type Session = String -- * Labels webdriver = Label :: Label "webdriver" WebDriver webdriverSession = Label :: Label "webdriverSession" WebDriverSession type WebDriverContext context wd = (HasLabel context "webdriver" WebDriver, W.WebDriver (ExampleT context wd)) -- TODO: remove class HasWebDriver a where getWebDriver :: a -> WebDriver instance HasWebDriver WebDriver where getWebDriver = id type ToolsRoot = FilePath data WhenToSave = Always | OnException | Never deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Headless and Xvfb modes are useful because they allow you to run tests in the background, without popping up browser windows. -- This is useful for development or for running on a CI server, and is also more reproducible since the screen resolution can be fixed. -- In addition, Xvfb mode allows videos to be recorded of tests. data RunMode = Normal -- ^ Normal Selenium behavior; will pop up a web browser. | RunHeadless HeadlessConfig -- ^ Run with a headless browser. Supports screenshots but videos will be black. | RunInXvfb XvfbConfig -- ^ Run inside so that tests run in their own X11 display. -- xvfb-run script must be installed and on the PATH. data WdOptions = WdOptions { toolsRoot :: ToolsRoot -- ^ Folder where any necessary binaries (chromedriver, Selenium, etc.) will be downloaded if needed. Required. , capabilities :: W.Capabilities -- ^ The WebDriver capabilities to use. , saveSeleniumMessageHistory :: WhenToSave -- ^ When to save a record of Selenium requests and responses. , seleniumToUse :: SeleniumToUse -- ^ Which Selenium server JAR file to use. , chromeBinaryPath :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Which chrome binary to use. , chromeDriverToUse :: ChromeDriverToUse -- ^ Which chromedriver executable to use. , firefoxBinaryPath :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Which firefox binary to use. , geckoDriverToUse :: GeckoDriverToUse -- ^ Which geckodriver executable to use. , runMode :: RunMode -- ^ How to handle opening the browser (in a popup window, headless, etc.). , httpManager :: Maybe Manager -- ^ HTTP manager for making requests to Selenium. If not provided, one will be created for each session. , httpRetryCount :: Int -- ^ Number of times to retry an HTTP request if it times out. } -- | How to obtain the Selenium server JAR file. data SeleniumToUse = DownloadSeleniumFrom String -- ^ Download selenium from the given URL to the 'toolsRoot' | DownloadSeleniumDefault -- ^ Download selenium from a default location to the 'toolsRoot' | UseSeleniumAt FilePath -- ^ Use the JAR file at the given path deriving Show -- | How to obtain the chromedriver binary. data ChromeDriverToUse = DownloadChromeDriverFrom String -- ^ Download chromedriver from the given URL to the 'toolsRoot' | DownloadChromeDriverVersion ChromeDriverVersion -- ^ Download the given chromedriver version to the 'toolsRoot' | DownloadChromeDriverAutodetect (Maybe FilePath) -- ^ Autodetect chromedriver to use based on the Chrome version and download it to the 'toolsRoot' -- Pass the path to the Chrome binary, or else it will be found by looking for google-chrome on the PATH. | UseChromeDriverAt FilePath -- ^ Use the chromedriver at the given path deriving Show -- | How to obtain the geckodriver binary. data GeckoDriverToUse = DownloadGeckoDriverFrom String -- ^ Download geckodriver from the given URL to the 'toolsRoot' | DownloadGeckoDriverVersion GeckoDriverVersion -- ^ Download the given geckodriver version to the 'toolsRoot' | DownloadGeckoDriverAutodetect (Maybe FilePath) -- ^ Autodetect geckodriver to use based on the Gecko version and download it to the 'toolsRoot' -- Pass the path to the Firefox binary, or else it will be found by looking for firefox on the PATH. | UseGeckoDriverAt FilePath -- ^ Use the geckodriver at the given path deriving Show newtype ChromeVersion = ChromeVersion (Int, Int, Int, Int) deriving Show newtype ChromeDriverVersion = ChromeDriverVersion (Int, Int, Int, Int) deriving Show newtype FirefoxVersion = FirefoxVersion (Int, Int, Int) deriving Show newtype GeckoDriverVersion = GeckoDriverVersion (Int, Int, Int) deriving Show data HeadlessConfig = HeadlessConfig { headlessResolution :: Maybe (Int, Int) -- ^ Resolution for the headless browser. Defaults to (1920, 1080) } -- | Default headless config. defaultHeadlessConfig = HeadlessConfig Nothing data XvfbConfig = XvfbConfig { xvfbResolution :: Maybe (Int, Int) -- ^ Resolution for the virtual screen. Defaults to (1920, 1080) , xvfbStartFluxbox :: Bool -- ^ Whether to start fluxbox window manager to go with the Xvfb session. fluxbox must be on the path } -- | Default Xvfb settings. defaultXvfbConfig = XvfbConfig Nothing False -- | The default 'WdOptions' object. -- You should start with this and modify it using the accessors. defaultWdOptions :: FilePath -> WdOptions defaultWdOptions toolsRoot = WdOptions { toolsRoot = toolsRoot , capabilities = def , saveSeleniumMessageHistory = OnException , seleniumToUse = DownloadSeleniumDefault , chromeBinaryPath = Nothing , chromeDriverToUse = DownloadChromeDriverAutodetect Nothing , firefoxBinaryPath = Nothing , geckoDriverToUse = DownloadGeckoDriverAutodetect Nothing , runMode = Normal , httpManager = Nothing , httpRetryCount = 0 } data WebDriver = WebDriver { wdName :: String , wdWebDriver :: (Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle, FilePath, FilePath, Maybe XvfbSession) , wdOptions :: WdOptions , wdSessionMap :: MVar (M.Map Session W.WDSession) , wdConfig :: W.WDConfig , wdDownloadDir :: FilePath } data InvalidLogsException = InvalidLogsException [W.LogEntry] deriving (Show) instance Exception InvalidLogsException data XvfbSession = XvfbSession { xvfbDisplayNum :: Int , xvfbXauthority :: FilePath , xvfbDimensions :: (Int, Int) , xvfbProcess :: ProcessHandle , xvfbFluxboxProcess :: Maybe ProcessHandle } type WebDriverSession = (Session, IORef W.WDSession) -- | Get the 'WdOptions' associated with the 'WebDriver'. getWdOptions :: WebDriver -> WdOptions getWdOptions = wdOptions -- | Get the X11 display number associated with the 'WebDriver'. -- Only present if running in 'RunInXvfb' mode. getDisplayNumber :: WebDriver -> Maybe Int getDisplayNumber (WebDriver {wdWebDriver=(_, _, _, _, _, Just (XvfbSession {xvfbDisplayNum}))}) = Just xvfbDisplayNum getDisplayNumber _ = Nothing -- | Get the Xvfb session associated with the 'WebDriver', if present. getXvfbSession :: WebDriver -> Maybe XvfbSession getXvfbSession (WebDriver {wdWebDriver=(_, _, _, _, _, Just sess)}) = Just sess getXvfbSession _ = Nothing -- | Get the name of the 'WebDriver'. getWebDriverName :: WebDriver -> String getWebDriverName (WebDriver {wdName}) = wdName instance Show XvfbSession where show (XvfbSession {xvfbDisplayNum}) = [i||] -- * Video stuff -- | Default options for fast X11 video recording. fastX11VideoOptions = ["-an" , "-r", "30" , "-vcodec" , "libxvid" , "-qscale:v", "1" , "-threads", "0"] -- | Default options for quality X11 video recording. qualityX11VideoOptions = ["-an" , "-r", "30" , "-vcodec", "libx264" , "-preset", "veryslow" , "-crf", "0" , "-threads", "0"] -- | Default options for AVFoundation recording (for Darwin). defaultAvfoundationOptions = ["-r", "30" , "-an" , "-vcodec", "libxvid" , "-qscale:v", "1" , "-threads", "0"] -- | Default options for gdigrab recording (for Windows). defaultGdigrabOptions = ["-framerate", "30"] data VideoSettings = VideoSettings { x11grabOptions :: [String] -- ^ Arguments to x11grab, used with Linux. , avfoundationOptions :: [String] -- ^ Arguments to avfoundation, used with OS X. , gdigrabOptions :: [String] -- ^ Arguments to gdigrab, used with Windows. , hideMouseWhenRecording :: Bool -- ^ Hide the mouse while recording video. Linux and Windows only. , logToDisk :: Bool -- ^ Log ffmpeg stdout and stderr to disk. } -- | Default video settings. defaultVideoSettings = VideoSettings { x11grabOptions = fastX11VideoOptions , avfoundationOptions = defaultAvfoundationOptions , gdigrabOptions = defaultGdigrabOptions , hideMouseWhenRecording = False , logToDisk = True }