scidb-hquery- Haskell query for SciDB via shim

Safe HaskellSafe



This is the SciDB AFL BNFC file:

-- SciDB AFL queries

entrypoints AFL ;

comment "--"      ;
comment "" ;

-- SciDB reserves certain keywords that you cannot use as identifiers
-- (such as array names, dimension names, or attribute names). The
-- lists are language-dependent.
-- The following words are reserved when using AFL:
--   and          array    as
--   asc          between  case
--   compression  create   default
--   desc         else     empty
--   end          false    if
--   is           not      null
--   or           reserve  temp
--   then         true     using
--   when
token ResAnd         ["Aa"]["Nn"]["Dd"]                                                 ;
token ResArray       ["Aa"]["Rr"]["Rr"]["Aa"]["Yy"]                                     ;
token ResAs          ["Aa"]["Ss"]                                                       ;
token ResAsc         ["Aa"]["Ss"]["Cc"]                                                 ;
--ken ResBetween     ["Bb"]["Ee"]["Tt"]["Ww"]["Ee"]["Ee"]["Nn"]                         ; -- Not used here
--ken ResCase        ["Cc"]["Aa"]["Ss"]["Ee"]                                           ; -- Not used here
token ResCompression ["Cc"]["Oo"]["Mm"]["Pp"]["Rr"]["Ee"]["Ss"]["Ss"]["Ii"]["Oo"]["Nn"] ;
token ResCreate      ["Cc"]["Rr"]["Ee"]["Aa"]["Tt"]["Ee"]                               ;
token ResDefault     ["Dd"]["Ee"]["Ff"]["Aa"]["Uu"]["Ll"]["Tt"]                         ;
token ResDesc        ["Dd"]["Ee"]["Ss"]["Cc"]                                           ;
--ken ResElse        ["Ee"]["Ll"]["Ss"]["Ee"]                                           ; -- Not used here
--ken ResEmpty       ["Ee"]["Mm"]["Pp"]["Tt"]["Yy"]                                     ; -- Not used here
--ken ResEnd         ["Ee"]["Nn"]["Dd"]                                                 ; -- Not used here
token ResFalse       ["Ff"]["Aa"]["Ll"]["Ss"]["Ee"]                                     ;
--ken ResIf          ["Ii"]["Ff"]                                                       ; -- Not used here
--ken ResIs          ["Ii"]["Ss"]                                                       ; -- Not used here
token ResNot         ["Nn"]["Oo"]["Tt"]                                                 ;
token ResNull        ["Nn"]["Uu"]["Ll"]["Ll"]                                           ;
token ResOr          ["Oo"]["Rr"]                                                       ;
--ken ResReserve     ["Rr"]["Ee"]["Ss"]["Ee"]["Rr"]["Vv"]["Ee"]                         ; -- Not used here
token ResTemp        ["Tt"]["Ee"]["Mm"]["Pp"]                                           ;
--ken ResThen        ["Tt"]["Hh"]["Ee"]["Nn"]                                           ; -- Not used here
token ResTrue        ["Tt"]["Rr"]["Uu"]["Ee"]                                           ;
--ken ResUsing       ["Uu"]["Ss"]["Ii"]["Nn"]["Gg"]                                     ; -- Not used here
--ken ResWhen        ["Ww"]["Hh"]["Ee"]["Nn"]                                           ; -- Not used here

