    Copyright 2009-2010 Mario Blazevic

    This file is part of the Streaming Component Combinators (SCC) project.

    The SCC project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

    SCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
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-- | Module "XML" defines primitives and combinators for parsing and manipulating XML.

{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, Rank2Types #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}

module Control.Concurrent.SCC.XML (
   -- * Parsing XML
   xmlTokens, parseXMLTokens, expandXMLEntity, XMLToken(..),
   -- * XML splitters
   xmlElement, xmlElementContent, xmlElementName, xmlAttribute, xmlAttributeName, xmlAttributeValue, 

import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Numeric (readDec, readHex)

import Control.Cofunctor.Ticker (andThen, tickOne, tickWhile)
import Control.Monad.Coroutine (Coroutine, sequentialBinder)

import Control.Concurrent.SCC.Streams
import Control.Concurrent.SCC.Types
import Control.Concurrent.SCC.Coercions (coerce)
import Control.Concurrent.SCC.Combinators (parseEachNestedRegion, findsTrueIn)

data XMLToken = StartTag | EndTag | EmptyTag
              | ElementName | AttributeName | AttributeValue
              | EntityReferenceToken | EntityName
              | ProcessingInstruction | ProcessingInstructionText
              | Comment | CommentText
              | StartMarkedSectionCDATA | EndMarkedSection
              | ErrorToken String
                deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Converts an XML entity name into the text value it represents: @expandXMLEntity \"lt\" = \"<\"@.
expandXMLEntity :: String -> String
expandXMLEntity "lt" = "<"
expandXMLEntity "gt" = ">"
expandXMLEntity "quot" = "\""
expandXMLEntity "apos" = "'"
expandXMLEntity "amp" = "&"
expandXMLEntity ('#' : 'x' : codePoint) = [chr (fst $ head $ readHex codePoint)]
expandXMLEntity ('#' : codePoint) = [chr (fst $ head $ readDec codePoint)]
expandXMLEntity e = error ("String \"" ++ e ++ "\" is not a built-in entity name.")

