Name: satchmo Version: 1.0 License: GPL License-file: gpl-2.0.txt Author: Johannes Waldmann Maintainer: Johannes Waldmann Homepage: Category: Testing Synopsis: SAT encoding monad description: Encoding for boolean and integral constraints into CNF-SAT. The encoder is provided as a State monad (hence the "mo" in "satchmo"). Requires SAT solver minisat installed. Build-depends: mtl, process, containers, base, array Exposed-modules: Satchmo.Boolean Satchmo.Solve Satchmo.Counting Satchmo.Binary Satchmo.Code Other-modules: Satchmo.Boolean.Data Satchmo.Boolean.Op Satchmo.Internal Satchmo.Data hs-source-dirs: . extra-source-files: test/Binary.hs test/HC.hs test/Schur.hs test/Cage.hs test/Ramsey.hs test/VC.hs TODO extensions: build-type: Simple