scanner-attoparsec: Inject attoparsec parser with backtracking into non-backtracking scanner

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Backtracking kills performance, so scanner package doesn't support it. But sometimes you just need it. E.g. you have a mostly non-backtracking parser, but a small bit of its grammar is too complex to transform it to non-backtracking form. In that case you can inject a backtracking attoparsec parser into otherwise non-backtracking scanner.

See also

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Versions [RSS] 0.1, 0.2
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Dependencies attoparsec (>=0.14.1), base (<5), bytestring, scanner (<0.4) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) Yuras Shumovich 2016
Author Yuras Shumovich
Category Parsing
Home page
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by YurasShumovich at 2021-04-02T23:26:48Z
Distributions NixOS:0.2
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 998 total (6 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2021-04-02 [all 1 reports]

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Inject attoparsec parser with backtracking into non-backtracking scanner

Haskell CI

Backtracking kills performance, so scanner package doesn't support it. But sometimes you just need it. E.g. you have a mostly non-backtracking parser, but a small bit of its grammar is too complex to transform it to non-backtracking form. In that case you can inject a backtracking attoparsec parser into otherwise non-backtracking scanner.

See also