-- | This splitter splits XML markup from data content. It is used by 'parseXMLTokens'.
xmlTokens :: Monad m => Splitter m Char (Boundary XMLToken)
xmlTokens = Splitter $
            \source true false edge->
            let getContent = pourWhile (\x-> x /= '<' && x /= '&') source false
                             >> getWith contentEnd source
                contentEnd '<' = get source
                                 >>= maybe
                                        (put edge (Point errorUnescapedContentLT) >> put false '<')
                                        (\x-> tag x >> getContent)
                contentEnd '&' = entity >> getContent
                contentEnd _ = error "pourUntil returned early!"
                tag '?' = put edge (Start ProcessingInstruction)
                          >> putList "<?" true
                          >> put edge (Start ProcessingInstructionText)
                          >> processingInstruction
                tag '!' = dispatchOnString source
                             (\other-> put edge (Point (errorBadDeclarationType other)))
                               const (put edge (Start Comment)
                                      >> putList "<!--" true
                                      >> put edge (Start CommentText)
                                      >> comment)),
                               const (put edge (Start StartMarkedSectionCDATA)
                                      >> putList "<![CDATA[" true
                                      >> put edge (End StartMarkedSectionCDATA)
                                      >> markedSection))]
                tag '/' = {-# SCC "EndTag" #-}
                          do put edge (Start EndTag)
                             _ <- putList "</" true
                             elementName <- getWhile isNameChar source
                             if null elementName
                                then put edge (Point errorNamelessEndTag)
                                else put edge (Start ElementName)
                                     >> putList elementName true
                                     >> put edge (End ElementName)
                             pourUntil (not . isSpace) source true
                                >>= maybe 
                                       (put edge (Point errorInputEndInEndTag))
                                       (\x-> if x == '>'
                                             then getWith (put true) source
                                             else put edge (Point (errorBadEndTag x)))
                             put edge (End EndTag)
                tag x | isNameStart x = {-# SCC "StartTag" #-}
                                        put edge (Start StartTag)
                                        >> put true '<'
                                        >> name ElementName x
                                        >> attributes
                                        >> put edge (End StartTag)
                tag x = put edge (Point errorUnescapedContentLT)
                        >> put false '<'
                        >> put false x
                startTagEnd '/' = get source
                                  >> put edge (Point EmptyTag)
                                  >> next errorInputEndInStartTag
                                        (\x-> when (x /= '>' ) (put edge (Point (errorBadStartTag x)))
                                              >> putList ['/', x] true
                                              >> return ())
                startTagEnd '>' = getWith (put true) source
                startTagEnd x = put edge (Point (errorBadStartTag x))
                attributes= pourUntil (not . isSpace) source true
                            >>= maybe
                                   (put edge (Point errorInputEndInStartTag))
                                   (\x-> if isNameStart x then attribute >> attributes else startTagEnd x)
                attribute= do put edge (Start AttributeName)
                              pourWhile isNameChar source true
                              put edge (End AttributeName)
                              next errorInputEndInStartTag
                                 (\y-> do when (y /= '=') (put edge (Point (errorBadAttribute y)))
                                          q <- if y == '"' || y == '\''
                                               then return y
                                               else put true y
                                                    >> get source
                                                    >>= maybe
                                                           (put edge (Point errorInputEndInAttributeValue)
                                                            >> return '"')
                                          when (q /= '"' && q /= '\'') (put edge (Point (errorBadQuoteCharacter q)))
                                          put true q
                                          put edge (Start AttributeValue)
                                          attributeValue q
                                          put edge (End AttributeValue)
                                          put true q)
                attributeValue q = pourWhile (\x-> (x /= q && x/= '<' && x /= '&')) source true
                                   >> next errorInputEndInAttributeValue
                                         (\x-> case x
                                               of '<' -> do put edge (Start errorUnescapedAttributeLT)
                                                            put true '<'
                                                            put edge (End errorUnescapedAttributeLT)
                                                            attributeValue q
                                                  '&' -> entity >> attributeValue q
                                                  _ -> return ())
                processingInstruction = {-# SCC "PI" #-}
                                        pourWhile (/= '?') source true
                                        >> dispatchOnString source
                                              (\other-> if null other
                                                        then put edge (Point errorInputEndInProcessingInstruction)
                                                        else putList other true >> processingInstruction)
                                                \match-> put edge (End ProcessingInstructionText)
                                                         >> putList match true
                                                         >> put edge (End ProcessingInstruction)
                                                         >> getContent)]
                comment = {-# SCC "comment" #-}
                          pourWhile (/= '-') source true
                          >> dispatchOnString source
                                (\other-> if null other
                                          then put edge (Point errorInputEndInComment)
                                          else putList other true >> comment)
                                  \match-> put edge (End CommentText)
                                           >> putList match true
                                           >> put edge (End Comment)
                                           >> getContent)]
                markedSection = {-# SCC "<![CDATA[" #-}
                                pourWhile (/= ']') source true
                                >> dispatchOnString source
                                      (\other-> if null other
                                                then put edge (Point errorInputEndInMarkedSection)
                                                else putList other true >> markedSection)
                                        \match-> put edge (Start EndMarkedSection)
                                                 >> putList match true
                                                 >> put edge (End EndMarkedSection)
                                                 >> getContent)]
                entity = put edge (Start EntityReferenceToken)
                         >> put true '&'
                         >> next errorInputEndInEntityReference
                               (\x-> name EntityName x
                                     >> next errorInputEndInEntityReference
                                           (\y-> do when (y /= ';') (put edge (Point (errorBadEntityReference y)))
                                                    put true y))
                         >> put edge (End EntityReferenceToken)
                name token x = {-# SCC "name" #-}
                               put edge (Start token)
                               >> nameTail x
                               >> put edge (End token)
                nameTail x = getWhile isNameChar source
                             >>= \rest-> putList (x:rest) true
                next errorToken f = get source
                                    >>= maybe (put edge (Point errorToken)) f
            in getContent
   where errorInputEndInComment = ErrorToken "Unterminated comment"
         errorInputEndInMarkedSection = ErrorToken "Unterminated marked section"
         errorInputEndInStartTag = ErrorToken "Missing '>' at the end of start tag."
         errorInputEndInEndTag = ErrorToken "End of input in end tag"
         errorInputEndInAttributeValue = ErrorToken "Truncated input after attribute name"
         errorInputEndInEntityReference = ErrorToken "End of input in entity reference"
         errorInputEndInProcessingInstruction = ErrorToken "Unterminated processing instruction"
         errorBadQuoteCharacter q = ErrorToken ("Invalid quote character " ++ show q)
         errorBadStartTag x = ErrorToken ("Invalid character " ++ show x ++ " in start tag")
         errorBadEndTag x = ErrorToken ("Invalid character " ++ show x ++ " in end tag")
         errorBadAttribute x = ErrorToken ("Invalid character " ++ show x ++ " following attribute name")
         errorBadEntityReference x = ErrorToken ("Invalid character " ++ show x ++ " ends entity name.")
         errorBadDeclarationType other = ErrorToken ("Expecting <![CDATA[ or <!--, received " ++ show ("<![" ++ other))
         errorNamelessEndTag = ErrorToken "Missing element name in end tag"
         errorUnescapedContentLT = ErrorToken "Unescaped character '<' in content"
         errorUnescapedAttributeLT = ErrorToken "Invalid character '<' in attribute value."
         isNameStart x = isLetter x || x == '_'
         isNameChar x = isAlphaNum x || x == '_' || x == '-' || x == ':'

