-- |
-- Module      :  Data.SBV.Provers.Prover
-- Copyright   :  (c) Levent Erkok
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Provable abstraction and the connection to SMT solvers

{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

module Data.SBV.Provers.Prover (
         SMTSolver(..), SMTConfig(..), Predicate, Provable(..)
       , ThmResult(..), SatResult(..), AllSatResult(..), SMTResult(..)
       , isSatisfiable, isTheorem
       , isSatisfiableWithin, isTheoremWithin
       , numberOfModels
       , Equality(..)
       , prove, proveWith
       , sat, satWith
       , allSat, allSatWith
       , SatModel(..), getModel, displayModels
       , defaultSMTCfg, verboseSMTCfg, timingSMTCfg, verboseTimingSMTCfg
       , Yices.yices
       , timeout
       ) where

import Control.Monad(when)
import Control.Concurrent(forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan.Strict
import Data.Maybe(fromJust, isJust)

import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Model
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMT
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib
import qualified Data.SBV.Provers.Yices as Yices
import Data.SBV.Utils.TDiff

-- | Default configuration for the SMT solver. Non-verbose, non-timing, prints results in base 10, and uses
-- the Yices SMT solver.
defaultSMTCfg :: SMTConfig
defaultSMTCfg = SMTConfig {verbose = False, timing  = False, printBase = 10, solver = Yices.yices}

-- | Same as 'defaultSMTCfg', except verbose
verboseSMTCfg :: SMTConfig
verboseSMTCfg = defaultSMTCfg {verbose=True}

-- | Same as 'defaultSMTCfg', except prints timing info
timingSMTCfg :: SMTConfig
timingSMTCfg  = defaultSMTCfg {timing=True}

-- | Same as 'defaultSMTCfg', except both verbose and timing info
verboseTimingSMTCfg :: SMTConfig
verboseTimingSMTCfg = timingSMTCfg {verbose=True}

-- We might need a better system if we add more backend solvers
-- | Adds a time out of @n@ seconds to a given solver configuration
timeout :: Int -> SMTConfig -> SMTConfig
timeout n s
 | nm == name Yices.yices = s{solver = Yices.timeout n (solver s)}
 | True                   = error $ "SBV.Prover.timeout: Solver " ++ show nm ++ " does not support time-outs"
 where nm = name (solver s)

-- | A predicate is a symbolic program that returns a (symbolic) boolean value. For all intents and
-- purposes, it can be treated as an n-ary function from symbolic-values to a boolean. The 'Symbolic'
-- monad captures the underlying representation, and can/should be ignored by the users of the library,
-- unless you are building further utilities on top of SBV itself. Instead, simply use the 'Predicate'
-- type when necessary.
type Predicate = Symbolic SBool

-- | A type @a@ is provable if we can turn it into a predicate.
-- Note that a predicate can be made from a curried function of arbitrary arity, where
-- each element is either a symbolic type or up-to a 7-tuple of symbolic-types. So
-- predicates can be constructed from almost arbitrary Haskell functions that have arbitrary
-- shapes. (See the instance declarations below.)
class Provable a where
  -- | Turns a value into a predicate, internally naming the inputs.
  -- In this case the sbv library will use names of the form @s1, s2@, etc. to name these variables
  -- Example:
  -- >  forAll_ $ \(x::SWord8) y -> x `shiftL` 2 .== y
  -- is a predicate with two arguments, captured using an ordinary Haskell function. Internally,
  -- @x@ will be named @s0@ and @y@ will be named @s1@.
  forAll_ :: a -> Predicate
  -- | Turns a value into a predicate, allowing users to provide names for the inputs.
  -- If the user does not provide enough number of names for the free variables, the remaining ones
  -- will be internally generated. Note that the names are only used for printing models and has no
  -- other significance; in particular, we do not check that they are unique. Example:
  -- >  forAll ["x", "y"] $ \(x::SWord8) y -> x `shiftL` 2 .== y
  -- This is the same as above, except the variables will be named @x@ and @y@ respectively,
  -- simplifying the counter-examples when they are printed.
  forAll  :: [String] -> a -> Predicate

instance Provable Predicate where
  forAll_  = id
  forAll _ = id

instance Provable SBool where
  forAll_  = output
  forAll _ = output

-- The following works, but it lets us write properties that
-- are typically bogus.. Such as: prove $ \x y -> (x::SInt8) == y
instance Provable Bool where
  forAll_  x = forAll_  (if x then true else false :: SBool)
  forAll s x = forAll s (if x then true else false :: SBool)

-- Functions
instance (SymWord a, Provable p) => Provable (SBV a -> p) where
  forAll_       k = free_  >>= \a -> forAll_   $ k a
  forAll (s:ss) k = free s >>= \a -> forAll ss $ k a
  forAll []     k = forAll_ k

