# [SBP Bindings for Haskell][1] Haskell client for Swift Binary Protocol (SBP). ## Requirements `haskell-stack`: [Instructions here](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/blob/master/doc/install_and_upgrade.md). ## Install from Hackage Available on [Hackage as `sbp`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/sbp). To install from Hackage using `stack`: $ stack install --resolver lts-6.25 sbp Note that we explicitly specify the `lts-6.25` resolver, `libsbp` may fail to build with more recent resolvers. ## Setup To build: $ stack build To install: $ stack install To test and benchmark: $ stack test && stack bench To deploy to Hackage: $ stack upload ## Usage Examples (TODO) ## References # LICENSE Copyright © 2015 Swift Navigation Inc. [1]: https://github.com/swift-nav/libsbp/tree/master/haskell