-- | The XML token parser. This parser converts plain text to parsed text, which is a precondition for using the
-- remaining XML components.
parseXMLTokens :: Monad m => Transducer m Char (Markup XMLToken Text)
parseXMLTokens = parseEachNestedRegion sequentialBinder xmlTokens coerce

dispatchOnString :: forall m a d r. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a d) =>
                    Source m a Char -> (String -> Coroutine d m r) -> [(String, String -> Coroutine d m r)]
                 -> Coroutine d m r
dispatchOnString source failure fullCases = dispatch fullCases id
   where dispatch cases consumed
            = case find (null . fst) cases
              of Just (~"", rhs) -> rhs (consumed "")
                 Nothing -> get source
                            >>= maybe
                                   (failure (consumed ""))
                                   (\x-> case mapMaybe (startingWith x) cases
                                         of [] -> failure (consumed [x])
                                            subcases -> dispatch (subcases ++ fullCases) (consumed . (x :)))
         startingWith x ~(y:rest, rhs) | x == y = Just (rest, rhs)
                                       | otherwise = Nothing

getElementName :: forall m a d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a d) =>
                  Source m a (Markup XMLToken Text) -> ([Markup XMLToken Text] -> [Markup XMLToken Text])
               -> Coroutine d m ([Markup XMLToken Text], Maybe Text)
getElementName source f = get source
                          >>= maybe
                                 (return (f [], Nothing))
                                 (\x-> let f' = f . (x:)
                                       in case x
                                          of Markup (Start ElementName) -> getRestOfRegion ElementName source f' id
                                             Markup (Point ErrorToken{}) -> getElementName source f'
                                             Content{} -> getElementName source f'
                                             _ -> error ("Expected an ElementName, received " ++ show x))

getRestOfRegion :: forall m a d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a d) =>
                   XMLToken -> Source m a (Markup XMLToken Text)
                -> ([Markup XMLToken Text] -> [Markup XMLToken Text]) -> (Text -> Text)
                -> Coroutine d m ([Markup XMLToken Text], Maybe Text)
getRestOfRegion token source f g = getWhile isContent source
                                   >>= \content-> get source
                                   >>= \x-> case x
                                            of Just y@(Markup End{})
                                                  -> return (f (content ++ [y]),
                                                             Just (g $ Text.concat $ map fromContent content))
                                               _ -> error ("Expected rest of " ++ show token ++ ", received " ++ show x)

