cabal-version: 1.12 -- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.31.1. -- -- see: -- -- hash: f086e331f701cd87b975296192cd455557ca861235fdfff3553a26f960451d35 name: sc2hs version: x-revision: 1 synopsis: An interface to the Starcraft II bot API category: Network, FFI, Game homepage: author: Sophie Taylor maintainer: Sophie Taylor license: OtherLicense build-type: Simple extra-source-files: source-repository head type: git location: library exposed-modules: Control.Effects.Logging Control.Effects.Modalities.Belief Control.Effects.Modalities.Knowledge Network.SC2.Agent other-modules: Paths_sc2hs hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base >=4.12 && <5 , bytestring >=0.10 , containers >=0.6 , directory >=1.3 , etc , filepath >=1.4 , freer-simple >=1.2 , gitrev >=1.3 , lens , lens-labels >=0.3 , proto-lens >=0.4 , sc2-lowlevel , sc2-proto , sc2-support , text >=1.2 default-language: Haskell2010 executable sc2hs-demo main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Paths_sc2hs hs-source-dirs: app ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N build-depends: base >=4.12 && <5 , bytestring >=0.10 , containers >=0.6 , directory >=1.3 , etc , filepath >=1.4 , freer-simple >=1.2 , gitrev >=1.3 , lens , lens-labels >=0.3 , proto-lens >=0.4 , sc2-lowlevel , sc2-proto , sc2-support , sc2hs , text >=1.2 default-language: Haskell2010