----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.SBV.Provers.Z3 -- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : erkokl@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- -- The connection to the Z3 SMT solver ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Data.SBV.Provers.Z3(z3) where import qualified Control.Exception as C import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (sortBy, intercalate, isPrefixOf, groupBy) import System.Environment (getEnv) import qualified System.Info as S(os) import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data import Data.SBV.BitVectors.PrettyNum import Data.SBV.SMT.SMT import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib import Data.SBV.Utils.Lib (splitArgs) -- Choose the correct prefix character for passing options -- TBD: Is there a more foolproof way of determining this? optionPrefix :: Char optionPrefix | map toLower S.os `elem` ["linux", "darwin"] = '-' | True = '/' -- windows -- | The description of the Z3 SMT solver -- The default executable is @\"z3\"@, which must be in your path. You can use the @SBV_Z3@ environment variable to point to the executable on your system. -- The default options are @\"-in -smt2\"@, which is valid for Z3 4.1. You can use the @SBV_Z3_OPTIONS@ environment variable to override the options. z3 :: SMTSolver z3 = SMTSolver { name = Z3 , executable = "z3" , options = map (optionPrefix:) ["in", "smt2"] , engine = \cfg isSat qinps modelMap skolemMap pgm -> do execName <- getEnv "SBV_Z3" `C.catch` (\(_ :: C.SomeException) -> return (executable (solver cfg))) execOpts <- (splitArgs `fmap` getEnv "SBV_Z3_OPTIONS") `C.catch` (\(_ :: C.SomeException) -> return (options (solver cfg))) let cfg' = cfg { solver = (solver cfg) {executable = execName, options = addTimeOut (timeOut cfg) execOpts} } tweaks = case solverTweaks cfg' of [] -> "" ts -> unlines $ "; --- user given solver tweaks ---" : ts ++ ["; --- end of user given tweaks ---"] dlim = printRealPrec cfg' ppDecLim = "(set-option :pp.decimal_precision " ++ show dlim ++ ")\n" script = SMTScript {scriptBody = tweaks ++ ppDecLim ++ pgm, scriptModel = Just (cont (roundingMode cfg) skolemMap)} if dlim < 1 then error $ "SBV.Z3: printRealPrec value should be at least 1, invalid value received: " ++ show dlim else standardSolver cfg' script cleanErrs (ProofError cfg') (interpretSolverOutput cfg' (extractMap isSat qinps modelMap)) , xformExitCode = id , capabilities = SolverCapabilities { capSolverName = "Z3" , mbDefaultLogic = Nothing , supportsMacros = True , supportsProduceModels = True , supportsQuantifiers = True , supportsUninterpretedSorts = True , supportsUnboundedInts = True , supportsReals = True , supportsFloats = True , supportsDoubles = True } } where cleanErrs = intercalate "\n" . filter (not . junk) . lines junk = ("WARNING:" `isPrefixOf`) cont rm skolemMap = intercalate "\n" $ concatMap extract skolemMap where -- In the skolemMap: -- * Left's are universals: i.e., the model should be true for -- any of these. So, we simply "echo 0" for these values. -- * Right's are existentials. If there are no dependencies (empty list), then we can -- simply use get-value to extract it's value. Otherwise, we have to apply it to -- an appropriate number of 0's to get the final value. extract (Left s) = ["(echo \"((" ++ show s ++ " " ++ mkSkolemZero rm (kindOf s) ++ "))\")"] extract (Right (s, [])) = let g = "(get-value (" ++ show s ++ "))" in getVal (kindOf s) g extract (Right (s, ss)) = let g = "(get-value ((" ++ show s ++ concat [' ' : mkSkolemZero rm (kindOf a) | a <- ss] ++ ")))" in getVal (kindOf s) g getVal KReal g = ["(set-option :pp.decimal false) " ++ g, "(set-option :pp.decimal true) " ++ g] getVal _ g = [g] addTimeOut Nothing o = o addTimeOut (Just i) o | i < 0 = error $ "Z3: Timeout value must be non-negative, received: " ++ show i | True = o ++ [optionPrefix : "T:" ++ show i] extractMap :: Bool -> [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)] -> [(String, UnintKind)] -> [String] -> SMTModel extractMap isSat qinps _modelMap solverLines = SMTModel { modelAssocs = map snd $ squashReals $ sortByNodeId $ concatMap (interpretSolverModelLine inps) solverLines , modelUninterps = [] , modelArrays = [] } where sortByNodeId :: [(Int, a)] -> [(Int, a)] sortByNodeId = sortBy (compare `on` fst) inps -- for "sat", display the prefix existentials. For completeness, we will drop -- only the trailing foralls. Exception: Don't drop anything if it's all a sequence of foralls | isSat = map snd $ if all (== ALL) (map fst qinps) then qinps else reverse $ dropWhile ((== ALL) . fst) $ reverse qinps -- for "proof", just display the prefix universals | True = map snd $ takeWhile ((== ALL) . fst) qinps squashReals :: [(Int, (String, CW))] -> [(Int, (String, CW))] squashReals = concatMap squash . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) where squash [(i, (n, cw1)), (_, (_, cw2))] = [(i, (n, mergeReals n cw1 cw2))] squash xs = xs mergeReals :: String -> CW -> CW -> CW mergeReals n (CW KReal (CWAlgReal a)) (CW KReal (CWAlgReal b)) = CW KReal (CWAlgReal (mergeAlgReals (bad n a b) a b)) mergeReals n a b = bad n a b bad n a b = error $ "SBV.Z3: Cannot merge reals for variable: " ++ n ++ " received: " ++ show (a, b)