pourRestOfRegion :: forall m a1 a2 a3 d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a1 d, AncestorFunctor a2 d, AncestorFunctor a3 d) =>
                    XMLToken -> Source m a1 (Markup XMLToken Text)
                          -> Sink m a2 (Markup XMLToken Text) -> Sink m a3 (Markup XMLToken Text)
                 -> Coroutine d m Bool
pourRestOfRegion token source sink endSink = pourWhile isContent source sink
                                             >> get source
                                             >>= maybe
                                                    (return False)
                                                    (\x-> case x
                                                          of Markup (End token') | token == token' -> put endSink x
                                                                                                      >> return True
                                                             _ -> error ("Expected rest of " ++ show token
                                                                         ++ ", received " ++ show x))

getRestOfStartTag :: forall m a d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a d) =>
                     Source m a (Markup XMLToken Text) -> Coroutine d m ([Markup XMLToken Text], Bool)
getRestOfStartTag source = do rest <- getWhile notEndTag source
                              end <- get source
                              case end of Nothing -> return (rest, False)
                                          Just e@(Markup (End StartTag)) -> return (rest ++ [e], True)
                                          Just e@(Markup (Point EmptyTag)) -> 
                                             getRestOfStartTag source
                                             >>= \(rest', _)-> return (rest ++ (e: rest'), False)
                                          _ -> error "getWhile returned early!"
   where notEndTag (Markup (End StartTag)) = False
         notEndTag (Markup (Point EmptyTag)) = False
         notEndTag _ = True

getRestOfEndTag :: forall m a d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a d) =>
                   Source m a (Markup XMLToken Text) -> Coroutine d m [Markup XMLToken Text]
getRestOfEndTag source = getWhile (/= Markup (End EndTag)) source
                         >>= \tokens-> get source
                                       >>= maybe (error "No end to the end tag!") (return . (tokens ++) . (:[]))

findEndTag :: forall m a1 a2 a3 d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a1 d, AncestorFunctor a2 d, AncestorFunctor a3 d) =>
              Source m a1 (Markup XMLToken Text) -> Sink m a2 (Markup XMLToken Text) -> Sink m a3 (Markup XMLToken Text)
              -> Text
              -> Coroutine d m ()
findEndTag source sink endSink name = findTag where
   findTag = pourWhile noTagStart source sink 
             >> get source 
             >>= maybe (return ()) consumeOne
   noTagStart (Markup (Start StartTag)) = False
   noTagStart (Markup (Start EndTag)) = False
   noTagStart _ = True
   consumeOne x@(Markup (Start EndTag)) = do (tokens, mn) <- getElementName source (x :)
                                                (return ())
                                                (\name'-> getRestOfEndTag source
                                                          >>= \rest-> if name == name'
                                                                      then putList (tokens ++ rest) endSink
                                                                           >> return ()
                                                                      else putList (tokens ++ rest) sink
                                                                           >> findTag)
   consumeOne x@(Markup (Start StartTag)) = do (tokens, mn) <- getElementName source (x :)
                                                  (return ())
                                                  (\name'-> do (rest, hasContent) <- getRestOfStartTag source
                                                               _ <- putList (tokens ++ rest) sink
                                                               when hasContent (findEndTag source sink sink name')
   consumeOne _ = error "pourUntil returned early!"

findStartTag :: forall m a1 a2 d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a1 d, AncestorFunctor a2 d) =>
                Source m a1 (Markup XMLToken Text) -> Sink m a2 (Markup XMLToken Text)
             -> Coroutine d m (Maybe (Markup XMLToken Text))
findStartTag source sink = pourWhile (/= Markup (Start StartTag)) source sink >> get source

-- | Splits all top-level elements with all their content to /true/, all other input to /false/.
xmlElement :: Monad m => Splitter m (Markup XMLToken Text) ()
xmlElement = Splitter $
             \source true false edge->
             let split0 = findStartTag source false
                          >>= maybe (return [])
                                 (\x-> do put edge ()
                                          put true x
                                          (tokens, mn) <- getElementName source id
                                             (putList tokens true)
                                             (\name-> do (rest, hasContent) <- getRestOfStartTag source
                                                         _ <- putList (tokens ++ rest) true
                                                         if hasContent
                                                            then split1 name
                                                            else split0)
                 split1 name = findEndTag source true true name
                               >> split0
             in split0 >> return ()

