scons2dot = NAME = scons2dot - creates a graphviz graph of the dependencies described in a scons build file. = SYNOPSIS = **scons2dot** = DESCRIPTION = **scons2dot** is a program that creates a //graphviz// .dot file that represents the build dependencies described in a scons's //SConstruct// file. It runs //scons// with debug options in the current directory, and prints the //.dot// file. Redirect //scons2dot// output to a file in order to save the graph, and then run //graphviz// on it. = EXAMPLE = Inside a directory with a //SConstruct// file: ``` $ scons2dot > $ dot -Tpng -o dependenciesgraph.png ``` Open //dependenciesgraph.png// with your favorite picture viewer. = AUTHOR = Written by Leandro Penz = SEE ALSO = **graphviz**(7), **dot**(1)