-- SciDb expressions (Precedence follows C language conventions)
Eor              . Exp  ::= Exp  ResOr  Exp1                    ;
Eand             . Exp1 ::= Exp1 ResAnd Exp2                    ;
Eeq              . Exp2 ::= Exp2 "="    Exp3                    ;
Ene              . Exp2 ::= Exp2 "<>"   Exp3                    ;
Elt              . Exp3 ::= Exp3 "<"    Exp4                    ;
Egt              . Exp3 ::= Exp3 ">"    Exp4                    ;
Ele              . Exp3 ::= Exp3 "<="   Exp4                    ;
Ege              . Exp3 ::= Exp3 ">="   Exp4                    ;
EAdd             . Exp4 ::= Exp4 "+"    Exp5                    ;
ESub             . Exp4 ::= Exp4 "-"    Exp5                    ;
EMul             . Exp5 ::= Exp5 "*"    Exp6                    ;
EDiv             . Exp5 ::= Exp5 "/"    Exp6                    ;
EMod             . Exp5 ::= Exp5 "%"    Exp6                    ;
ENeg             . Exp7 ::=      "-"    Exp6                    ;
EFunc            . Exp8 ::= Id "(" [Exp] ")"                    ;
separator          Exp      ","                                 ;
EVersion         . Exp8 ::= Id "@" Integer                      ;
EArrayVar        . Exp8 ::= Id "." Id                           ;
EOption          . Exp8 ::= Id ":" Exp                          ; -- shift/reduce conflicts: +42
EAsId            . Exp9 ::= Exp8 ResAs Id                       ;
EAsc             . Exp9 ::= Exp8 ResAsc                         ;
EDesc            . Exp9 ::= Exp8 ResDesc                        ;
EVar             . Exp10::= Id                                  ;
EScheme          . Exp10::= Schema                              ;
EString          . Exp10 ::= AString                            ;
EFalse           . Exp10 ::= ResFalse                           ;
ETrue            . Exp10 ::= ResTrue                            ;
ENull            . Exp10 ::= ResNull                            ;
EInt             . Exp10 ::= Integer                            ;
EDouble          . Exp10 ::= ADouble                            ;
EWildcard        . Exp10 ::= "*"                                ;
EDefault         . Exp10 ::= "?"                                ;
coercions          Exp      10                                  ;
token ADouble digit+ (('.' digit+ (["Ee"] '-'? digit+)?)
                      |(["Ee"] '-'? digit+)
                     )                                          ;
token AString ('\'' ((char - ["'\\"] ) | ('\\' ["'\\"]))* '\'') ;

-- AFL
Queries    . AFL   ::= [Query]                              ;
terminator Query       ";"                                  ;
QueryNil   . Query ::=                                      ;
QueryExp   . Query ::= Exp                                  ;
QueryArray . Query ::= ResCreate         ResArray Id Schema ;
QueryTemp  . Query ::= ResCreate ResTemp ResArray Id Schema ;

Scheme . Schema              ::= "<" [Attribute] ">" "[" Dimensions "]" ;
separator nonempty Attribute     ","                                    ;

Attrib . Attribute ::= Id ":" Id NullableOption DefaultOption CompressionOption ;

NullabeOff     . NullableOption    ::=                        ;
NullableOn     . NullableOption    ::= ResNull                ;
NullableNot    . NullableOption    ::= ResNot ResNull         ;
DefaultOff     . DefaultOption     ::=                        ;
DefaultOn      . DefaultOption     ::= ResDefault Exp6        ;
CompressionOff . CompressionOption ::=                        ;
CompressionOn  . CompressionOption ::= ResCompression AString ;

Dim            . Dimensions ::= Dimension                          ;
DimSemicolon   . Dimensions ::= Dimension ";" Dimensions           ;
DimComma       . Dimensions ::= Dimension "," Dimensions           ; -- shift/reduce conflicts: +1
DimId          . Dimension  ::= Id                                 ;
DimLoHi        . Dimension  ::= Id "=" Exp ":" Exp                 ;
DimLoHiOverlap . Dimension  ::= Id "=" Exp ":" Exp ":" Exp         ;
DimAll         . Dimension  ::= Id "=" Exp ":" Exp ":" Exp ":" Exp ;
DimDeprecated  . Dimension  ::= Id "=" Exp ":" Exp "," Exp "," Exp ;


-- Identifier (Id) is last as a catch all
token Id letter (letter | digit | '_')* ;


bnfcFile :: String Source #

BNFC configuration file as a string, for the purposes of documentation.