-- | Splits the content of all top-level elements to /true/, their tags and intervening input to /false/.
xmlElementContent :: Monad m => Splitter m (Markup XMLToken Text) ()
xmlElementContent = Splitter $
                    \source true false edge->
                    let split0 = findStartTag source false
                                 >>= maybe (return [])
                                        (\x-> do put false x
                                                 (tokens, mn) <- getElementName source id
                                                    (putList tokens false)
                                                    (\name-> do (rest, hasContent) <- getRestOfStartTag source
                                                                _ <- putList (tokens ++ rest) false
                                                                if hasContent
                                                                   then put edge () >> split1 name
                                                                   else split0)
                        split1 name = findEndTag source true false name
                                      >> split0
                    in split0 >> return ()

-- | Similiar to @('Control.Concurrent.SCC.Combinators.having' 'element')@, except it runs the argument splitter
-- only on each element's start tag, not on the entire element with its content.
xmlElementHavingTagWith :: forall m b. Monad m =>
                           Splitter m (Markup XMLToken Text) b -> Splitter m (Markup XMLToken Text) b
xmlElementHavingTagWith test =
      isolateSplitter $ \ source true false edge ->
         let split0 = findStartTag source false
                      >>= maybe (return ())
                             (\x-> do (tokens, mn) <- getElementName source (x :)
                                         (return ())
                                         (\name-> do (rest, hasContent) <- getRestOfStartTag source
                                                     let tag = tokens ++ rest
                                                     (_, found) <- pipe (putList tag) (findsTrueIn test)
                                                     case found of Just mb -> maybe (return ()) (put edge) mb
                                                                              >> putList tag true
                                                                              >> split1 hasContent true name
                                                                   Nothing -> putList tag false
                                                                              >> split1 hasContent false name)
             split1 hasContent sink name = when hasContent (findEndTag source sink sink name)
                                           >> split0
      in split0

-- | Splits every attribute specification to /true/, everything else to /false/.
xmlAttribute :: Monad m => Splitter m (Markup XMLToken Text) ()
xmlAttribute = Splitter $
               \source true false edge->
               let split0 = getWith
                               (\x-> case x
                                     of Markup (Start AttributeName) -> 
                                           do put edge ()
                                              put true x
                                              pourRestOfRegion AttributeName source true true
                                                 >>= flip when split1
                                        _ -> put false x >> split0)
                   split1 = getWith
                               (\x-> case x
                                     of Markup (Start AttributeValue)
                                           -> put true x
                                              >> pourRestOfRegion AttributeValue source true true
                                              >>= flip when split0
                                        _ -> put true x >> split1)
               in split0

-- | Splits every element name, including the names of nested elements and names in end tags, to /true/, all the rest of
-- input to /false/.
xmlElementName :: Monad m => Splitter m (Markup XMLToken Text) ()
xmlElementName = Splitter (splitSimpleRegions ElementName)

-- | Splits every attribute name to /true/, all the rest of input to /false/.
xmlAttributeName :: Monad m => Splitter m (Markup XMLToken Text) ()
xmlAttributeName = Splitter  (splitSimpleRegions AttributeName)

-- | Splits every attribute value, excluding the quote delimiters, to /true/, all the rest of input to /false/.
xmlAttributeValue :: Monad m => Splitter m (Markup XMLToken Text) ()
xmlAttributeValue = Splitter (splitSimpleRegions AttributeValue)

splitSimpleRegions :: Monad m => XMLToken -> OpenSplitter m a1 a2 a3 a4 d (Markup XMLToken Text) () ()
splitSimpleRegions token source true false edge = split0
   where split0 = getWith consumeOne source
         consumeOne x@(Markup (Start token')) | token == token' = put false x
                                                                  >> put edge ()
                                                                  >> pourRestOfRegion token source true false
                                                                  >>= flip when split0
         consumeOne x = put false x >> split0

isContent :: Markup b x -> Bool
isContent Content{} = True
isContent _ = False

fromContent :: Markup b x -> x
fromContent (Content x) = x
fromContent _ = error "fromContent expects Content!"