-- SATSolver Clausal Normal Form Satisfiability Solver -- Copyright (C) 2007 Andrii Loki Zvorygin andrii.z@gmail.com -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . module Main where -- need to read .cnf file -- find amount of variables -- get random binary string of length equal to variables -- then go by get lines substituting appropriate variables, if result is 1 then continue, if result is 0 then output 0 as result, once reached end with all 1's output 1 import Numeric import System.Environment import System.Random main = do args <- getArgs let file = args !! 0 fileStr <- readFile file let lineTokens = lines fileStr title = cLine lineTokens pLined = pLine lineTokens variables = (words $ pLined) !! 2 -- read $ (words $ lineTokens !! 1) !! 2 numVariables = read variables clauses = (words $ pLined) !! 3 -- (words $ lineTokens !! 1) !! 3 strTokens = words $ unlines $ cnfLine lineTokens -- convert file String to [String] by words intTokens = map read strTokens -- convert token [String] to [Int] -- positIntTokens = map posit intTokens -- uniqueIntTokens = unique positIntTokens -- amount of variables, calculated by finding unique -- maxInt = getMax intTokens -- amount of variables, calculated by finding max -- putStrLn $ "unique variables: " ++ (show $ length uniqueIntTokens) if variables == "--help" then putStrLn "$ SATSolve " else do putStrLn $ "Loki's Shunso CNF Categorizer" putStrLn $ "header of CNF file: " putStr $ title putStrLn $ pLined putStrLn $ "number of variables: " ++ variables ++ " hex: " ++ showHex numVariables "" -- amount of variables putStrLn $ "number of clauses: " ++ clauses ++ " hex: " ++ showHex (read clauses) "" putStrLn $ "max variable combinations:" ++ (show ((2^(fromIntegral (read variables)))::Integer)) ++ " hex: " ++ showHex ((2^(fromIntegral (read variables)))::Integer) "" -- gen random binary string of length maxInt loopSolve intTokens numVariables cnfLine :: [String] -- ^ takes lines of CNF file -> [String] -- ^ returns only CNF containing lines cnfLine [] = "":[] cnfLine (x:xs) = case head x of 'c' -> cnfLine xs 'p' -> cnfLine xs _ -> (x:xs) cLine :: [String] -- ^ takes lines of CNF file -> String -- ^ returns header cLine [] = "" cLine (x:xs) = if head x == 'c' then x ++ "\n" ++ cLine xs else "" pLine :: [String] -- ^ takes lines of CNF file -> String -- ^ returns p line that has number of variables and number of clauses pLine [] = "" pLine (x:xs) = if head x == 'p' then x else pLine xs loopSolve :: [Int] -- ^ CNF expression -> Int -- ^ number of variables -> IO () -- ^ outputs solution to screen loopSolve a b = loopSolve2 a b (1 :: Integer) loopSolve2 :: [Int] -- ^ CNF expression -> Int -- ^ number of variables -> Integer -- ^ counter for number of atempts -> IO () -- ^ outputs solution to screen loopSolve2 intTokens numVariables atempts = do randGen <- newStdGen let (varValues, result) = runSolver intTokens numVariables randGen if result == 1 then do putStrLn $ "number of atempts: " ++ (show atempts) ++ " hex: " ++ showHex atempts "" putStrLn $ "assignment of variables: " ++ (show varValues) -- evaluate cnf clauses putStrLn $ "CNF evaluation result: " ++ (show $ result) else if atempts >= ((2^(fromIntegral (numVariables)))::Integer) then do putStrLn $ "number of atempts: " ++ (show atempts) ++ " hex: " ++ showHex atempts "" putStrLn $ "2^" ++ (show numVariables) ++ " = " ++ (show $ 2^numVariables) ++ " variable assignment combinations reached" putStrLn $ "CNF evaluation result: " ++ (show $ result) else loopSolve2 intTokens numVariables (atempts+1) for :: Int -- ^ number of times to recurse -> IO t -- ^ process to run -> IO () -- ^ output for 0 process = return () for times process = do { process ; for (times -1) process; } runSolver :: [Int] -- ^ CNF expression -> Int -- ^ number of variables -> StdGen -- ^ random number generator -> ([Int],Int) -- ^ returns tuple with [Int] variable values and binary Int to indicate if it was solved runSolver intTokens maxInt randGen = let varValues = getValues maxInt randGen in (varValues, evaluateCNF intTokens varValues) evaluateCNF :: [Int] -- ^ CNF expression -> [Int] -- ^ variable values -> Int -- ^ returns binary Int result -- ^ if assigns 1 to variable result of clause is 1 -- ^ if assigns 0 to clause return 0 -- ^ if all clauses exhausted, return 1 evaluateCNF [] values = 1 evaluateCNF (x:xs) values = if x == 0 -- end of clause then 0 -- since end of clause reached the result of formula is 0 else if x > 0 -- check if negation occurs then if values !! (x-1) == 1 -- check that value is equal to 1 then evaluateCNF (tillAfterZero xs) values else evaluateCNF xs values else if values !! ((x*(-1))-1) == 0 -- check that negated value is equal to 1 then evaluateCNF (tillAfterZero xs) values else evaluateCNF xs values tillAfterZero :: [Int] -- ^ takes [Int] CNF expression -> [Int] -- ^ drops until after intercepting the first 0 returning result tillAfterZero [] = [] tillAfterZero (x:xs) = if x == 0 then xs else tillAfterZero xs getValues :: Int -- ^ takes number of variables -> StdGen -- ^ random number generator -> [Int] -- ^ returns binary [Int] of variable values getValues 0 rand = [] getValues max rand = let (value,rand2) = randomR (0,1) rand in value : getValues (max-1) rand2 -- | unused, outputs unique list of Int's unique :: [Int] -> [Int] unique [] = [] unique (x:xs) = if elem x xs then unique xs else x : unique xs -- | unused, outputs max Int from [Int] getMax :: [Int] -> Int getMax [] = 0 getMax (x:xs) = if length (x:xs) > 1 then if x >= head xs then getMax (x:(tail xs)) else getMax xs else x -- | unused, like absolute, only returns positive integer posit :: Int -> Int posit x = if x < 0 then x*(-1) else x