-- Memory
instance (HasSignAndSize a, HasSignAndSize b, SymArray array, Provable p) => Provable (array a b -> p) where
  forAll_       k = newArray_  Nothing >>= \a -> forAll_   $ k a
  forAll (s:ss) k = newArray s Nothing >>= \a -> forAll ss $ k a
  forAll []     k = forAll_ k

-- 2 Tuple
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, Provable p) => Provable ((SBV a, SBV b) -> p) where
  forAll_       k = free_  >>= \a -> forAll_   $ \b -> k (a, b)
  forAll (s:ss) k = free s >>= \a -> forAll ss $ \b -> k (a, b)
  forAll []     k = forAll_ k

-- 3 Tuple
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, Provable p) => Provable ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c) -> p) where
  forAll_       k = free_  >>= \a -> forAll_   $ \b c -> k (a, b, c)
  forAll (s:ss) k = free s >>= \a -> forAll ss $ \b c -> k (a, b, c)
  forAll []     k = forAll_ k

-- 4 Tuple
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, Provable p) => Provable ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d) -> p) where
  forAll_       k = free_  >>= \a -> forAll_   $ \b c d -> k (a, b, c, d)
  forAll (s:ss) k = free s >>= \a -> forAll ss $ \b c d -> k (a, b, c, d)
  forAll []     k = forAll_ k

-- 5 Tuple
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, Provable p) => Provable ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e) -> p) where
  forAll_       k = free_  >>= \a -> forAll_   $ \b c d e -> k (a, b, c, d, e)
  forAll (s:ss) k = free s >>= \a -> forAll ss $ \b c d e -> k (a, b, c, d, e)
  forAll []     k = forAll_ k

-- 6 Tuple
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, Provable p) => Provable ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e, SBV f) -> p) where
  forAll_       k = free_  >>= \a -> forAll_   $ \b c d e f -> k (a, b, c, d, e, f)
  forAll (s:ss) k = free s >>= \a -> forAll ss $ \b c d e f -> k (a, b, c, d, e, f)
  forAll []     k = forAll_ k

-- 7 Tuple
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, SymWord g, Provable p) => Provable ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e, SBV f, SBV g) -> p) where
  forAll_       k = free_  >>= \a -> forAll_   $ \b c d e f g -> k (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
  forAll (s:ss) k = free s >>= \a -> forAll ss $ \b c d e f g -> k (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
  forAll []     k = forAll_ k

-- | Prove a predicate, equivalent to @'proveWith' 'defaultSMTCfg'@
prove :: Provable a => a -> IO ThmResult
prove = proveWith defaultSMTCfg

-- | Find a satisfying assignment for a predicate, equivalent to @'satWith' 'defaultSMTCfg'@
sat :: Provable a => a -> IO SatResult
sat = satWith defaultSMTCfg

-- | Return all satisfying assignments for a predicate, equivalent to @'allSatWith' 'defaultSMTCfg'@.
-- Satisfying assignments are constructed lazily, so they will be available as returned by the solver
-- and on demand.
allSat :: Provable a => a -> IO AllSatResult
allSat = allSatWith defaultSMTCfg

-- Decision procedures (with optional timeout)
checkTheorem :: Provable a => Maybe Int -> a -> IO (Maybe Bool)
checkTheorem mbTo p = do r <- pr p
                         case r of
                           ThmResult (Unsatisfiable _) -> return $ Just True
                           ThmResult (Satisfiable _ _) -> return $ Just False
                           ThmResult (TimeOut _)       -> return Nothing
                           _                           -> error $ "SBV.isTheorem: Received:\n" ++ show r
   where pr = maybe prove (\i -> proveWith (timeout i defaultSMTCfg)) mbTo

checkSatisfiable :: Provable a => Maybe Int -> a -> IO (Maybe Bool)
checkSatisfiable mbTo p = do r <- s p
                             case r of
                               SatResult (Satisfiable _ _) -> return $ Just True
                               SatResult (Unsatisfiable _) -> return $ Just False
                               SatResult (TimeOut _)       -> return Nothing
                               _                           -> error $ "SBV.isSatisfiable: Received: " ++ show r
   where s = maybe sat (\i -> satWith (timeout i defaultSMTCfg)) mbTo

-- | Checks theoremhood within the given time limit of @i@ seconds.
-- Returns @Nothing@ if times out, or the result wrapped in a @Just@ otherwise.
isTheoremWithin :: Provable a => Int -> a -> IO (Maybe Bool)
isTheoremWithin i = checkTheorem (Just i)

-- | Checks satisfiability within the given time limit of @i@ seconds.
-- Returns @Nothing@ if times out, or the result wrapped in a @Just@ otherwise.
isSatisfiableWithin :: Provable a => Int -> a -> IO (Maybe Bool)
isSatisfiableWithin i = checkSatisfiable (Just i)

-- | Checks theoremhood
isTheorem :: Provable a => a -> IO Bool
isTheorem p = fromJust `fmap` checkTheorem Nothing p

-- | Checks satisfiability
isSatisfiable :: Provable a => a -> IO Bool
isSatisfiable p = fromJust `fmap` checkSatisfiable Nothing p

-- | Returns the number of models that satisfy the predicate, as it would
-- be returned by 'allSat'. Note that the number of models is always a
-- finite number, and hence this will always return a result. Of course,
-- computing it might take quite long, as it literally generates and counts
-- the number of satisfying models.
numberOfModels :: Provable a => a -> IO Int
numberOfModels p = do AllSatResult rs <- allSat p
                      return $ sum $ map walk rs
  where walk (Satisfiable{}) = 1
        -- shouldn't happen, but just in case
        walk r               = error $ "numberOfModels: Unexpected result from an allSat check: " ++ show (AllSatResult [r])

-- | Proves the predicate using the given SMT-solver
proveWith :: Provable a => SMTConfig -> a -> IO ThmResult
proveWith config a = generateTrace config False a >>= callSolver [] "Checking Theoremhood.." ThmResult config

-- | Find a satisfying assignment using the given SMT-solver
satWith :: Provable a => SMTConfig -> a -> IO SatResult
satWith config a = generateTrace config True a >>= callSolver [] "Checking Satisfiability.." SatResult config

-- | Find all satisfying assignments using the given SMT-solver
allSatWith :: Provable a => SMTConfig -> a -> IO AllSatResult
allSatWith config p = do when (verbose config) $ putStrLn  "** Checking Satisfiability, all solutions.."
                         sbvPgm <- generateTrace config True p
                         resChan <- newChan
                         let add  = writeChan resChan . Just
                             stop = writeChan resChan Nothing
                             final r = add r >> stop
                             -- only fork if non-verbose.. otherwise stdout gets garbled
                             fork io = if verbose config then io else forkIO io >> return ()
                         fork $ go sbvPgm add stop final (1::Int) []
                         results <- getChanContents resChan
                         return $ AllSatResult $ map fromJust $ takeWhile isJust results
  where go sbvPgm add stop final = loop
          where loop !n nonEqConsts = do
                  SatResult r <- callSolver nonEqConsts ("Looking for solution " ++ show n) SatResult config sbvPgm
                  case r of
                    Satisfiable _ []    -> final r
                    Unknown _ []        -> final r
                    ProofError _ _      -> final r
                    TimeOut _           -> stop
                    Unsatisfiable _     -> stop
                    Satisfiable _ model -> add r >> loop (n+1) (model : nonEqConsts)
                    Unknown     _ model -> add r >> loop (n+1) (model : nonEqConsts)

callSolver :: [[(String, CW)]] -> String -> (SMTResult -> b) -> SMTConfig -> ([NamedSymVar], SMTLibPgm) -> IO b
callSolver nonEqConstraints checkMsg wrap config (inps, smtLibPgm) = do
        let msg = when (verbose config) . putStrLn . ("** " ++)
        msg checkMsg
        let finalPgm = addNonEqConstraints nonEqConstraints smtLibPgm
        msg $ "Generated SMTLib program:\n" ++ finalPgm
        smtAnswer <- engine (solver config) config inps finalPgm
        msg "Done.."
        return $ wrap smtAnswer

generateTrace :: Provable a => SMTConfig -> Bool -> a -> IO ([NamedSymVar], SMTLibPgm)
generateTrace config isSat predicate = do
        let msg = when (verbose config) . putStrLn . ("** " ++)
            isTiming = timing config
        msg "Generating a symbolic trace.."
        res <- timeIf isTiming "problem construction" $ runSymbolic $ forAll_ predicate
        msg $ "Generated symbolic trace:\n" ++ show res
        msg "Translating to SMT-Lib.."
        case res of
          Result is consts tbls arrs pgm [o@(SW{})] -> timeIf isTiming "translation" $ return (is, toSMTLib isSat is consts tbls arrs pgm o)
          _                                         -> error $ "SBVProver.callSolver: Impossible happened: " ++ show res

-- | Equality as a proof method. Allows for
-- very concise construction of equivalence proofs, which is very typical in
-- bit-precise proofs.
infix 4 ===
class Equality a where
  (===) :: a -> a -> IO ThmResult

instance (SymWord a, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a -> k a .== l a

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b -> k a b .== l a b

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b) -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b -> k (a, b) .== l (a, b)

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b c -> k a b c .== l a b c

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c) -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b c -> k (a, b, c) .== l (a, b, c)

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b c d -> k a b c d .== l a b c d

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d) -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b c d -> k (a, b, c, d) .== l (a, b, c, d)

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b c d e -> k a b c d e .== l a b c d e

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e) -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b c d e -> k (a, b, c, d, e) .== l (a, b, c, d, e)

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> SBV f -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f -> k a b c d e f .== l a b c d e f

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e, SBV f) -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f -> k (a, b, c, d, e, f) .== l (a, b, c, d, e, f)

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, SymWord g, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> SBV f -> SBV g -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f g -> k a b c d e f g .== l a b c d e f g

instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, SymWord g, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e, SBV f, SBV g) -> z) where
  k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f g -> k (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) .== l (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)